Salut membres de SARNISSA française:
En 2008, j'ai été en RDC pour une visite d'exploration pour l'aquaculture
durable. Je vais retourner au Congo au mois d'Avril cet année pour le
support daquaculture dans le mêmes région, Gemena, Province Équateur. Je
veux donner certain fonds aux éleveurs qui existe déjà et les éleveurs
potentiels pour se procurer les outils et les alevins. Je voudrais aussi
offrir un peu dinstruction pour une meilleur pratique daquaculture. A mon
avis le nord de la RDC est une région ou l'aquaculture peut faire une grande
différence pour les familles rurales et peut aussi apporter un gagne-pain
Je voudrais savoir sil y avait les personne ou des organisations qui
support actuellement l'aquaculture dans la région que jai déjà mentionner
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide,
Peter Corey
Nova Scotia, Canada
Je voudrais vous présenter notre site WEB :
Raanan Fish Feed
est un producteur créatif et innovateur d’aliment pour aquaculture. Avec 35 ans d’expérience, nous
sommes leader en Israël et nos produits sont développés en étroite
collaboration avec les pisciculteurs, qui lancent à notre équipe le défi
de créer en continu des solutions innovantes pour des conditions et
exigences diverses.
Grâce au nombre élevé d’espèces produites en Israël, Raanan Fish Feed
a développé un large éventail de programmes de nutrition équilibrée et
d’alimentation complète au fil des ans. Nos produits fournissent des
solutions excellentes à de nombreux pisciculteurs et sont à base
d’aliment extrudé pour poisson, d’aliment starter crumble et d’aliment
organique pour poisson.
L’usine construite à Prampram, au Ghana, produit de l’aliment pour tilapia et poisson-chat pour les pisciculteurs d’Afrique.
Raanan Fish Feed West Africa produit professionnellement pour la première fois en
Afrique et au Ghana un aliment
pour pisciculture de qualité garantie .Les pisciculteurs trouvent ici leur partenaire idéal
avec une usine a la pointe des dernières technologies et un support technique de qualité
Jacques Magnée
Aquaculture Expert-Commercial Director
Mobile : +233 241 435 600
Skype: jmagnee68
PMB 146 GPO Accra-Central. Ghana.
Voir ci-dessous nouvelle publication de la FAO sur, mais seulement avec un résumé en français et pas plein texte français. Voir les mots de Valerio Crespi de la FAO. Si vous souhaitez obtenir une copie complète de la publication en français alors e-mail à Valerio et la demande d'un. Si suffisamment de membres SARNISSA le faire alors qu'il devrait lui faire pression pour obtenir davantage de fonds pour faire une traduction complète en français
From: Crespi, Valerio (FIRA) []
Sent: 19 January 2012 10:35
To: William Leschen; Alushe Hitula
Cc: Hishamunda, Nathanael (FIRA)
Subject: RE: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints (FAP 20)
Dear Will,
Thank you for your prompt action. I have just posted a news in the ANAF web site. Unfortunately due to budget constraints in FAO I was only able to add the French and Arabic translations of the abstract of each paper. I do not know in the future, but according to the interest for this publication we can find some funds for translation, maybe from NEPAD or SIDA project.
All the best, Valerio
Cher Will,
Merci pour votre action rapide. Je viens de posté un nouvelles dans le site Web de l'ANAF. Malheureusement, en raison de contraintes budgétaires de la FAO, je n'ai pu ajouter les traductions en français et en arabe le résumé de chaque document. Je ne sais pas à l'avenir, mais en fonction de l'intérêt pour cette publication, nous pouvons trouver des fonds pour la traduction, peut-être du NEPAD ou l'ASDI projet.
Tous les meilleurs, Valerio
From: William Leschen []<mailto:[]>
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:31 AM
To: Crespi, Valerio (FIRA); Alushe Hitula
Subject: RE: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints (FAP 20)
Dear Valerio(and Alushe)
Thank you for this - Ive now put up on sarnissa network - e forum website and Facebook site - Valerio - just to ask for francophone Africa and are french speaking SARNISSA members esp the likes of Mali Burkina Faso etc W Africa do you have link to French language version .
