/Objet : conférence : International Institute for Fisheries Economics
and Trade/ (/IIFET/): http://oregonstate.edu/dept/iifet/
bonne année à tous, une traduction sommaire de cette annonce (en rouge),
bien cordialement,
Le 14/01/2012 07:13, Peter Britz a écrit :
Chers Collègues,
Ci-joint un appel de résumés pour la Conférence internationale sur
l'économie halieutique et le commerce qui sera organisée en Afrique pour
la première fois par l'Université de Dar Es Salaam. J'ai assisté à la
réunion de plusieurs IIFET et les a trouvés très stimulant et
informatif. Ils attirent des personnalités intéressées par le
développement de la pêche et l'aquaculture, l'économie, la politique, la
gestion, les moyens de subsistance et la planification.
Je recommande fortement la réunion pour ceux qui s'intéressent à ces
aspects. Il y a quelques fonds disponibles pour des contributions de
grande qualité sur des sujets économiques de l'aquaculture en Afrique.
Ce serait une tribune idéale pour les participants SARNISSA de se
rencontrer face à face et poursuivre nos discussions stimulantes.
> Dear Colleagues,
> Attached is a call for abstracts for the International Fisheries
> Economics and Trade Conference which will be hosted in Africa for the
> first time by University of Dar Es Salaam. I have attended several
> IIFET meeting and found them very stimulating and informative. They
> attract leading people interested in aquaculture and fisheries
> development, economics, policy, management, livelihoods and planning.
> I would highly recommend the meeting to anyone interested in these
> aspects. There is some funding available for high-quality
> contributions on aquaculture economic topics from Africa. This would
> be an ideal forum for SARNISSA participants to meet face-to-face and
> continue our stimulating discussions.
> Best wishes for 2012
> Peter Britz
> Professor
> Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science
> Rhodes University
>> *From: *"Shriver, Ann" <ann.l.shriver(a)oregonstate.edu
>> <mailto:ann.l.shriver@oregonstate.edu>>
>> *Subject: **Second Call for Abstracts: IIFET 2012 Tanzania Conference*
>> *Date: *13 January 2012 8:03:33 PM SAST
>> *To: *Peter Britz <p.britz(a)ru.ac.za <mailto:p.britz@ru.ac.za>>
>> Dear Peter,
Pourriez-vous diffuser cette annonce auprès des réseaux que vous
connaissez, des personnes qui pourraient être intéressés à participer?
Je suis particulièrement intéressé par les participants qui pouvaient
s'exprimer sur des sujets portant sur l'économie de l'aquaculture en
Afrique. J'ai quelques fonds pour soutenir les participants qui peuvent
soumettre des résumés de haute qualité liés à l'aquaculture. Nous allons
aussi avoir très probablement au moins quelques fonds supplémentaires
pour soutenir la gestion des pêches et des marchés de fruits de mer
provenant de pays en développement. Notez que la date limite de
soumission des résumés est à venir jusqu'à 1 Février.
>> Could you distribute this announcement among networks you’re aware
>> of, with individuals who may be interested in participating? I am
>> especially interested in participants who could speak on aquaculture
>> economics topics from within Africa. I have some funds to support
>> participants who can submit high-quality abstracts related to
>> aquaculture. We will also very likely have at least some additional
>> funds to support fisheries management and seafood markets speakers
>> from developing countries as well. Note that the deadline for
>> abstract submission is coming right up—February 1.
>> Thanks so much for your help with this!
>> Ann
>> WebBanner.Filmstrip.Flat.jpg
>> <http://www.xcdsystem.com/iifet2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontp…>
>> Please join us for IIFET’s 16th biennial conference, *IIFET 2012
>> Tanzania: *
>> *
>> **/Visible Possibilities: The Economics of
>> <http://www.xcdsystem.com/iifet2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontp…>/***
>> */Sustainable Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Trade
>> <http://www.xcdsystem.com/iifet2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontp…>/*
>> Organized by the University of Dar es Salaam in collaboration with
>> IIFET at the Kilimanjaro Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dar es Salaam, July
>> 16-20, 2012.
>> Conference website: http://www.xcdsystem.com/iifet2012/
>> This is our second call for abstracts. Please submit your 250 word
>> (max) abstract online by February 1, 2012.
>> The general theme of the conference will be revealing the hidden
>> possibilities of fisheries in all areas of the world, with particular
>> emphasis on Africa and developing regions.
Le thème général de la conférence sera de révéler les possibilités
cachées de la pêche dans toutes les régions du monde, avec un accent
particulier sur l'Afrique et les régions en développement.
>> · Wealth, Welfare and Wellbeing: How Fisheries and Aquaculture can
>> Contribute, including analysis of synergies and trade-offs in
>> different approaches
>> · Environmental Issues in Fisheries and Aquaculture (including
>> Climate Change)
>> · Methodological Frontiers in Fisheries and Aquaculture Economics:
>> experimental economics, game theory, and other existing and new,
>> cutting edge theoretical and quantitative approaches, including
>> understanding the economics of “rules of origin” in game theory and
>> applications
>> · Fisheries, Aquaculture and Food Security: Sustainable Supply,
>> Ethical and Sustainable Consumption and Trade; what we know and don’t
>> know about the linkages between fisheries and aquaculture, nutrition
>> and food security and micro and macro levels.
