Could the upper management and experienced members share some wisdom with
the younger members? These questions are specifically concerned with skills
and careers in African aquaculture.
- What skills are the most critical for developing a career in
aquaculture specifically in Africa?
- What skills SHOULD your employee have, but don't?
- What skills do you look for when you hire employees?
- Which skills are optional versus irreplaceable?
Pour la communauté qui sont des grand chefs ou ont beaucoup d'experience:
pouvez-vous partager votre connaissance avec des membres ici qui sont plus
jeunes? Ces questions sont particulièrement concernés avec des compétences
et carrières dans l'aquaculture en Afrique.
- Quelles compétences sont le plus crucial pour le development de un
carrière d'aquaculture en Afrique?
- Quelles compétences vos employés devraient avoir qui ils n'ont pas
- Quelles compétences recherchez-vous quand vous engagez un employé?
- Quelles compétences sont optionnelles par rapport à irremplaçables?
- Alexandra
Félicitations à Sidiki Keita, nouveau Directeur Général de l’ANAG, et tous mes voeux de réussite!
Décrets: Une Agence nationale de l’Aquaculture est née et son directeur nommé
Par Tokpanan Doré - juillet 24, 2018 9:48 0…
En Guinée, un décret du président Alpha Condé rapportant un précédent, crée une Agence nationale de l’Aquaculture. La direction dénommée ANAG (Agence Nationale de l’Aquaculture de Guinée) a pour premier directeur général Sidiki Kéita, nommé dans un autre décret également publié rendu public par la télévision nationale dans la nuit de ce 24 juillet.
Ingénieur géotechnicien, le promu, presque inconnu du grand public, était jusqu’ici directeur national de la Pisciculture. Le décret précise qu’un autre décret fixera l’organisation et les attributions de l’Agence nationale de l’Aquaculture de Guinée (ANAG).
L’article 2 du décret de la création de l’Agence indique que la direction nationale de la Pêche continentale et de l’Aquaculture est remplacée par la direction nationale de la Pêche continentale.
From: Mohammed ICHIBANE <m.ichibane(a)>
Sent: 12 June 2018 15:57
To: sarnissa-african-aquaculture Mailing List <sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)>
Subject: Expert in carrying capacity study
Dear all,
Within the framework of marine aquaculture project, we are looking for two experts with profiles as follow:
- Specialist in aquaculture planning
- Specialist in carrying capacity
Preferably French speaking and have sound experience in these areas with at least 10 projects,
For more information, do not hesitate to contact me,
Mohammed ICHIBANE m.ichibane(a)<>
Chers tous, dans le cadre du projet d'aquaculture marine, nous recherchons deux experts avec des profils comme suit:
-Spécialiste en planification aquacole
-Spécialiste en capacité de cages
De préférence francophone et ont une expérience saine dans ces domaines avec au moins 10 projets,
Pour plus d'informations, n'hésitez pas à me contacter,
Mohamed ICHIBANE m.ichibane(a)<>
Pour information le message ci-dessous posté sur la liste anglophone. La FAO vient de publier deux outils d’analyse des données statistiques aquacoles de la FAO: les Indicateurs de Performance de l’Aquaculture Mondiale (acronyme WAPI en anglais). Ils consistent en deux modules (des feuilles excel):
- Module WAPI Production Aquacole…
- Module WAPI Consommation de poisson…
Les activités et produits WAPI sont résumés dans une brochure disponible ici:
Vous pouvez retrouver toutes ces informations et les dernières versions sur la page web WAPI:
Bien cordialement
Lionel Dabbadie
> Le 31 mai 2018 à 11:47, Cai, Junning (FIAA) via Sarnissa-african-aquaculture <sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)> a écrit :
> Dear SARNISSA fellow members,
> We are pleased to inform you that FAO has recently published the following two user-friendly data analysis tools developed under the World Aquaculture Performance Indicators (WAPI):
> · WAPI Aquaculture Production Module
> · WAPI Fish Consumption Module
> WAPI activities and products as of May 2018 are summarized in a WAPI brochure. Updated information can be found at the WAPI webpage.
> We hope to receive your feedback to help us improve the tools. Many thanks.
> Best,
> Junning Cai, Ph.D.