Best wishes Will
From: Crespi, Valerio (FIRA) []
Sent: 19 January 2012 09:09
To: Betty Nyandat; mukalazif(a)<>; eliaikaritha(a)<>; bondjamonique(a)<>; isabelomar(a)<>; modmazu(a)<>; Diegane Ndong; Emmanuel Aryee; coulibaly seydou; joseph mutale; andrewalio(a)<>; mwafula(a)<>; vmotari(a)<>; jbalirwa(a)<>; Alushe Hitula; Sloans Chimatiro; William Leschen; Panduleni Elago
Cc: Sbabura; Bright Onapito; Moehl, John (FAORAF); Lovatelli, Alessandro (FIRA)
Subject: FW: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints (FAP 20)
Dear All,
We are pleased to inform you that the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Proceedings No. 20 on "Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints" has been published and is now available (see below)
This FAO technical workshop allowed to highlight that aquaculture has great potential for expansion not only in marine offshore areas, but also in desert and arid lands (covering 20 percent of the world land mass) with surface and/or subsurface water resources. Underground water certainly represents an opportunity for poor farming communities living in arid and isolated areas. Applying water-saving strategies, including use of run-off water and integration of aquaculture with agriculture practices, has demonstrated the good performances of fish/vegetable co-culture systems even in very arid and remote areas.
We would certainly appreciate if you could bring this publication to the attention of all interested and relevant people and offices you may be in contact with.
Hard copies are available on demand.
Kindest regards,
Valerio Crespi and Alessandro Lovatelli
Crespi, V.; Lovatelli, A.
Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints
FAO Technical Workshop. 6-9 July 2010, Hermosillo, Mexico. Proceedings No. 20 Rome, FAO. 2011. 202 pp.
ABSTRACT - Aquaculture in desert and arid lands has been growing steadily over the last decade thanks to the modern technologies and alternative energy sources that have allowed water in these places of extremes to be exploited more effectively and more efficiently, using it for both crop irrigation and production of fish.
This publication presents the evolution of desert and arid land aquaculture in the past few decades in seven countries and regions (Australia, Egypt, Israel, Mexico, Southern Africa, the United States of America, and Central Asia) describing the achievements of a number of farming operations, which demonstrate the significant potential for farming commercial aquatic organisms using geothermal, fresh and brackish waters. The global overview on desert aquaculture development shows, through the use of maps and tables, those countries with vast extensions of arid territories that should be better investigated for potential aquaculture development.
Limiting factors were extensively discussed during the workshop, and several measures were identified and proposed. Desert conditions are characterized by high day temperatures, cold winter nights, solar radiation, scarce precipitation and very low relative humidity. The experts reached consensus on the definition of aquaculture in the desert and arid lands, which was defined as follows: "Aquaculture activities practised in desert and arid lands characterized by low precipitation (< 250 mm/year), high solar radiation, high rate of evaporation, using subsurface and surface water".
At the end of the workshop, a series of recommendations were elaborated by the experts to assist FAO Member countries wishing to generate a favourable national environment to promote sustainable aquaculture development.
Limited water supply remains the single largest constraint for aquaculture development in arid and semi-arid regions; however, where the resource is available, the development of integrated aqua-agriculture systems may certainly provide economic output opportunities from such resource-limited regions. Such farming systems may also enable the production of highly priced fish, vegetables and fruits all year round.
The publication can be found at the following addresses:
Online PDF file:
Online PDF zipped file:
Valerio CRESPI
Aquaculture Officer (Information)
Aquaculture Service of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
V.le delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome-Italy.
Tel : +39-0657052009
Fax : +39-0657053020
E-mail : valerio.crespi(a)<>
Please visit our homepage:<>
Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010
Farming the waters for people and food<>
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.
le comité d'organisation a décidé de reporter la date limite de
soumission des résumé au 15 février 2012,
bonne journée,
Le 03/02/2012 06:45, Peter Britz a écrit :
>> WebBanner.Filmstrip.Flat.jpg
>> <…>
>> *
>> **/Visible Possibilities: The Economics of
>> <…>/***
>> */Sustainable Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Trade
>> <…>/*
>> * *
>> *News Flash: Extension of Abstract Submission Deadline!!*
>> * *
>> *The Scientific Committee has decided to extend the deadline for
>> submission of abstracts for the IIFET 2012 Tanzania conference from
>> February 1 to FEBRUARY 15, 2012.*
>> * *
>> *This is in order to give participants from developing countries who
>> may have learned about the conference late, time to submit abstracts.
>> However, the extension applies to everyone!*
>> The information below is a repeat of information sent last week, with
>> information about the submission process.
>> ****************
>> Please visit the conference website:
>>, and choose “abstract submission”
>> to submit your abstract.
>> Helpful Hint: on your first visit to the abstract submission site,
>> you will need to *ESTABLISH YOUR PROFILE*before you can submit your
>> abstract. Click on “IIFET 2012 Abstract – Abstract submission”, and
>> you’ll see two sections. On the left is the “First Time User”
>> section. Click on “click here to create a profile”. You’ll be asked
>> for your name, email, and address information.
