Chers collègues,
Veuillez partagez avec nous les informations sur les activités de PROVAC.
Bonne réception et agréable lecture
Arsène Fortuné Madelon d'ALMEIDA
"La suprême récompense du travail, ce n'est pas ce qu'il vous permet de gagner mais plutôt ce qu'il vous permet de devenir"
- Ph. D. (Biology)/Institut Soviétique de Recherche Scientifique en Pisciculture dans les Etangs (Moscou/Russie)
- M. Sc. Biology (Ichthyology and Aquaculture)/Institut Technique des Pêches d'Astrakhan (Russie),
- DES Aquaculture/Université de Liège (Belgique)
Coordonnateur/Chef du Projet de Vulgarisation de l'Aquaculture Continentale au Bénin (PROVAC)
Tél./Fax : 00 229 21 37 73 47 PROVAC.
Cell.: 00 (229) 90 90 20 16__________
Thanks Randy
From: rbrummett(a) []
Sent: 19 March 2012 15:21
To: William Leschen
Subject: Fw: Post-Doc opportunities in WorldFish Center in Penang
Hi Will,
Did you get these from WorldFish Job opportunities for SARNISSA?
Randall Brummett
Senior Aquaculture Specialist
World Bank
1818 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20433
Tel: 1 202 473 2853
Mob: 1 202 380 6623
----- Forwarded by Randall Brummett/Person/World Bank on 03/19/2012 11:20 AM -----
Andrea Pape-Christiansen/Person/World Bank
Randall Brummett/Person/World Bank@WorldBank
03/19/2012 09:33 AM
Fw: Post-Doc opportunities in WorldFish Center in Penang
473-0668 LCSAR
Dear Randy -
Pls see the below (Ranjitha contributed to the AIS Sourcebook contributors) - perhaps you can forward/disseminate the information on these opportunities to your contacts?
Kind regards, Andrea.
Andrea Pape-Christiansen
Agriculture and Rural Development Department
room MC5-766
phone 202 473 0668
email: apchristiansen(a)<>
skype: andrea.pape.christiansen
----- Forwarded by Andrea Pape-Christiansen/Person/World Bank on 03/19/2012 09:29 AM -----
"Puskur, Ranjitha (WorldFish)" <R.Puskur(a)<>>
"apchristiansen(a)<>" <apchristiansen(a)<>>
03/19/2012 04:01 AM
FW: Post-Doc opportunities in WorldFish Center in Penang
Dear Andrea,
Greetings from Penang. I am seeking your help in identifying candidates for four new post-doctoral researcher positions in the WorldFish Center in Penang. Working with our newly recruited core group of senior scientists leading gender, innovation and impact, impact assessment and value chains, these will help drive the establishment of the new CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agriculture. The position holders do not necessarily need to know fish.
The research program on Aquatic Agriculture has received plaudits for the emphasis placed in program design upon participatory- and gender-led approaches. To deliver on this commitment we strengthening our staff capacity in these critical areas and are now seeking post doctoral scientists to work with this team (see attached).
For these fully funded positions, we offer two year appointments that will be action packed with numerous opportunities for learning and career development as we start up this highly participatory demand led program of research in development.
We hope that you may know recent graduates who will be attracted to these positions. Should you know potential candidates please pass this information to them or alternatively send me their contact information and we will get in touch directly.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
Ranjitha Puskur, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist - Policy, Economics and Social Science
P.O. Box 500, GPO 10670 Penang, Malaysia
Tel +60 (4) 626-1606 Fax 626-5530
Mob: +60 177 811 606
Skype: ranjitha1850<>
Reducing poverty and hunger by improving fisheries and aquaculture
(See attached file: PESS_Post Doctoral Fellow (Value Chain Specialist)_190312.docx)(See attached file: PESS_Post Doctoral Fellow (Gender Specialist)_190312.docx)(See attached file: PESS_Post Doctoral Fellow (Innovation & Evaluation Specialist)_190312.docx)(See attached file: PESS_Post Doctoral Fellow (Targeting & Impact Assessment Specialist)_190312.docx)
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.
From: Kenneth Betts []
Sent: 13 March 2012 14:48
To: William Leschen
Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Dear members,
Here are some pictures of the hand held graders that I made. Sorry the first pictures were too large.
On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 1:33 AM, William Leschen <william.leschen(a)<>> wrote:
Thanks Kenneth
But please could you send smaller photos - file size max 500kb - 2M each is too much for the forum - then please resend your message
I hope someone also sends in some photos of normal bar graders - these work well and easy to pivot up and down so operator doesn't have to lift whole weight of fish each time
Best wishes Will
From: Kenneth Betts [<>]
Sent: 11 March 2012 14:18
To: sarnissa-african-aquaculture Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Dear members,
Here are some pictures of the hand held graders that I use.
On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Nazael Madalla <nmadalla(a)<>> wrote:
Dear Kenneth,
Your homemade graders sound interesting. Can you please attach a photo.
On 10/03/2012, Kenneth Betts <kwbetts2(a)<>> wrote:
> For my farm, which is only small, I made hand held graders out of blue
> plastic barrels. I cut each 80 liter barrel in half to make two "baskets".