> Aquaculture Officer (Economics)
> Aquaculture Branch
> Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources Division
> Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
> Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
> Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy
> Tel: (39) 06 57053589
> Fax: (39) 06 57053020
> Skpe: Cai, Junning (FIAA) linked to junning.cai(a)
> <image001.png>
FOR ME ALSO IT 'S REALLY LOOK LIKE Opsaridium sp. found in lower guinean and west central Africa icthyological province where CAMEROON BELONGS. The ones I used to collect for DR BRUMMETT was identified as :
Opsaridium ubangiense (Pellegrin, 1901).
Probably the site where the sample provide to us, is without vegetable cover in open environment. Otherwise the color is more marked. They are present in the Nyong and the Sanaga rivers systems. Urbanization and palm oil mill effluent are some majors threats to their conservation in the wild.
MBE TAWE Alex Nicanorfish collectorresearch assistant WorldFish Center (2005-2010)IITA CONSULTANT ( BLACK SOLDIER FLY RESEARCH UNIT : 2015-)
Salut, Will.
Pour moi aussi c'est vraiment ressembler Opsaridium SP. trouvé en Basse-Guinée et en Afrique du centre-ouest icthyological province où le Cameroun appartient. Ceux que j'avais l'habitude de collecter pour Dr BRUMMETT ont été identifiés comme:
Opsaridium ubangiense (Pellegrin, 1901).
Probablement le site où l'échantillon nous fournir, est sans couverture végétale dans un environnement ouvert. Sinon la couleur est plus marquée. Ils sont présents dans les Nyong et les rivières Sanaga. L'urbanisation et l'effluent des moulins à huile de palme sont des menaces majeures pour leur conservation dans la nature.
Sinceres salutations
MBE TAWE Alex Nicanorfish collectorresearch Assistant WorldFish Center (2005-2010) IITA consultant (unité de recherche Black Soldier Fly: 201
Sustainable Aquaculture Research Group
Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling UK<>
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[cid:image001.png@01D277E0.BC615240]<> [cid:image002.png@01D277E0.BC615240]
From: AHOCOU Alexandre K <alexahocou(a)>
Sent: 02 June 2018 09:13
To: sarnissa-african-aquaculture Mailing List <sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)>
Subject: Problème d'alevins très âgés
Bonjour monsieur William
J'aimerais bien passer par vous pour poser une question sur la plate-forme.
Merci infiniment à l'avance.
En effet, je suis AHOCOU Alexandre responsable d'une jeune écloserie de fourniture d'alevins de clarias installée à Lomé au Togo. Entre temps nous avions un problème de survie des alevins et sur cette plate forme les acteurs nous ont apporté des solutions qui ont permis plus ou moins de régler ce problème. C'est l'occasion de les remercier infiniment eux tous.
Aujourd'hui nous avons un petit stock d'alevins de 6 mois d'âge mais qui sont maintenus à une taille de 15g à 20g un peu plus pour certains. Ceci s'explique par le fait que nous les nourrissons à peine. Ils ont donc un sérieux retard de croissance.
Ainsi à cette taille ils sont toujours des alevins mais ce que nous aimerions savoir est :
- en les vendant à un pisciculteur pour les grossir et qui les met dans une condition optimale de croissance surtout avec de la nourriture à satiété, est ce qu'ils peuvent rattraper leur retard de croissance et en combien de mois?
- à quel âge limite ne devrait-on plus vendre les alevins de clarias?
- comment les écloseries de clarias gèrent-elle généralement les invendus d'alevins?
Nous voudrons savoir et ne donc pas vendre des alevins non performants.
Merci à l'avance à tous pour vos aimables contributions constructives.
Alexandre AHOCOU
00 228 90 22 15 83
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leslie Ter Morshuizen via Sarnissa-african-aquaculture <
Date: Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:22 PM
Subject: Aquaponics Training
To: sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)
Good afternoon Will
Please circulate these two Training Courses being held in South Africa:
2-day Aquaponics Course, Pretoria, 23-24 July 2018
5-day practical Aquaculture Course, Aquaculture Academy, Grahamstown, 3-7
September 2018
Interested parties can contact us on info(a)
[image: Email signature] <>
Alexandra Pounds
MSc Sustainable Aquaculture, University of Stirling
BSc Earth Systems, Stanford University
(+1) 650.336.4554
(+44) 757.283.9224
Opsaridium… I forgt the spp in the upper Zambezi.