>> · Developing Fisheries and Aquaculture Sectors to Address Poverty and
>> Increase Productivity, Profitability and Sustainability
>> · Gender: Women and Rights in Fisheries and Aquaculture
>> · The Economics of Recreational Fisheries
>> · The Economics of Aquaculture Production
>> See conference website
>> <http://www.xcdsystem.com/iifet2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=articl…>
>> for detailed themes/topics.
>> We are pleased to announce that two of the conference keynote
>> speakers will be:
>> Dr. Ola Flaaten, University of Tromso (2012 IIFET Distinguished
>> Service Award Winner)
>> Dr. James Wilen, University of California, Davis (2012 IIFET Fellow)
>> (Additional keynote speakers to be announced.)
>> · Socio-economic assessment of Management Measures of the new Common
>> Fisheries Policy (CFP) ? Challenges and Methodological Background
>> (Organized by Doering et al)
>> · An International Instrument on securing sustainable Small-scale
>> Fisheries: Implementation strategies (Franz et al)
>> · Markets and Value Chains for Small Aquaculture Enterprises (in
>> Fisheries, Aquaculture and Food Security) (Egna et al)
>> · Decision support models for disease control in aquaculture: new
>> issues, new approaches (Rich, Liu et al)
>> · A Fisheries Management Synthesis: A Facilitated Discussion to
>> Identify the Attributes of Successful Fisheries Management (Ward et al)
>> · Coupled Economic-Ecological Models for Ecosystem-Based Fishery
>> Management: Exploration of Tradeoffs Between Model Complexity and
>> Management Needs (Thunberg et al)
>> · Fisheries Games and Experiments: Applications for Education,
>> Outreach and Science (Knapp, Groves, Schmidt et al)
>> · Too Big to Ignore: Enhancing Visibility and Possibilities in
>> Small-Scale Fisheries (Chuenpagdee et al)
>> · Potential for Marine Aquaculture in the Western Indian Ocean
>> (Kite-Powell et al)
>> · Well-Being and Fishery Governance (Charles et al)
>> · Genetic Development in Aquaculture between Open and Proprietary
>> Science (Aarset et al)
>> · Climate change impacts on the economics of world fisheries (Hotte,
>> Sumaila et al)
>> If you think your abstract may be appropriate for inclusion in a
>> special session, please include the name of the session in your
>> abstract. Session organizers will help to determine appropriate
>> placement, within, before or after the Special Session.
>> In addition, the University of Dar es Salaam organizing team is
>> developing a day-long “Africa Region Policy Forum” to focus on
>> fishery management and trade policy with a special focus on the
>> African region. Stay tuned for details!
>> To submit your 250 word (maximum) abstract, visit the conference
>> website
>> <http://www.xcdsystem.com/iifet2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=articl…>
>> and select Abstract Submission. The first time you visit, you will
>> need to set up your profile; you will receive an email with login
>> information. Then return to the site and submit your abstract. Please
>> do all of this by the deadline: FEBRUARY 1, 2012.
>> * Deadline for the submission of abstracts: February 1, 2012
>> * Registration opens: by February 15, 2012
>> * Acceptance decisions by Scientific Committee sent to authors:
>> soon after March 1, 2012
>> * Deadline for the submission of completed papers for all best
>> paper contests/awards: March 20, 2012
>> * Deadline for decisions on best paper awards: April 20, 2012
>> * Conference registration desk opens and welcome reception:
>> Monday afternoon/evening, July 16, 2012 (so plan your travel to
>> arrive by Monday afternoon, July 16^th !)
>> * Conference opens: Tuesday morning, July 17, 2012. Conference
>> closes: 1:00 pm Friday July 20, 2012.
>> * /Possible/ post conference tour: Friday afternoon, July 20^th ,
>> through Sunday, July 22, 2012.
>> * Deadline for the submission of final papers for inclusion in
>> proceedings. Papers must be uploaded in PDF format to website:
>> July 25, 2012
>> * *
>> · Best Student Paper Prize (sponsored by NOAA Fisheries)
>> · Developing Country Aquaculture Economics Best Student Paper Prize
>> (partially sponsored by AquaFish CRSP)
>> · JIFRS-Yamamoto Prize for Best Paper on Responsible Fishing
>> (sponsored by JIFRS)
>> · EAFE Best Student Paper Award for a Student from an African
>> University (sponsored by EAFE)
>> · Aquaculture Economics Participant Awards (partially sponsored by
>> AquaFish CRSP)
>> · Additional support for developing country participants (sponsored
>> by NOAA Fisheries and other organizations TBA)
>> Visit the conference website
>> <http://www.xcdsystem.com/iifet2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=articl…>
>> for details on how to compete for these awards.