>> Fill it all in and click “create profile”. The system will then send
>> you your username and password in an email, to the address you
>> provided in the profile (so be sure your email address contains no
>> errors!). SAVE your username and password; you will need it through
>> July of this year.
>> Then, return to the site, this time using the right side of the form,
>> for “Returning User”. Put your username and password in, and voila!
>> You can submit your most excellent abstract for consideration by our
>> Scientific Committee.
>> You can establish your profile at any time, so that you’ll have your
>> username and password ready to return later to submit your abstract.
>> If you have questions or problems with the process, IIFET TZ Program
>> Coordinator Christopher Cusack stands ready to help you, and will
>> respond within 1 business day of your query (please remember the time
>> difference between your time zone and ours—we’re on Pacific Time.)
>> Write to Chris at iifet2012tz(a) <>.
>> See you in Dar!
>> Ann Shriver
>> Executive Director
>> International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade
>> Department of Agricultural and Natural Resources
>> Oregon State University
>> Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA
>> _http://iifet.org_
>> _ _
>> For information on IIFET 2012 Tanzania, visit:
>> _
>> _ _
>> WebBannerNoLogos.jpg
>> <…>
> _______________________________________________
> Sarnissa-african-aquaculture mailing list
> Sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)
Dr Olivier Mikolasek
UMR 110 Intrepid
INTensification Raisonnée et Ecologique pour une PIsciculture Durable - Persyst
Cirad - La Recherche agronomique pour le développement
TA B-110/B
Campus international de Baillarguet
34398 Montpellier cedex 5, France
tel: +33 (0)4 6759 38 37; Fax: +33 (0)4 67 59 38 25
Assistante: +33 (0)4 67 59 37 31…
Economie : Relance de la pisciculture : le ministre Moussa Condé achève sa tournée de travail en région forestière
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.
Cher Prof Shango,
Le document a été produit seulement en anglaise pour le moment. Il y a seulement les résumes traduit en française et arabe. Voulez vous recevoir une copie du document en anglaise? Autrement je vous tiens ou courent lorsque le document sera disponible en française.
Bien cordialement, Valerio
Valerio CRESPI
Aquaculture Officer (Information)
Aquaculture Service of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
V.le delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome-Italy.
Tel : +39-0657052009
Fax : +39-0657053020
E-mail : valerio.crespi(a)<>
Please visit our homepage:<>
Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010
Farming the waters for people and food<>
From: Shango Mutambw []
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:18 PM
To: sarnissa-french-aquaculture(a)
Cc: Crespi, Valerio (FIRA)
Subject: Re : [Sarnissa] Re : FW: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints (FAP 20) Nouveau pêches de la FAO et de l'Aquaculture Actes: L'aquaculture dans le désert et les terres arides: ...
Je serai heureux de recevoir une copie (version française) de ce document si intéressant pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent au développement de ce secteur.
D"avance merci
Avenue Yandonge n° 9
Quartier Pigeon/Commune de Ngaliema
Ville Province de Kinshasa
République Démocratique du Congo
Tel : 00 243 815830347
--- En date de : Jeu 19.1.12, Elahdal Mohamed <m.elahdal(a)<>> a écrit :
De: Elahdal Mohamed <m.elahdal(a)<>>
Objet: [Sarnissa] Re : FW: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints (FAP 20) Nouveau pêches de la FAO et de l'Aquaculture Actes: L'aquaculture dans le désert et les terres arides: Développements et contrai
À: sarnissa-french-aquaculture(a)<>
Cc: " Valerio (FIRA)Crespi" <Valerio.Crespi(a)<>>
Date: Jeudi 19 janvier 2012, 13h43
Bonjour cher ami Monsieur Crespi,
L'espère que tu vas bien bien ainsi que ta famille.
Merci de me communiquer une copie de cette publication.
Mhammed El AHDAL
GSM : 06 61 33 06 37
--- En date de : Jeu 19.1.12, William Leschen <william.leschen(a)</mc/compose?to=william.leschen(a)>> a écrit :
> De: William Leschen <william.leschen(a)</mc/compose?to=william.leschen(a)>>
> Objet: [Sarnissa] FW: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints (FAP 20) Nouveau pêches de la FAO et de l'Aquaculture Actes: L'aquaculture dans le désert et les terres arides: Développements et contrai
> À: "sarnissa-french-aquaculture Mailing List" <sarnissa-french-aquaculture(a)</mc/compose?to=sarnissa-french-aquaculture(a)>>
> Cc: "Crespi, Valerio (FIRA)" <Valerio.Crespi(a)</mc/compose?to=Valerio.Crespi(a)>>, "Alushe Hitula" <AlusheH(a)</mc/compose?to=AlusheH(a)>>, "Olivier MIKOLASEK" <olivier.mikolasek(a)</mc/compose?to=olivier.mikolasek(a)>>
> Date: Jeudi 19 janvier 2012, 11h49
> Voir
> ci-dessous nouvelle publication de la FAO sur, mais seulement avec un résumé en français et pas plein texte français. Voir les mots de Valerio Crespi de la FAO. Si vous souhaitez obtenir une copie complète de la publication en français
> alors e-mail à Valerio et la demande d'un.