From: Sarnissa-african-aquaculture [] On Behalf Of African Fish via Sarnissa-african-aquaculture
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2018 9:41 AM
To: sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)
Subject: Fwd: Species?
Adrian Piers
Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture Consulting
East African Community and SADC Region
Phone +260 965 445464 (Zambia)
Email tilapia(a)<>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: African Fish <africantilapia(a)<>>
Date: Fri, May 4, 2018 at 10:46 AM
Subject: Species?
To: William Leschen <william.leschen(a)<>>
Dear Will,
Please post.
Can anyone identify this fish? It is from the upper Zambezi, 35 Km above the falls.
Adrian Piers
Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture Consulting
East African Community and SADC Region
Phone +260 965 445464 (Zambia)
Email tilapia(a)<>
[Forwarded from Guy Delincé]
Hi Alexandra,
Another factor to consider for importing trout, is the origin of the fish.
Trout imported from Europe in the southern hemisphere need time to adjust
(for their biological rhythms) to the inversion of seasons. Also the
escapees of the farm can do a lot of harm to the local fish. It is overall
a very bad idea.. In the list of countries cited by Will you can add
The subject has been discussed many times over the years (and getting
rancid) more importantly about species that pose serious problems, such as
the *Pangasius*, that the information is more anecdotal than really worthy.
Nobody who has a real intention to seriously invest in a fish farming
venture would envisage to import trout. The government authorities would
not go on their own, since this require cash they would like to use more
rewardingly. It is just a dream of colonialists.
As Dr Emmanuel Frimpong rightly pointed out, the fish farmers who blame the
species, i.e. Tilapia, for the poor production don’t know how to farm
properly and point on the species as a culprit while all the responsibility
is lying on them.
In Burundi, most of the fish farming development envisaged was supposed to
be done in the rural areas which are all at a high altitude where the
growth of tilapia is poor. That was the reason why the re-introduction of
trout was considered. When I told them that the tilapia that had been
introduced in Tihange, Liége, Belgium, for farming in the recycled warm
waters of the nuclear power plant (see the aged publications of Mélard, for
instance : “Mélard C, 1986: Les bases biologiques de l'élevage intensif du
Tilapia du Nil Cahiers d'éthologïe appliquée.-Volume 6, fascicule 3 ISSN
0770-3767”) and the escapees of the farm would have adapted to live in the
nearby Meuse, in the cold and very temperate waters, they were surprised.
This means that the tilapia has a remarkable capacity to adapt to cold
waters, though it would affect their growth eventually. The solution for
the highlands is thus to select temperature-resistant strains and not to
import exotic species, that is so less resistant to handling considering
the hardiness of tilapia.
Farmers that have no tradition to handle live fish are better of with a
sturdy fish than with a salmonid.
Also, in Burundi all the rivers end up in Lake Tanganyika and nobody (all
the conservation-minded farmers) would not like to see trout ending up on
the shores of the Lake.
So if you think so, feel free to publish the information,
with regards,
> Le 11/05/2018 à 17:42, William Leschen via Sarnissa-african-aquaculture a
> écrit :
> Thanks Constantine
> I think what Jerome is referring to is actually getting the right
> quality of high % crude protein feed at a reasonable cost to cost
> effectively farm salmonids and often to remote locations. As some in
> this forum will be well aware rainbow and brown trout were introduced
> in colonial times into cooler parts of a number of mid – lower
> African countries way back in 1940s 1950s Kenya Tanzania Malawi and
> Madagascar as Alex points out…..
> The evidence base over all these years that salmonid culture has
> only really developed commercially in Lesotho with still some
> issues over financial viabilities… - In South Africa whilst also
> been introduced many years ago the trout farming sector there has never
> really developed into an industry – just my opinion ! some may disagree !
> - There are many factors why across mid to lower African continent
> this has been the case - other than fingerling production and feeds –
> and associated production and sales price per kg - markets and demand
> are also a significant factor…….
> Some relevant images from Kenya ….. Who benefits ?