> I cut hand holds in them. I a local tooling shop to make a set of iron
> hoops of graded sizes (20 mm, 25 mm, 32 mm etc) which I heat in a fire and
> then melt lots of holes in the bottom and sides of the baskets, each basket
> with the same size hole. Three people working with these baskets can sort
> thousands of fish very accurately in a few hours.
> On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Patrick Wood <patrickjwood(a)<>>wrote:
>> **
>> How about using people to hand grade? Is there not a prescribed hand
>> method and accompanying research on labour/size fish/grade rate?
>> Karen L. Veverica wrote:
>> Ernest, I made a grader locally (in Ghana) but had to leave it at a farm
>> and they decided they did not wish to try it; it is still there. It is
>> supposed to be handed over to another vary large farm for trial but I
>> doubt
>> this has happened.
>> Graders can be expensive if you want them to work well; they can be
>> home-made but often are not made well-enough to be consistent.
>> Also.... even if you have a good grader, if it is used wrongly, it will
>> not grade. The density of the fish in the grader is important; if too
>> few,
>> the fish do not wish to swim out; if too many, the fish can't get out. If
>> you create a water current to encourage them to go out, they may end up
>> jumping out. For grading tilapia fry, I like to have a grader with good
>> enough freeboard (about 30 cm) so the fish do not jump out without having
>> to put a cover on.
>> To better assist the others who will no doubt wish to respond, please give
>> the numbers of fish you are wishing to grade at a time and their size. You
>> mean tilapia, right?- these are best graded through the sides of a grader;
>> for catfish, graders should have the bars on bottom. Most graders have
>> bars
>> on 2 sides and bottom but people making home-made graders should know what
>> is most important for their fish.
>> Grading is rather important when it comes to getting better feed
>> conversions and when it comes to trying to get fish large enough so they
>> do
>> not swim out the mesh of your cage.
>> We use the floating "basket graders" if we have fewer than 10,000 fish to
>> grade. When we have a lot, we use a bar grader/crowder in a large tank.
>> You have to give the fish time to grade.
>> After you tell us the fish size you wish to grade,I am sure several of us
>> can send you photos.
>> Karen L. Veverica
>> Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures
>> International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments
>> Auburn University, Alabama, USA
>> office: +1-334-844-4667<tel:%2B1-334-844-4667>
>> cell: +1-334-332-1560<tel:%2B1-334-332-1560>
>> On 3/8/2012 12:08 PM, Ernest Abiew wrote:
>> Could any member help me with this information. I wanted an information
>> on a simple and a practical method or methods of grading fish that can
>> easily be used by farmers in Ghana.
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Nazael Madalla, PhD
Lecturer (Aquaculture)
Department of Animal Science and Production
Sokoine University of Agriculture
P.O.Box 3004
Mobile:+255 769 220 212<tel:%2B255%20769%20220%20212> or +255 719 489 171<tel:%2B255%20719%20489%20171>
Sarnissa-african-aquaculture mailing list
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.
Atelier d'organisation et de renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la filière aquacole au Togo Workshop for the organization and capacity building of stakeholders of the aquaculture industry in Togo mars / March 2012
Tranlated from French forum - Congratulations to our Togolese colleagues Felicitations - Allons-ci continuer à aller vers le haut et partir
From: Célestin Boua Atsé []
Sent: 10 March 2012 00:12
To: William Leschen
Cc: sarnissa-french-aquaculture Mailing List
Subject: RE: Atelier d'organisation et de renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la filière aquacole au Togo
Bonjour à tous,
Comme convenu, je vous apporte quelques photos de l'atelier d'organisation et de renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la filière aquacole au Togo.
Le rapport final de l'atelier est en cours d'élaboration et sera disponible pour lundi 12 Mars 2012.
Prof ATSE Boua Célestin
Centre de Recherches Océanologiques
Hi all,
As agreed, I bring you some pictures of the workshop organization and capacity building of stakeholders in the aquaculture sector in Togo.
The final report of the workshop is being developed and will be available for Monday, March 12, 2012.
thank you
Prof. Celestine ATSE Boua
Oceanological Research Centre
From: william.leschen(a)<>
To: atse_boua_celestin(a)<>; delkoko(a)<>; pouomognev(a)<>
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 11:13:02 +0000
Subject: FW: Atelier d'organisation et de renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la filière aquacole au Togo
Cher Professeur,
J'espère que vous allez bien. Nous vous remercions de nous avoir fait connaître cet atelier. Nous serions heureux si vous pouvez nous envoyer quelques photos aux email fora l'anglais et le français SARNISSA forums et aussi un bref résumé des résultats par la suite. Peut-être Gabriel si vous assistez à vous pouvez aider avec ceci?
Amicalement Will
Cher Professor,
I hope you are well . Thank you for letting us know about this workshop . We would welcome if you can send us some photos to both the English and French sarnissa email fora and also a short summary afterwards of the outcomes. Perhaps Gabriel if you are attending you can help with this?