> Si suffisamment de membres
> SARNISSA le faire alors qu'il devrait lui faire pression pour obtenir davantage de fonds pour
> faire une traduction complète en français
> From: Crespi,
> Valerio (FIRA) [</mc/compose?to=Valerio.Crespi(a)>]
> Sent: 19 January 2012 10:35
> To: William Leschen; Alushe Hitula
> Cc: Hishamunda, Nathanael (FIRA)
> Subject: RE: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture
> Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands:
> Developments and constraints (FAP
> 20)
> Dear
> Will,
> Thank you
> for your prompt action. I have just posted a news in the
> ANAF web site. Unfortunately due to budget constraints in
> FAO I was only able to add the French and Arabic
> translations of the abstract of each paper. I do not know in
> the future, but according to the interest for this
> publication we can find some funds for translation, maybe
> from NEPAD or SIDA project.
> All the
> best, Valerio Cher
> Will,
> Merci pour votre action rapide. Je viens de posté un nouvelles dans le site Web de l'ANAF. Malheureusement, en raison
> de contraintes
> budgétaires de la
> FAO, je n'ai
> pu ajouter les
> traductions en français
> et en arabe
> le résumé de chaque
> document. Je ne sais pas à l'avenir,
> mais en fonction
> de l'intérêt pour cette publication, nous
> pouvons trouver des fonds
> pour la
> traduction, peut-être du NEPAD ou l'ASDI projet.
> Tous les meilleurs,
> Valerio
> From: William
> Leschen [</mc/compose?to=william.leschen(a)>]
> Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:31 AM
> To: Crespi, Valerio (FIRA); Alushe Hitula
> Subject: RE: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture
> Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands:
> Developments and constraints (FAP
> 20)
> Dear Valerio(and Alushe)
> Thank you for this - Ive now
> put up on sarnissa network – e forum website and
> Facebook site - Valerio – just to ask for
> francophone Africa and are french speaking SARNISSA
> members esp the likes of Mali Burkina Faso etc
> W Africa do you have link to French language
> version . Best wishes Will
> From: Crespi,
> Valerio (FIRA) [</mc/compose?to=Valerio.Crespi(a)>]
> Sent: 19 January 2012 09:09
> To: Betty Nyandat; mukalazif(a)</mc/compose?to=mukalazif(a)>;
> eliaikaritha(a)</mc/compose?to=eliaikaritha(a)>;
> bondjamonique(a)</mc/compose?to=bondjamonique(a)>;
> isabelomar(a)</mc/compose?to=isabelomar(a)>;
> modmazu(a)</mc/compose?to=modmazu(a)>;
> Diegane Ndong; Emmanuel Aryee; coulibaly seydou; joseph
> mutale; andrewalio(a)</mc/compose?to=andrewalio(a)>;
> mwafula(a)</mc/compose?to=mwafula(a)>;
> vmotari(a)</mc/compose?to=vmotari(a)>;
> jbalirwa(a)</mc/compose?to=jbalirwa(a)>;
> Alushe Hitula; Sloans Chimatiro; William Leschen; Panduleni
> Elago
> Cc: Sbabura; Bright Onapito; Moehl, John (FAORAF);
> Lovatelli, Alessandro (FIRA)
> Subject: FW: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture
> Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands:
> Developments and constraints (FAP
> 20)
> Dear
> All, We are pleased to inform you that
> the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Proceedings No.
> 20 on “Aquaculture in desert and arid lands:
> Developments and constraints” has been published
> and is now available (see below) This FAO technical
> workshop allowed to highlight that aquaculture has great
> potential for expansion not only in marine offshore areas,
> but also in desert and arid lands (covering 20 percent of
> the world land mass) with surface and/or subsurface water
> resources. Underground water certainly represents an
> opportunity for poor farming communities living in arid and
> isolated areas. Applying water-saving strategies, including
> use of run-off water and integration of aquaculture with
> agriculture practices, has demonstrated the good
> performances of fish/vegetable co-culture systems even in
> very arid and remote areas. We
> would certainly appreciate if you could bring this
> publication to the attention of all interested and relevant
> people and offices you may be in contact
> with. Hard copies are available on
> demand. Kindest regards, Valerio Crespi and Alessandro
> Lovatelli
> Crespi, V.; Lovatelli,
> A.Aquaculture in desert and arid
> lands: Developments and constraints FAO Technical Workshop. 6-9 July
> 2010, Hermosillo, Mexico. Proceedings No. 20 Rome, FAO.