>> * *
>> Some partial grants of financial aid will be available for
>> participants from Developing Countries. To apply, submit your
>> abstract through the normal process, and check the request box at the
>> bottom of the application. You will receive an application form once
>> your abstract has been accepted by the scientific committee.
>> Conference registration will take place online, and will begin
>> approximately February 15, 2012. Registration prices will begin at
>> $255 (student or developing country participant)/$530 (regular) for
>> an IIFET member registering early. Non-IIFET members will pay an
>> additional $80 and receive IIFET membership for 2012. On April 15,
>> slightly higher registration prices will go into effect.
>> Please note that acceptance of your abstract does not imply that you
>> are registered for the conference.
>> Conference organizers are currently negotiating conference rates with
>> a range of hotels within walking distance of the conference venue.
>> Options will range from inexpensive hostels, to medium priced hotels
>> approximately $150/night, to somewhat higher rates for luxury hotels.
>> Information will be posted on the conference website within a month.
>> Conference organizers are currently working with local tour operators
>> to offer you a range of tour options, which you will be able to book
>> directly with the tour companies.
>> We are also planning a post conference professional tour to Zanzibar,
>> to take place Friday afternoon to approximately Sunday mid day July
>> 20-22. Stay tuned for details.
>> Visitors from all countries are required to have visas to visit
>> Tanzania. Please see the official website of the Government of
>> Tanzania <http://www.tanzania.go.tz/visaf.html> for further information.
>> We look forward to seeing you in Dar es Salaam this July!
>> Ann Shriver
>> Executive Director
>> International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade
>> Department of Agricultural and Natural Resources
>> Oregon State University
>> Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA
>> _http://iifet.org_
>> _ _
>> For information on IIFET 2012 Tanzania, visit:
>> _http://www.xcdsystem.com/iifet2012_
>> _ _
>> WebBannerNoLogos.jpg
>> <http://www.xcdsystem.com/iifet2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontp…>
> _______________________________________________
> Sarnissa-african-aquaculture mailing list
> Sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)lists.stir.ac.uk
> http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sarnissa-african-aquacultu…
Dr Olivier Mikolasek
UMR 110 Intrepid
INTensification Raisonnée et Ecologique pour une PIsciculture Durable - Persyst
Cirad - La Recherche agronomique pour le développement
TA B-110/B
Campus international de Baillarguet
34398 Montpellier cedex 5, France
tel: +33 (0)4 6759 38 37; Fax: +33 (0)4 67 59 38 25
Assistante: +33 (0)4 67 59 37 31
lire: http://www.journalducameroun.com/article.php?aid=10548
Douala: Centre pilote d'aquaculture intensive en circuit fermé de
Par Dipita Tongo - 16/01/2012
/La structure vise la production locale du poisson en vue de
satisfaire l'importante demande nationale/
Le 17/01/2012 17:06, Patrick Bisson a écrit :
> Pour info
Dr Olivier Mikolasek
UMR 110 Intrepid
INTensification Raisonnée et Ecologique pour une PIsciculture Durable - Persyst
Cirad - La Recherche agronomique pour le développement
TA B-110/B
Campus international de Baillarguet
34398 Montpellier cedex 5, France
tel: +33 (0)4 6759 38 37; Fax: +33 (0)4 67 59 38 25
Assistante: +33 (0)4 67 59 37 31
AquaFilia : au sommaire du N°48 Le Journal de la filiere Aquacole Francophone http://www.aquafilia.fr/
From: AquaFilia [mailto:aquafilia@orange.fr]
Sent: 17 January 2012 13:04
To: William Leschen
Subject: AquaFilia : au sommaire du N°48
Découvrez le prochain numéro d'AquaFilia et tout l'actualité de l'aquaculture<http://www.aquafilia.fr>
Retrouvez dans notre prochain numéro :
Quel avenir pour la filière esturgeons ?
[cid:image006.jpg@01CCD527.3D2E3120]Alors que Delpeyrat lance son site à Neuvic et que Petrossian porte son projet en Charentes, Abu Dhabi a commencé récemment la production sur son site destiné à produire 35 tonnes de caviar. Ce rush sur l'esturgeon ne risque-t-il pas de mener cette filière vers de difficile moments ? Quel est l'avis des professionnels ?
Qui sont les nouveaux aquaculteurs installés en 2011-2012 ?
[cid:image007.jpg@01CCD527.3D2E3120]Malgré des créations de sites inexistantes, quelques professionnels reprennent des sites pour se lancer dans la production. Qui sont-ils ? Quel est leur parcours, quelles sont les difficultés qu'ils rencontrent dans ce parcours difficile ?
[cid:image009.jpg@01CCD527.3D2E3120]Les conseils des professionnels vétérinaires aquacoles pour bien réussir cette étape importante de vos manipulations de poissons.