> ????
> - There have been many very engaging discussions and debates on
> sarnissa over the years concerning African aquaculture with I would
> say Trying to Reinvent the wheel …….. being one of the outcomes
> that is common to many of them ….
> Thank you for all your contributions - keep writing !
> Best wishes Will
> *From:* Alexandra Pounds <alexandrapounds(a)>
> <alexandrapounds(a)>
> *Sent:* 11 May 2018 13:23
> *To:* JEROME LAZARD <jerome.lazard(a)> <jerome.lazard(a)>
> *Cc:* Ondhoro Constantine Chobet <occonstantine88(a)>
> <occonstantine88(a)>; sarnissa-african-aquaculture Mailing List
> <sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)>
> <sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)>
> *Subject:* Re: Self introduction
> Moreover - what species of fish do locals prefer? If the goal is to make
> fish available to all, demands from local markets are important to
> consider, as well as the sustainability of feed requirements.
> Trout was introduced to the highlands of Madagascar some years ago. While
> grow-out was successful and the local markets gobbled up the trout, the
> project fizzled out because fry sourcing was unreliable and unpredictable.
> If Mt. Elgon and Kigezi Hills decide that they do indeed wish to introduce
> trout, establishment of a *profitable* hatchery for long-term production
> would be crucial.
> - Alexandra
> On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 12:30 PM, JEROME LAZARD via
> Sarnissa-african-aquaculture <sarnissa-african-aquaculture@
>> wrote:
> I am not sure that the carnivorous Rainbow trout is the right fish in
> order to avail food fish to all. Carps would probably be a better choice.
> Regards, Jérôme Lazard
> *De :* Sarnissa-african-aquaculture [mailto:sarnissa-african-aquac
> ulture-bounces(a)] *De la part de* Ondhoro Constantine
> Chobet via Sarnissa-african-aquaculture
> *Envoyé :* jeudi 10 mai 2018 15:14
> *À :* sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)
> *Objet :* Self introduction
> Dear admin and the forum,
> I am Ondhoro Constantine Chobet from Uganda. I am a scientist and I work
> with the National Agricultural Research organization (NARO) in Uganda.
> Today I am very grateful joining SARNISA again, purposely to share the
> little I may know and to learn more from the forum. As you may be aware, of
> recent we discovered that not everywhere in Uganda is suitable for warm
> water fish culture. Some areas especially Mt. Elgon and the Kigezi hills
> are relatively colder than it is required to sustain warm water fish
> species. We are currently working to introduce Rainbow trout in these areas
> in order to avail food fish to all. Interested individuals are welcome to
> join us to further this cause, at Buginyanya Zonal Agricultural Research
> and Development Institute (Mbale-Uganda).
> Regards
> --
> Ondhoro Constantine Chobet
> National Agricultural Research Organization
> Buginyanya Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute
> P.O.BOX 1356, Mbale (Uganda)
> Tel: +256392000102
> Mob: +256782228987
> +256757766102
> --
> ---
> Alexandra Pounds
> MSc Sustainable Aquaculture, University of Stirling
> BSc Earth Systems, Stanford University
> (+1) 650.336.4554
> (+44) 757.283.9224
> <…> Virus-free.
> <…>
> <#m_5278213285631297185_m_-8244565791203737813_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
Alexandra Pounds
MSc Sustainable Aquaculture, University of Stirling
BSc Earth Systems, Stanford University
(+1) 650.336.4554
(+44) 757.283.9224
Alexandra Pounds
MSc Sustainable Aquaculture, University of Stirling
BSc Earth Systems, Stanford University
(+1) 650.336.4554
(+44) 757.283.9224
Ok, increases in supply. It's very interesting to hear that people want a
new taste of fish - "taste" is so subjective and dependent on culture. Has
anyone else felt (or not) the effects of illegal imports into Nigeria?
D'accord, augmentation d'offre. C'est trés intéressant entendre que des
personnes veulent un nouveau gout de poisson - "gout" est trés subjectif et
dépendant de la culture. Il y a des autres personnes qui ont sentir (ou
pas) des effets du commerce illicit au Nigeria?
On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 9:35 AM, Babatunde Oreyemi <oreyemibabs(a)>
> Many thanks.