> 2011. 202 pp.
> ABSTRACT - Aquaculture in desert and arid lands
> has been growing steadily over the last decade thanks to the
> modern technologies and alternative energy sources that have
> allowed water in these places of extremes to be exploited
> more effectively and more efficiently, using it for both
> crop irrigation and production of fish.This publication presents the
> evolution of desert and arid land aquaculture in the past
> few decades in seven countries and regions (Australia,
> Egypt, Israel, Mexico, Southern Africa, the United States of
> America, and Central Asia) describing the achievements of a
> number of farming operations, which demonstrate the
> significant potential for farming commercial aquatic
> organisms using geothermal, fresh and brackish waters. The
> global overview on desert aquaculture development shows,
> through the use of maps and tables, those countries with
> vast extensions of arid territories that should be better
> investigated for potential aquaculture development.Limiting factors were
> extensively discussed during the workshop, and several
> measures were identified and proposed. Desert conditions are
> characterized by high day temperatures, cold winter nights,
> solar radiation, scarce precipitation and very low relative
> humidity. The experts reached consensus on the definition of
> aquaculture in the desert and arid lands, which was defined
> as follows: “Aquaculture activities practised in
> desert and arid lands characterized by low precipitation
> (< 250 mm/year), high solar radiation, high
> rate of evaporation, using subsurface and surface
> water”.At the end of the workshop, a
> series of recommendations were elaborated by the experts to
> assist FAO Member countries wishing to generate a favourable
> national environment to promote sustainable aquaculture
> development. Limited water supply remains the
> single largest constraint for aquaculture development in
> arid and semi-arid regions; however, where the resource is
> available, the development of integrated aqua-agriculture
> systems may certainly provide economic output opportunities
> from such resource-limited regions. Such farming systems may
> also enable the production of highly priced fish, vegetables
> and fruits all year round.
> The
> publication can be found at the following addresses:
> Online PDF
> file:
> PDF zipped file:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Valerio
> Aquaculture Officer (Information)Aquaculture Service
> of
> the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
> V.le delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome-Italy.
> Tel
> : +39-0657052009
> Fax : +39-0657053020
> E-mail : valerio.crespi(a)</mc/compose?to=valerio.crespi(a)>
> Please
> visit our homepage:<>
> Global
> Conference on Aquaculture 2010Farming
> the waters for people and
> The
> Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year
> 2009/2010The
> University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
> number SC 011159.
> The Sunday
> Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
> The University of
> Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC
> 011159.
> -----La pièce jointe associée suit-----
> _______________________________________________
> Sarnissa-french-aquaculture mailing list
> Sarnissa-french-aquaculture(a)</mc/compose?to=Sarnissa-french-aquaculture(a)>
Sarnissa-french-aquaculture mailing list
Bonjour à tous,
Veuillez trouver ci-joint le rapport d'étude intitulé « Prise de décision et dialogue autour des grands barrages et des infrastructures hydrauliques », commandité par l'UICN dans le cadre du dialogue régional mené par la CEDEAO, pour apporter des éléments de réflexion dans le débat régional.
Ce rapport fait le point sur les approches à la prise de décision / dialogue sur les grands barrages et les infrastructures hydrauliques dans les pays et les marchés émergents du Sud. Il met l'accent en particulier sur les politiques / pratiques relatives aux aspects environnementaux et sociaux, et l'engagement des parties prenantes, y compris les populations affectées par le projet. Le but de cette étude était de faire le bilan de la diversité des approches énoncées dans les politiques internationales de premier plan, avec un accent sur trois Priorités Stratégiques de la Commission Mondiale des Barrages (les 'PS' 2, 3 et 5) par rapport aux équivalents dans les autres politiques. Dans les deux études de cas menées au Cameroun et au Sénégal, les lois/réglementations nationales ont été examinées, en rapport avec l'étude d'impact environnemental (EIE). Les processus de prise de décision autour de projets d'infrastructure comprennent des degrés divers de participation des parties prenantes. «L'espace pour la participation» par les organisations de la société civile (OSC) dans les deux pays a été étudié.