Centre norvégien des produits de la mer
[cid:image010.jpg@01CCD527.3D2E3120]Leur communication est partout. Saumon, Crevettes, Cabillaud, coquille Saint Jacques, leurs produits sont présents partout et visibles constamment. Quelle est leur vision de la filière aquacole française ? Que représente notre marché pour eux ? Comment font-ils pour organiser et mettre en place une telle présence médiatique ?
Suivez-nous sur :[cid:image016.gif@01CCD527.3D2E3120]<http://www.facebook.com/pages/AquaFilia/125146664165112>[cid:image017.gif@01CCD527.3D2E3120]<http://www.aquafilia.fr/feed>[cid:image018.gif@01CCD527.3D2E3120]<http://fr.viadeo.com/profile/002rvh9wt42ja2n>
Une nouvelle ferme aquacole vient de s'ouvrir dans la Wilaya de Tizi Ouzou (Algérie)
[cid:image024.jpg@01CCD527.3D2E3120]Site à vendre
Salmoniculture à vendre ou à louer dans le Finistère. Autorisation annuelle 200 tonnes. Contact : 02 98 68 72 06
[cid:image025.jpg@01CCD527.3D2E3120]Nouveau site Internet pour Acui-T
Didier Leclerc a ouvert le nouveau site Internet d'Acui-T que vous pouvez désormais découvrir à l'adresse : www.acui-T.com<http://www.acui-T.com>
Offre d'emploi
CDI Animalier spécialisé en aquaculture chez DSM. Poste à pourvoir dans l'Est.
Offre d'emploi
Ferme Aquaculture recherche technicien maitrisant l'élevage de Penaeus Japonicus, disponible de suite, pour développer et gérer l'écloserie
Diffusion gratuite pour tous !
Aquafilia : 8 rue olympe de Gouges - 85000 la roche sur yon.
tél : 02 51 37 96 96. e-mail : aquafilia(a)gmail.com<mailto:aquafilia@gmail.com>
désabonnement<http://www.aquafilia.fr/contact> [cid:image049.jpg@01CCD527.3D2E3120] <http://www.aquafilia.fr> nous contacter<http://www.aquafilia.fr/contact>
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.
From: info(a)e-agriculture.org [info(a)e-agriculture.org]
Sent: 14 January 2012 20:01
To: William Leschen
Subject: [e-Agriculture] January Newsletter | The Year in Review: 2011
January Newsletter | The Year in Review: 2011
The e-Agriculture Newsletter is part of a global initiative to enhance sustainable agricultural development and food security by improving the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). e-Agriculture is a Community of more than 7,900 members from over 160 countries and territories.
In 2011, the e-Agriculture Community was driven by the dedicated participation and continuous input of people from all over the world. Community membership increased by 15%, reaching nearly 8,000 members from 160 countries. This makes e-Agriculture the largest network engaged in knowledge sharing and discussion of key topics on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for agricultural and rural development.
[cid:402fb9b69dd0a683f65501a322ad81a9@www.e-agriculture.org] TOP TEN CONTENT OF THE YEAR
<https://mail.stir.ac.uk/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAAAxlcyUqQuvSKWe2CxV…>[cid:402fb9b69dd0a683f65501a322ad81a9@www.e-agriculture.org] ACCOMPLISHMENTS
<https://mail.stir.ac.uk/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAAAxlcyUqQuvSKWe2CxV…>[cid:402fb9b69dd0a683f65501a322ad81a9@www.e-agriculture.org] FORUMS<https://mail.stir.ac.uk/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAAAxlcyUqQuvSKWe2CxV…>
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/banner_topten.jpg]What were the top interests of the e-Agriculture Community in 2011? Our Top 10 List for 2011 shows that the Community was keenly interested in the issues that will impact development, improving knowledge exchange and getting to know peers in the ICT for agriculture field. This top 10 list was compiled based on activity levels on www.e-agriculture.org<http://www.e-agriculture.org> during the year:
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/1.jpg]Impact of ICT4ag projects: The Community recognizes that "ICT will only become an effective, mainstream tool for agricultural development if the proponents of ICT for development can provide more rigorous evidence, strategies, benchmarks, indicators, and promising practices that are directly relevant to the core poverty-reduction and development priorities of developing countries and their international partners." (Read more about Capturing Impact<http://www.e-agriculture.org/content/policy-brief-challenges-and-opportunit…>)
Agricultural Value Chains: The critical role and potential of ICTs in agricultural value chains continues to be important to the Community. With different types of ICT having different strengths and weaknesses when applied to particular interventions, the impacts of ICT are diverse and markets are influenced in different ways. People and institutions are as recognized as the essential elements in this system. (Read more about Agricultural Value Chains)<http://www.e-agriculture.org/agricultural-value-chains-and-ict>
Mobile technology: Some have called 2011 the "year of the mobile". As an affordable and accessible means of communication, rural communities and development workers are realizing the potential of mobile telephony to create economic opportunities and strengthen social networks. The Community continues to seek and share new applications of this technology and to monitor its limitations. (Read more about Mobile Telephony<http://www.e-agriculture.org/mobile-telephony-rural-areas>)