> In the case of seasonality, this occurs during and the offset of the rainy
> season. At this time, fishermen are able to catch more fishes in the
> country water bodies making the availability high. On the part of the
> people, they want a new taste of fish and these set of fish are relatively
> cheaper than cultured fish.
> The smuggling issue is still there, but considering my area, the act has
> decreased. Many of the cold rooms have closed shops. Due to the constant
> power outages, the few available ones are left struggling.
> 234-08055203894
> 234-08102135278
> 234-09027436799 -whatsapp
> On May 12, 2018 04:26, "Alexandra Pounds" <alexandrapounds(a)>
> wrote:
>> It is great to read about your first-hand experience - thanks for
>> sharing. Do you find that the seasonality is connected to local customs or
>> certain times of year when people want to eat more fish? Or is the
>> seasonality of market price due to increased production of fish during
>> certain times of year?
>> High taxes placed on imported fish is resulting in unprofitable cold
>> rooms, and potentially an increase in illegal trade? (illegal imports don't
>> pay taxes). While taxes are meant to protect local trade, taxes that are
>> too high increase the illegal trade, which ends up hurting local trade...
>> Is this is case in Nigeria?
>> C'est genial lire de votre experience - merci de partager. Trouvez-vous
>> que le saisonnalité est connecté à des coutumes locals, ou temps d'année
>> quand des personnes veulent manger plus de poisson? Ou, le saisonnalité de
>> le prix de marché est à cause de l'augmentation de production de poisson
>> pendant certains temps d'année?
>> Des taxes qui sont mis en place sur poisson importé résultent des salles
>> froides peu profitable, et pourrait résulter un augmentation du commerce
>> illicit? (Des importations illicit ne paye pas des taxes). Alors que des
>> taxes devraient proteger de commerce local, des taxes que sont trop hautes
>> pourrait augmenter du commerce illicit, quel finalement endommager du
>> commerce illicit... C'est ça le cas au Nigeria?
>> Alexandra
>> On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 2:01 AM, Babatunde Oreyemi <oreyemibabs(a)
>> > wrote:
>>> I ll suggest you carry out further research on this article.
>>> What is keeping the price of fish down in Nigeria is not about imported
>>> fish. The high tarrif placed on imported fish is making many cold rooms the
>>> receiver of this imported fish go under.
>>> Am a fish farmer here and I can say two things are making the price go
>>> down and they are
>>> 1. Season of the year
>>> 2. As the cost of production becomes high, people won't have the
>>> purchasing means to buy.
>>> Nigeria aquaculture is yet to saturate the market.
>>> 234-08055203894
>>> 234-08102135278
>>> 234-09027436799 -whatsapp
>>> On May 11, 2018 18:56, "Alexandra Pounds via
>>> Sarnissa-african-aquaculture" <sarnissa-african-aquaculture@
>>>> wrote:
>>>> This article suggests that while there is a potential for new tilapia
>>>> and catfish farms in Nigeria, it also suggests that illegal imports are
>>>> keeping market prices down.
>>>> Are illegal imports of tilapia and catfish in Nigeria are preventing
>>>> Nigerian aquaculture farms from being financially competitive? Should the
>>>> government prevent this? If so, how?
>>>> return-on-investment/
>>>> Cette article suggére que il y a un potentiel pour d'aquaculture de
>>>> tilapia et poisson-chat au Nigeria. Il suggére aussi que l'importation
>>>> illicit de tilapia et poisson-chat préviennent l'augmentation du prix du
>>>> marché.
>>>> Des poissons importé, préviennent-ils des enterprises d'aquaculture au
>>>> Nigeria d'etre competitif financièrement? Le gouvernement, devraient-ils
>>>> prevenir ça? Si oui, comme?
>>>> return-on-investment/
>> --
>> ---
>> Alexandra Pounds
>> MSc Sustainable Aquaculture, University of Stirling
>> BSc Earth Systems, Stanford University
>> (+1) 650.336.4554
>> (+44) 757.283.9224
Alexandra Pounds
MSc Sustainable Aquaculture, University of Stirling
BSc Earth Systems, Stanford University
(+1) 650.336.4554
(+44) 757.283.9224