Hi all,
Please find enclosed the report entitled "Decision-making and dialogue relating to large dams and hydraulic infrastructures", ordered by IUCN in the framework of the ECOWAS regional dialogue to give some elements for the regional debate.
This report considers approaches to decision-making/dialogue on large dams and hydraulic infrastructures in developing countries and emerging markets, particularly policies/practices relating to environmental and social aspects, and engagement of stakeholders, including project-affected populations. The purpose has been to take stock of the diversity of approaches set out in leading international policies, with a focus on three Strategic Priorities of the World Commission on Dams ('SP' 2, 3 and 5) compared with equivalents in other policies. In the two case study countries conducted in Cameroon and Senegal, national laws/regulations were reviewed, relating to environmental impact assessment (EIA). Decision-making processes around infrastructure projects include varying degrees of participation by stakeholders. The 'space for participation' by civil society organisations (CSOs) in the two countries has been investigated.
Best regards,
Dialogue régional sur les grandes infrastructures hydrauliques en Afrique de l'Ouest
Regional dialogue on large hydraulic infrastructures in West Africa<>
This communication, together with any attachment, may contain confidential information and/or copyright material and is intended only for the person(s) to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, you received it by error and you are asked to please delete it and promptly notify us. Any review, copying, use, disclosure or distribution of any part of this communication, unless duly authorized by or on behalf of IUCN, is strictly forbidden.
Forumdialogueondams mailing list
Forumdialogueondams(a)… de recrutement d’ingénieurs et d’agents piscicoles QUOTIDIEN LE MATINAL - POLITIQUE - SPORT -.quotidienlematinal.infoCréé en décembre 1997, "Le Matinal" est une société responsabilité limitée (Sarl) dont le siège est à Cotonou. Septième quotidien dans un univers qui en compte aujourd'hui vingt cinq, Le Matinal s'est imposé dès les premières semaines après sa naissance, surplantant tous les autres quotidiens. La...
Maurice Boris DANDJINOU
+229 97 59 89 45
''Ne te lasse jamais de rendre service et
de faire du bien aux autres même s'ils ne sont pas toujours reconnaissant...
Les plus petites choses produisent parfois les plus grands effets''
/Objet : conférence : International Institute for Fisheries Economics
and Trade/ (/IIFET/):
bonne année à tous, une traduction sommaire de cette annonce (en rouge),
bien cordialement,
Le 14/01/2012 07:13, Peter Britz a écrit :
Chers Collègues,
Ci-joint un appel de résumés pour la Conférence internationale sur
l'économie halieutique et le commerce qui sera organisée en Afrique pour
la première fois par l'Université de Dar Es Salaam. J'ai assisté à la
réunion de plusieurs IIFET et les a trouvés très stimulant et
informatif. Ils attirent des personnalités intéressées par le
développement de la pêche et l'aquaculture, l'économie, la politique, la
gestion, les moyens de subsistance et la planification.
Je recommande fortement la réunion pour ceux qui s'intéressent à ces
aspects. Il y a quelques fonds disponibles pour des contributions de
grande qualité sur des sujets économiques de l'aquaculture en Afrique.
Ce serait une tribune idéale pour les participants SARNISSA de se
rencontrer face à face et poursuivre nos discussions stimulantes.
> Dear Colleagues,
> Attached is a call for abstracts for the International Fisheries
> Economics and Trade Conference which will be hosted in Africa for the
> first time by University of Dar Es Salaam. I have attended several
> IIFET meeting and found them very stimulating and informative. They
> attract leading people interested in aquaculture and fisheries
> development, economics, policy, management, livelihoods and planning.
> I would highly recommend the meeting to anyone interested in these
> aspects. There is some funding available for high-quality
> contributions on aquaculture economic topics from Africa. This would
> be an ideal forum for SARNISSA participants to meet face-to-face and
> continue our stimulating discussions.
> Best wishes for 2012
> Peter Britz
> Professor
> Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science
> Rhodes University
>> *From: *"Shriver, Ann" <ann.l.shriver(a)
>> <>>
>> *Subject: **Second Call for Abstracts: IIFET 2012 Tanzania Conference*
>> *Date: *13 January 2012 8:03:33 PM SAST
>> *To: *Peter Britz <p.britz(a) <>>
>> Dear Peter,
Pourriez-vous diffuser cette annonce auprès des réseaux que vous
connaissez, des personnes qui pourraient être intéressés à participer?