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/4.jpg]Improving access to ARD: The potential of ICT to make information from agricultural research and development more available, accessible and applicable is growing in recognition. To further understanding and successes in this area, the Community joined with the CIARD community to explore the issue in detail this year. (Read more on access to ARD<http://www.e-agriculture.org/content/building-ciard-framework-data-and-info…>)
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/5.jpg]Youth, agriculture and ICT: An agriculture sector able to meet the world's needs without depleting its resources will only become a reality if young professionals are actively engaged in shaping the sector's future. ICTs are a vehicle through which young people are attracted to and can find a place within the agricultural sector. The Community made a special effort this year to reach out to its younger members as well as raise awareness through YPARD. (Read more about Youth, agriculture and ICTs<http://www.e-agriculture.org/blog/youth-icts-and-agriculture-–-wrapping-spe…>)
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/6.jpg]Gender and ICT: If gender is missing from rural and agricultural ICT initiatives, then an opportunity to improve the socio-economic conditions of women, who are the largest and most active component of many agricultural populations is missed. The Community realizes that ICTs have the potential to benefit women in agricultural production and to challenge existing gender imbalances in rural livelihoods only if there is sufficient understanding of women's status and gender roles and responsibilities in society. (Read more about Gender and ICTs<http://www.e-agriculture.org/gender-icts-and-rural-livelihoods>)
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/7.jpg]Water and ICT: As the population increases and development calls for increased allocations of water for agriculture and other uses, the pressure on water resources intensifies. ICTs provide wide ranging opportunities for the management of water as a resource, and for the management of information about water. As with other subject, ICTs are being used to manage critical information resources about water, making these readily available, and accessible. (Read more about water and ICTs<http://www.e-agriculture.org/WWD>)
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/8.jpg]Knowledge Base: The Knowledge Base<http://www.e-agriculture.org/knowledge-base-resources> is home to valuable resources related to ICT in Agriculture and Rural Development. These resources are submitted by Community members covering experiences and outcomes through case studies and reports, ICT statistics, examples of government e-agriculture programmes and policies, and other relevant information. We invite you to submit materials relating to e-agriculture.
Members: As with any network, getting to know more about fellow members and expanding professional networks is an important activity. The Community's Member Profiles<http://www.e-agriculture.org/Members> were very popular. (Log in<http://www.e-agriculture.org/user/login?destination=node/33649> is required to view Member Profiles)
Sourcebook: With the launch of the "ICT in Agriculture" Sourcebook, a multi-author resource on the use of ICT in the field, the World Bank established one of the preeminent resources in the Community's area of interest. Becoming available near the end of the year, it just made the top 10 list. No doubt with more discussions on the Sourcebook planned in 2012, it will remain high on the agenda of the Community. (Read more about the Sourcebook<http://www.e-agriculture.org/ict-agriculture-sourcebook>)
[cid:d3a5b6a1327095fb59324e896f74478e@www.e-agriculture.org] [http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/e-Ag_leaf.jpg] Tri-lingual Platform: The Spanish<http://www.e-agriculture.org/es> and French<http://www.e-agriculture.org/fr> interfaces of the e Agriculture website were launched in early January 2011, complementing the new English<http://www.e-agriculture.org> language interface that was launched in late 2010. Efforts continue to support collaborations with Francophone and Spanish speaking members. From the Community's members, 35% have indicated that Spanish is their mother tongue and 25% have indicated French.
[cid:402fb9b69dd0a683f65501a322ad81a9@www.e-agriculture.org] Blogs: The newly established Blogs section<http://www.e-agriculture.org/blog> showcases special contributions written by leaders in the Community. Through blogs, members have shared information about their work and interests in e-agriculture. In 2011, guest bloggers contributed to a total of 55 blog posts in 3 languages<http://www.e-agriculture.org/blog>, supporting interaction among Community members and attracting thousands of readers.
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/e-Ag_leaf.jpg] Resources: The e-Agriculture Knowledge Base<http://www.e-agriculture.org/knowledge-base-resources> comprises over 1,600 resources. This collection continued to grow during the year as members submitted new content. The quality of metadata in the Knowledge Base was greatly improve by our two interns, Brieuc de Roquefeuil<http://www.e-agriculture.org/blog/mon-expérience-avec-l’équipe-e-agricultur…> and Erin Yingling<http://www.e-agriculture.org/blog/my-internship-e-agriculture>, making the resources more accessible and relevant.