Amicalements Will
From: Célestin Boua Atsé []<mailto:[]>
Sent: 08 March 2012 06:25
To: sarnissa-french-aquaculture Mailing List; William Leschen; Lionel DABBADIE
Subject: Atelier d'organisation et de renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la filière aquacole au Togo
Bonjour à tous,
Il se tient en ce moment à Lomé un important atelier sur l'organisation des aquaculteurs en Association Nationale des Aquaculteurs du Togo et sur le renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la filière aquacole. Cet atelier est entrain de former 100 pisciculteurs. L'atelier se tient du 05 au 09 Mars 2012 au Centre Communautaire de BE à Lomé, dans le cadre du lancement officiel du Projet PPAT/TOGO/MAEP/ACET-CI/2009. Plusieurs activités sont prévues au programme dont la visite des fermes.
L'ateleir regroupe en ce moment plus de 120 personnes du monde de l'aquaculture au Togo.
Vous trouverez ci-joints, le TDR de l'atelier ainsi qu'un publireportage
Prof ATSE Boua Célestin
Centre de Recherches Océanologiques d'Abidjan
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.
Dear William and Lionel (and the participants to SARNISSA),
Please continue to keep the good work on this forum.
There are plenty of information (some with good quality,... some with less)
available through your network.
As Projects Director of a Fisheries and Aquaculture consultancy company (, I regularly use your network to keep in touch with the
sub-saharian aquaculture sector and its key stakeholders when needed by
browsing the large amount of messages received (through keywords).
Thank you.
Vincent Defaux
5 Place Mésirard
Résidence Jeanne d'Arc
4è étage n°323
28 100 Dreux, FRANCE
Tel.: +33 (0) 2 37 42 19 54
Mob.: +33 (0) 6 37 60 17 04 (pro) / +33 (0) 6 81 75 63 73 (perso)
E-mail (personal communication on work in general): vincent.defaux(a)
E-mail pro: vincent.defaux(a)
Skype: 'sfpbecato'
Chers tous,
Pour ceux qui seront à Marseille pour le 6ème forum mondial de l'eau, vous êtes conviés à participer à la session sur le partage des bénéfices autour des barrages, organisée au stand de l'UICN le mercredi 14 mars de 14h à 15h30.
Bonne réception.
[Invitation_Partage des bénéfices_Marseille_UICN.jpg]
Dear all,
For those who will be attending the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille, you are invited to participate in the session on sharing the benefits of large dams, organised at the IUCN booth on Wednesday 14:00-15:00.
Best regards,
[Invitation_Sharing the benefits_6WWF_IUCN.jpg]
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Forumdialogueondams mailing list
Bonjour à tous,
Il se tient en ce moment à Lomé un important atelier sur l'organisation des aquaculteurs en Association Nationale des Aquaculteurs du Togo et sur le renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la filière aquacole. Cet atelier est entrain de former 100 pisciculteurs. L'atelier se tient du 05 au 09 Mars 2012 au Centre Communautaire de BE à Lomé, dans le cadre du lancement officiel du Projet PPAT/TOGO/MAEP/ACET-CI/2009. Plusieurs activités sont prévues au programme dont la visite des fermes.
L'ateleir regroupe en ce moment plus de 120 personnes du monde de l'aquaculture au Togo.
Vous trouverez ci-joints, le TDR de l'atelier ainsi qu'un publireportage
Prof ATSE Boua Célestin
Centre de Recherches Océanologiques d'Abidjan
Bonjour, chers collègues de SARNISSA,
Je suis Alexandre Bédier, de l'ile de la Réunion. J'ai récemment débuté ma
thèse de doctorat portant sur les holothuries, plus particulièrement la
nutrition, l'écologie trophique et la reproduction. Je suis membre du
d'écologie marine (Ecomar) situé a l'Université de La Réunion. J'ai complété
un Master, spécialisation aquaculture tropicale à l'Université James Cook de
Townsville (Australie) sous la supervision du Professeur Paul Southgate et
du Docteur Chaoshu Zeng.
Mon principal domaine d'intérêt est évidemment la biologie des holothuries,
leur reproduction (à la fois sexuée et asexuée), leur nutrition ainsi que
leur écologie trophique..
De plus, j'ai été familiaris
<sarnissa-french-aquaculture(a)>é aux
systèmes recirculatoires (RAS) au cours de mon Master en Australie. A la
suite de cela, j'ai développé un intérêt personnel pour les systèmes
Suite a un stage à Aquapesca, à Quelimane (Mozambique) en 2011, j'ai
commencé à m'intéresser à l'aquaculture dans les pays africains. En
tant quedoctorant,
je souhaitais faire partie d'une communauté active et prête a interagir pour
le bénéfice de l'aquaculture en Afrique et sur les territoires de l'Ouest de
l'océan Indien.
Bien Cordialement.
Alexandre BEDIER
PhD candidate,
Laboratoire ECOMAR
Université de La Réunion
15 Avenue René Cassin BP 7151
97715 Saint-Denis Messagerie Cedex 09
La Réunion, France