Je suis particulièrement intéressé par les participants qui pouvaient
s'exprimer sur des sujets portant sur l'économie de l'aquaculture en
Afrique. J'ai quelques fonds pour soutenir les participants qui peuvent
soumettre des résumés de haute qualité liés à l'aquaculture. Nous allons
aussi avoir très probablement au moins quelques fonds supplémentaires
pour soutenir la gestion des pêches et des marchés de fruits de mer
provenant de pays en développement. Notez que la date limite de
soumission des résumés est à venir jusqu'à 1 Février.
>> Could you distribute this announcement among networks you’re aware
>> of, with individuals who may be interested in participating? I am
>> especially interested in participants who could speak on aquaculture
>> economics topics from within Africa. I have some funds to support
>> participants who can submit high-quality abstracts related to
>> aquaculture. We will also very likely have at least some additional
>> funds to support fisheries management and seafood markets speakers
>> from developing countries as well. Note that the deadline for
>> abstract submission is coming right up—February 1.
>> Thanks so much for your help with this!
>> Ann
>> WebBanner.Filmstrip.Flat.jpg
>> <…>
>> Please join us for IIFET’s 16th biennial conference, *IIFET 2012
>> Tanzania: *
>> *
>> **/Visible Possibilities: The Economics of
>> <…>/***
>> */Sustainable Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Trade
>> <…>/*
>> Organized by the University of Dar es Salaam in collaboration with
>> IIFET at the Kilimanjaro Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dar es Salaam, July
>> 16-20, 2012.
>> Conference website:
>> This is our second call for abstracts. Please submit your 250 word
>> (max) abstract online by February 1, 2012.
>> The general theme of the conference will be revealing the hidden
>> possibilities of fisheries in all areas of the world, with particular
>> emphasis on Africa and developing regions.
Le thème général de la conférence sera de révéler les possibilités
cachées de la pêche dans toutes les régions du monde, avec un accent
particulier sur l'Afrique et les régions en développement.
>> · Wealth, Welfare and Wellbeing: How Fisheries and Aquaculture can
>> Contribute, including analysis of synergies and trade-offs in
>> different approaches
>> · Environmental Issues in Fisheries and Aquaculture (including
>> Climate Change)
>> · Methodological Frontiers in Fisheries and Aquaculture Economics:
>> experimental economics, game theory, and other existing and new,
>> cutting edge theoretical and quantitative approaches, including
>> understanding the economics of “rules of origin” in game theory and
>> applications
>> · Fisheries, Aquaculture and Food Security: Sustainable Supply,
>> Ethical and Sustainable Consumption and Trade; what we know and don’t
>> know about the linkages between fisheries and aquaculture, nutrition
>> and food security and micro and macro levels.
>> · Developing Fisheries and Aquaculture Sectors to Address Poverty and
>> Increase Productivity, Profitability and Sustainability
>> · Gender: Women and Rights in Fisheries and Aquaculture
>> · The Economics of Recreational Fisheries
>> · The Economics of Aquaculture Production
>> See conference website
>> <…>
>> for detailed themes/topics.
>> We are pleased to announce that two of the conference keynote
>> speakers will be:
>> Dr. Ola Flaaten, University of Tromso (2012 IIFET Distinguished
>> Service Award Winner)
>> Dr. James Wilen, University of California, Davis (2012 IIFET Fellow)
>> (Additional keynote speakers to be announced.)
>> · Socio-economic assessment of Management Measures of the new Common
>> Fisheries Policy (CFP) ? Challenges and Methodological Background
>> (Organized by Doering et al)
>> · An International Instrument on securing sustainable Small-scale
>> Fisheries: Implementation strategies (Franz et al)
>> · Markets and Value Chains for Small Aquaculture Enterprises (in
>> Fisheries, Aquaculture and Food Security) (Egna et al)
>> · Decision support models for disease control in aquaculture: new
>> issues, new approaches (Rich, Liu et al)
>> · A Fisheries Management Synthesis: A Facilitated Discussion to
>> Identify the Attributes of Successful Fisheries Management (Ward et al)
>> · Coupled Economic-Ecological Models for Ecosystem-Based Fishery
>> Management: Exploration of Tradeoffs Between Model Complexity and
>> Management Needs (Thunberg et al)
>> · Fisheries Games and Experiments: Applications for Education,
>> Outreach and Science (Knapp, Groves, Schmidt et al)
>> · Too Big to Ignore: Enhancing Visibility and Possibilities in
>> Small-Scale Fisheries (Chuenpagdee et al)
>> · Potential for Marine Aquaculture in the Western Indian Ocean
>> (Kite-Powell et al)
>> · Well-Being and Fishery Governance (Charles et al)
>> · Genetic Development in Aquaculture between Open and Proprietary
>> Science (Aarset et al)
>> · Climate change impacts on the economics of world fisheries (Hotte,
>> Sumaila et al)
>> If you think your abstract may be appropriate for inclusion in a
>> special session, please include the name of the session in your
>> abstract. Session organizers will help to determine appropriate
>> placement, within, before or after the Special Session.