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/e-Ag_leaf.jpg] Publications: All e-Agriculture Policy Briefs<http://www.e-agriculture.org/policy-briefs-archive> (a total of 19 including language versions) were reviewed and updated, with the 2nd editions of the documents published. All are now available in the new Policy Brief Archive<http://www.e-agriculture.org/policy-briefs-archive>. These publications present valuable summaries of the extensive discussions that have taken place during the Community's online forums (see: Forums Archive<http://www.e-agriculture.org/forums/forum-archive>)
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/e-Ag_leaf.jpg] International Year of Youth: To mark the International Year of Youth, e-Agriculture and YPARD organized a special blog series<http://www.e-agriculture.org/en/blogs-series-youth-agriculture-and-icts> from July to August to give a voice to youth, and to bring their perspective to the issues surrounding the field of agriculture, young professionals and the use of ICT. A total of 27 blogs in 3 languages<http://www.e-agriculture.org/en/recent-blogs-blogs-series-youth-agriculture…> were published, which were very popular with the Community.
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/e-Ag_leaf.jpg] Face-to-face events: During the year, members of the Community met and participated in many face-to-face events like the World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS with UNCTAD & ITC), which took place during May in Geneva. The WSIS Forum celebrated leadership and innovation in the ICT sector, and members of the e-Agriculture Community looked at "The Promise of Mobile Technology<http://groups.itu.int/wsis-forum2011/Agenda.aspx?event=event_86>" in two sessions, "Mobile Money Solutions for Small Enterprises" and "What is the Socio-Economic Impact on Rural Communities?". Moreover, in the month of September, Community members were at the Second Global Agri-Knowledge Share Fair<http://www.sharefair.net/>, held at IFAD, and highlighted some sessions in blogs:
* The Role of Social Media in Development<http://www.e-agriculture.org/blog/role-social-media-development-session-2nd…>
* Ethiopian livestock market information system: Using ICT to deliver information to rural communities.<http://www.e-agriculture.org/blog/ethiopian-livestock-market-information-sy…>
* ICTs for the exchange of information among female producers - The story from Cameroon<http://www.e-agriculture.org/blog/icts-exchange-information-among-female-pr…>
If you know of any events where members of the e-Agriculture Community gather together, be sure to let us know!
[cid:774fb238523b0a56dd418be0badc5a57@www.e-agriculture.org]During the year the e-Agriculture Team coordinated five online discussions with partners, which brought together over 16,000 participants from around the world. The complete discussions can be found in the Forum Archive<http://www.e-agriculture.org/forums/forum-archive>. The forums were:
[cid:402fb9b69dd0a683f65501a322ad81a9@www.e-agriculture.org] "Building the CIARD Framework for Data and Information Sharing"
Organized with the CIARD community, this e-consultation took place in April, and focused on the topic of sharing and interoperability of data and information for agricultural research for development. The discussions' summary (PDF) <http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/uploads/media/CIARD%20e-co…> served as a background document for an international Expert Consultation held in Beijing during the month of June, 2011.
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/e-Ag_leaf.jpg] "Gender, ICTs and Rural Livelihoods"
Organized in May by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), this forum was in French. A final report<http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/uploads/media/rapport%20%20
forum%20e-agriculture%20mai%202011.pdf> summarized the discussions.
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/e-Ag_leaf.jpg] "Challenges and Opportunities for Capturing Impact in ICT initiatives in Agriculture"
Led by Katalyst in September to discuss the challenges of linking impact with the use of ICTs in agriculture, this forum resulted in a policy brief<http://www.e-agriculture.org/content/policy-brief-challenges-and-opportunit…>.
[http://www.e-agriculture.org/sites/default/files/e-Ag_leaf.jpg] "Mobile Information Services"
Organized by the mFarmer Initiative (a partnership between GSMA, USAID and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), this forum analyzed the benefits of forming strong partnerships to create sustainable and scalable information advisory services in November. A report is in draft.
[cid:402fb9b69dd0a683f65501a322ad81a9@www.e-agriculture.org] "Strengthening Agricultural Marketing with ICT"
The World Bank hosted the final forum of the year in December, which looked in detail at strengthening agricultural markets with ICT<http://www.e-agriculture.org/forums/discussions/strengthening-agricultural-…>. Based on the "ICT in Agriculture" Sourcebook module 9, the forum report is in draft.
[cid:3b36d8d456601078618773503d4cafa6@www.e-agriculture.org]You can stay in touch with e-Agriculture members throughout the world by joining us on Facebook<https://mail.stir.ac.uk/owa/UrlBlockedError.aspx> and Twitter<http://twitter.com/#!/e_Agriculture>. Also, don't forget to browse through some of our latest content on Delicious<http://www.delicious.com/e_agriculture> and watch some of our recent video interviews with featured e-Agriculture members on the e-Agriculture YouTube <http://www.youtube.com/eagriculture> channel.
If you need assistance, suggestions or which to unsubscribe please write us at info(a)e-agriculture.org<mailto:info@e-agriculture.org>
Las notificaciones de e-Agricultura se encuentran disponibles en tres idiomas: español, inglés y francés. Si usted prefiere recibir los anuncios en un idioma diferente al que ha recibido hoy, usted puede editar su perfil de usuario y cambiar su configuración de idioma en www.e-agriculture.org<http://www.e-agriculture.org/>. En caso de que necesite asistencia, por favor escríbanos ainfo(a)e-agriculture.org<mailto:info@e-agriculture.org>
Les messages d’e-Agriculture sont disponibles en trois langues : anglais, français et espagnol. Si vous préférez recevoir les messages dans une autre langue que celle du message que vous avez reçu aujourd'hui, vous pouvez modifier votre profil d’utilisateur et changer vos paramètres de langue à www.e-agriculture.org<http://www.e-agriculture.org/>. Si vous avez besoin d'aide, veuillez nous écrire à info(a)e-agriculture.org<mailto:info@e-agriculture.org>
e-Agriculture announcements are available in three languages: English, French and Spanish. If you would prefer to receive announcements in a different language than what you have received today, you may edit your user profile and change your language settings at www.e-agriculture.org<http://www.e-agriculture.org/>
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The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.
Chers collègues,
En ce début d'année 2012, je vous souhaite à tous une bonne année.
Je vous encourage également à continuer le partage et la diffusion de (vos) documents relatifs aux grandes infrastructures hydrauliques (partage des bénéfices, irrigation, élevage, pêche, climat, GIRE, foncier, déplacement/recasement, etc.) sur la liste forumdialogueondams(a)dialoguebarrages.org<mailto:forumdialogueondams@dialoguebarrages.org>: études, rapports d'activités, articles, publications, annonces d'évènements...
Je profite de l'occasion pour vous envoyer le rapport de la 7e session du comité technique des experts (CTE) du CCRE/CEDEAO tenue à Lomé les 8 et 9 décembre 2011. Les produits du dialogue (recommandations du panel et priorisation des ouvrages) y ont été adoptés.
Dear colleagues,
In these early days of 2012 I wish you a happy new year.
I encourage you again to continue to share (your) documents related to the large water infrastructure (benefit-sharing, irrigation, livestock farming, fishery, climate, IWRM, land property, displacement/resettlement, etc.) at forumdialogueondams(a)dialoguebarrages.org<mailto:forumdialogueondams@dialoguebarrages.org>: studies, activity reports, articles, publications, event announcement...
Let me also send you the report of the meeting of the 7th session of the technical advisory committee of WRCC/ECOWAS held in Lomé on December 8th and 9th, 2011. The dialogue outputs (panel recommendations and dams prioritization) have been adopted there.
Best regards,
Dialogue régional sur les grandes infrastructures hydrauliques en Afrique de l'Ouest
This communication, together with any attachment, may contain confidential information and/or copyright material and is intended only for the person(s) to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, you received it by error and you are asked to please delete it and promptly notify us. Any review, copying, use, disclosure or distribution of any part of this communication, unless duly authorized by or on behalf of IUCN, is strictly forbidden.
Forumdialogueondams mailing list
Pour info et à toutes fins utiles pour intéressé(e)s!
Merci de consulter le site http://www.galilcol.ac.il/francais
Senior Scientist IRAD
P.O.Box 139 Foumban, Cameroon
CellPhone 237 77 59 00 26
----- Mail transféré -----
De : Galilee Institute - Florence Chevalier <fchevalier(a)galilcol.ac.il>
À : "pouomognev(a)yahoo.fr" <pouomognev(a)yahoo.fr>
Envoyé le : Mercredi 11 Janvier 2012 14h53
Objet : Gestion de l'eau et securite alimentaire : les challenges de l'agriculture - Galilee Institute
A l'attention de :
Monsieur Victor POUOMOGNE
Coordonateur régional projet Sarnissa Afrique Centrale et Ouest
Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le Développement (IRAD)
BP 139
Gestion de l’eau et sécurité alimentaire : les challenges de l’agriculture
du2 au 16 mai 2012
L'agriculture israélienne est mondialement connue pour avoir réussi à mettre en place une production intensive grâce à une optimisation de l'utilisation de l'eau et ceci malgré un climat difficile et un sol défavorable.
Votre expérience unique à l'Institut vous permettra de vous approprier des technologies agricoles révolutionnaires.
Dans cet objectif, n ou s v ou s invitons donc, du 2 au 16 mai 2012, à participer à notre formation Gestion de l'eau et sécurité alimentaire : les challenges de l'agriculture.
Pour quelles raisons participer à notre programme ?
* Actualisation et adaptation permanente à la demande des pays en voie de développement : nos conférenciers ont, pour la plupart, une expérience africaine dans leur parcours professionnel et peuvent ainsi mener des débats et aborder des notions proches de vos préoccupations.
* Visites d'études :des visites d'études sont organisées sur le terrain pour compléter l'enseignement théorique.
* Bourse d'études :fidèle à son désir de renforcer les capacités des pays en voie de développement, le Galilee Institute offre des bourses d'études couvrant uniquement les frais académiques du programme. Les frais de séjour et les frais de voyage restent à la charge du participant ou de son sponsor.
Votre participation à notre programme sera également l'occasion de visiter quelques-uns des plus beaux lieux touristiques de la Terre Sainte, et en particulier Jérusalem (mais aussi Nazareth, le Lac de Tibériade et la Mer Morte).