>> In addition, the University of Dar es Salaam organizing team is
>> developing a day-long “Africa Region Policy Forum” to focus on
>> fishery management and trade policy with a special focus on the
>> African region. Stay tuned for details!
>> To submit your 250 word (maximum) abstract, visit the conference
>> website
>> <…>
>> and select Abstract Submission. The first time you visit, you will
>> need to set up your profile; you will receive an email with login
>> information. Then return to the site and submit your abstract. Please
>> do all of this by the deadline: FEBRUARY 1, 2012.
>> * Deadline for the submission of abstracts: February 1, 2012
>> * Registration opens: by February 15, 2012
>> * Acceptance decisions by Scientific Committee sent to authors:
>> soon after March 1, 2012
>> * Deadline for the submission of completed papers for all best
>> paper contests/awards: March 20, 2012
>> * Deadline for decisions on best paper awards: April 20, 2012
>> * Conference registration desk opens and welcome reception:
>> Monday afternoon/evening, July 16, 2012 (so plan your travel to
>> arrive by Monday afternoon, July 16^th !)
>> * Conference opens: Tuesday morning, July 17, 2012. Conference
>> closes: 1:00 pm Friday July 20, 2012.
>> * /Possible/ post conference tour: Friday afternoon, July 20^th ,
>> through Sunday, July 22, 2012.
>> * Deadline for the submission of final papers for inclusion in
>> proceedings. Papers must be uploaded in PDF format to website:
>> July 25, 2012
>> * *
>> · Best Student Paper Prize (sponsored by NOAA Fisheries)
>> · Developing Country Aquaculture Economics Best Student Paper Prize
>> (partially sponsored by AquaFish CRSP)
>> · JIFRS-Yamamoto Prize for Best Paper on Responsible Fishing
>> (sponsored by JIFRS)
>> · EAFE Best Student Paper Award for a Student from an African
>> University (sponsored by EAFE)
>> · Aquaculture Economics Participant Awards (partially sponsored by
>> AquaFish CRSP)
>> · Additional support for developing country participants (sponsored
>> by NOAA Fisheries and other organizations TBA)
>> Visit the conference website
>> <…>
>> for details on how to compete for these awards.
>> * *
>> Some partial grants of financial aid will be available for
>> participants from Developing Countries. To apply, submit your
>> abstract through the normal process, and check the request box at the
>> bottom of the application. You will receive an application form once
>> your abstract has been accepted by the scientific committee.
>> Conference registration will take place online, and will begin
>> approximately February 15, 2012. Registration prices will begin at
>> $255 (student or developing country participant)/$530 (regular) for
>> an IIFET member registering early. Non-IIFET members will pay an
>> additional $80 and receive IIFET membership for 2012. On April 15,
>> slightly higher registration prices will go into effect.
>> Please note that acceptance of your abstract does not imply that you
>> are registered for the conference.
>> Conference organizers are currently negotiating conference rates with
>> a range of hotels within walking distance of the conference venue.
>> Options will range from inexpensive hostels, to medium priced hotels
>> approximately $150/night, to somewhat higher rates for luxury hotels.
>> Information will be posted on the conference website within a month.
>> Conference organizers are currently working with local tour operators
>> to offer you a range of tour options, which you will be able to book
>> directly with the tour companies.
>> We are also planning a post conference professional tour to Zanzibar,
>> to take place Friday afternoon to approximately Sunday mid day July
>> 20-22. Stay tuned for details.
>> Visitors from all countries are required to have visas to visit
>> Tanzania. Please see the official website of the Government of
>> Tanzania <> for further information.
>> We look forward to seeing you in Dar es Salaam this July!
>> Ann Shriver
>> Executive Director
>> International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade
>> Department of Agricultural and Natural Resources
>> Oregon State University
>> Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA
>> _http://iifet.org_
>> _ _
>> For information on IIFET 2012 Tanzania, visit:
>> _
>> _ _
>> WebBannerNoLogos.jpg
>> <…>
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> Sarnissa-african-aquaculture mailing list
> Sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)
Dr Olivier Mikolasek
UMR 110 Intrepid
INTensification Raisonnée et Ecologique pour une PIsciculture Durable - Persyst
Cirad - La Recherche agronomique pour le développement
TA B-110/B
Campus international de Baillarguet
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tel: +33 (0)4 6759 38 37; Fax: +33 (0)4 67 59 38 25
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