Je vous invite à consulter notre site http://www.galilcol.ac.il/francais. Vous y trouverez tous les renseignements indispensables ainsi que les modalités d'inscription pour participer à notre programme.
Pour de plus amples informations, vous pouvez me contacter directement.
Nous vous proposons également les formations suivantes (en français) :
v Gestion du VIH / SIDA (du 2 au 16 mai 2012)
v Développement et Gestion de Projets au XXIème siècle (du 17 au 30 juillet 2012)
v Séminaire international en sécurité portuaire et maritime (du 19 au 30 juillet 2012).
En espérant vous accueillir prochainement, je vous prie de croire, Monsieur,en l'assurance de ma considération distinguée.
Mme Florence Chevalier
Directrice de programmes
Département francophone
Tél. : +972 4 6428888/60 direct
Fax : +972 4 6514811
Skype : galilee.florence.chevalier
Email : fchevalier(a)galilcol.ac.il
Galilee International Management Institute - Israel
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From: Secretariat COMHAFAT [mailto:secretariat@comhafat.org]
Sent: 03 January 2012 13:46
To: Secretariat COMHAFAT
Subject: ATLAFCO : New year wishes for 2012
Chers tous,
Sur l'avènement de la nouvelle année, le Secrétaire exécutif ATLAFCO est heureuse de vous transmettre ses meilleurs vœux de santé et de réussite pour l'année 2012.
Hachim El Ayoubi
Dear all,
On the advent of the new year, The ATLAFCO Executive Secretary is pleased to convey to you his best wishes of health and success for the year 2012.
Hachim El Ayoubi
Executive Secretary
N°2, Rue Ben Darkoul Ain Khalouiya
Souissi BP: 1007. Rabat - Morocco
Tel. (212) 537 68 83 30
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.
Recrutement zootechnicien-ARDA/Mozambique
From: Anna AURE [mailto:aure.arda@orange.fr]
Sent: 04 January 2012 16:00
To: dabbadie(a)ait.ac.th; William Leschen
Subject: Recrutement zootechnicien-ARDA/Mozambique
Je vous contacte sur les conseils de mon collègue, Thomas Raynaud, responsable de la station de l'étang salé à l'ARDA.
L'ARDA (association réunionnaise de développement de l'aquaculture) mène actuellement un projet de coopération régionale au Mozambique sur le développement de l'aquaculture de crabe Scylla serrata. Nous sommes actuellement à la recherche d'un technicien pour s'occuper des expérimentations aquacoles (écloserie et essais de grossissement).
Vous trouverez en pièce jointe la fiche de poste, je vous remercie de bien vouloir diffuser cette annonce aux personnes intéressées.
Coordinatrice locale - Projet de Développement de l'Aquaculture de Crabe au Mozambique
Association Réunionnaise de Développement de l'Aquaculture
BP 16 - Z.I. Les Sables
Tél : (+262) 262 26 50 82
Portable : (+258) 82 148 1876
Fax : (+262) 262 26 50 01
Translation - You will need to be fluent French speaker for this job
I am contacting you on the advice of my colleague, Thomas Raynaud, responsible for the station of the marine ponds at ARDA.
ARDA (Association Reunion of aquaculture development) is currently conducting a regional cooperation project in Mozambique on the development of aquaculture crab Scylla serrata. We are currently looking for a technician to look after the experiments aquaculture (hatchery and grow-out tests).
You will find attached the job description, thank you kindly circulate this announcement to interested persons.
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.
Le Centre piscicole de Bagré au Burkina Faso
Maintenant sur SARNISSA Facebook
Nous serions heureux de certains de nos membres qui connaissent cette ferme aquacole d'écrire et de partager avec nous les détails de son histoire et la situation actuelle. Aussi, si vous avez des photos envoyez s'il vous plaît
Rappelez-vous aussi le site SARNISSA Facebook est mis à jour quotidiennement avec des nouvelles, vidéos, etc. Vous pouvez vous joindre en cliquant simplement sur le lien « Like » Si vous n'êtes pas déjà sur Facebook, vous pouvez vous inscrire et rejoindre en moins de cinq minutes.
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.
Chers Amis du SARNISSA,
J’ai attendu d’entrer des deux pieds en 2012 avant de pouvoir vous présenter mes vœux. Ça y est! On y est! Dieu en soit loué!
Pour cette nouvelle année, je souhaite de tout mon cœur
Que le Tout-Puissant accepte de vous combler, vous et vos familles respectives, de Santé, Paix, Succès dans vos entreprises & Bonheur.
Que cette année voit la concrétisation de nos nouveaux projets pour le bonheur de nos populations et pour notre fierté personnelle.
Dieu vous Aime!
Gabriel Koffi D. Koko, DVM, M.Sc
Fish for Africa-Africa Head Office
BAC 3/88 Service Plot DTD (SKM)
Spintex Road, Baatsonaa, Accra (Ghana)
Tel/Fax. (+2... -261 Cel. (+233)... 4