English below
L’année 2014 du Partenariat pour la gouvernance environnementale en Afrique de l’Ouest (PAGE) a été marquée par la mise en place d’un partenariat fort entre les organisations nationales et régionales pour la gouvernance des ressources naturelles.
Le rapport 2014 grand public du PAGE est disponible en téléchargement à l’adresse ci-dessous :
PAGE 2014 : bâtir le partenariat - Rapport de la première année de mise en œuvre du Partenariat pour la gouvernance environnementale en Afrique de l’Ouest (PAGE)<http://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/page_rapport_2014.pdf>
Vous pouvez parcourir le document en zoomant sur l’image pour avoir une meilleure lecture et en cliquant sur les liens existants pour avoir plus d’informations.
Year 2014 of the Partnership for environmental governance in West Africa (PAGE) was thus marked by the establishment of a strong partnership between the national and regional organizations for the governance of natural resources.
The public 2014 report of PAGE is available for download at the address below:
PAGE 2014: building partnership - Report on year one implementation of the Partnership for environmental governance in West Africa (PAGE)<http://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/page_report_2014.pdf>
You can browse the document by zooming in on the image for better reading and clicking on the links for more information.
Best regards
Marcello ROCCA
Expert en communication et valorisation des connaissances
"Partenariat pour la gouvernance environnementale
en Afrique de l'Ouest - PAGE"
Programme Afrique Centrale et Occidentale (PACO)
UICN (Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature)
01 BP 1618 Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso
E-Mail : marcello.rocca(a)iucn.org<mailto:marcello.rocca@iucn.org>
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Dialoguebarrages mailing list
Fyi, and sorry for any cross-posting
De : bounce-1475404-408769(a)lists.iisd.ca [mailto:bounce-1475404-408769@lists.iisd.ca] De la part de Vivienne Benson
Envoyé : vendredi 15 mai 2015 15:48
À : Water Issues Announcement List
Objet : Important points from HLPE report - Water is integral to food security and nutrition
Dear all,
You may be interested in the latest report<http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/hlpe/hlpe_documents/HLPE_Reports/H…> coming from the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE), on water food security and nutrition. The report is the first of its kind to bring together water, food security and nutrition. The report is unique in pointing out these connections, and understanding these links is integral to tackling poverty. It goes far beyond the usual agricultural focus and highlights the necessity of water and sanitation for human wellbeing and survival.
Launched today, the Water for Food Security and Nutrition report by the HLPE for the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) calls for policy coherence at all levels of governance and management around water, food security and nutrition issues. It makes several important points:
1. Policies and governance issues around land, water and food are usually developed in isolation; however it is vital for decision makers to take a joined-up approach in addressing these challenges. Against a backdrop of future uncertainties, including climate change, changing diets and water demand patterns, ensuring universal access to water and recognising the linkages between water and food security and nutrition are fundamental.
2. Understanding that water comes into every aspect of life, from consumption to production, is necessary for humans to able to lead a healthy life and have a sustainable livelihood. The report makes proposals for practical and immediate action to increase water, land and agricultural productivity to address these challenges.
3. Policymakers have to prioritise the rights and interests of the most marginalised and vulnerable groups, with a particular focus on women, when it comes to water access. Water of sufficient quantity and quality is essential for agricultural production and for the preparation and processing of food. Irrigated agriculture accounts for 70 percent of all surface and groundwater withdrawals globally. Water is also essential for various ecosystem functions, i.e. the conservation of forests, wetlands and lakes upon which all humans depend.
4. There needs to be an explicit focus on vulnerable communities. Policymakers have to prioritise the rights and interests of the most marginalised groups around access to water for food security and nutrition.
5. The human right to safe drinking water and sanitation as well as the right to food are globally recognised rights. The report calls for states to ensure the full realisation of these rights and explore how they can be meaningfully joined up. It argues that universal access to water and sanitation will lead to healthy and productive lives for all, for now and in the future.
The project team<http://www.fao.org/cfs/cfs-hlpe/news-archive/detail/en/c/224415/> was led by Lyla Mehta<http://www.ids.ac.uk/person/lyla-mehta>, Institute of Development Studies and included experts from the University of Brasilia, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas and International Food Policy Research Institute, both through their affiliations with the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems, Pegasys Institute and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.
If you would like any more information, or to speak with the leader of the report team, Lyla Mehta, please contact me on 01273 915653 or v.benson(a)ids.ac.uk<mailto:v.benson@ids.ac.uk>
Many thanks,
Vivienne Benson
Communications Officer
Institute of Development Studies
+44 (0)1273 915653
Global Knowledge for Global Change
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Dialoguebarrages mailing list
Traduit de l'anglais forum
Je l'espère cet e-mail vous répond bien. Facilité DFID Business Innovation (BIF 2 Programme Nigeria) met en œuvre un programme de plantations villageoises éclosoir à éclosoir. Les termes de référence (TDR) est enfermé dans une pièce jointe à ce courriel. Les candidats intéressés doivent envoyer une déclaration d'intérêt (EOI) et détaillées, CV pertinents seulement à info(a)cbinigeria.com<mailto:info@cbinigeria.com> par Jeudi 2 Juillet 2015. S'il vous plaît aider à faire circuler largement et partager avec d'autres dans vos réseaux. Les candidats lorsqu'ils soumettent leurs EOI de devraient indiquer clairement dans la ligne d'objet du courriel: «BIF Business Model & Design d'écloserie Scheme Out-vigneron».
Tosin Akande | Maket Analyst & Intervention plomb
Facilité DFID Business Innovation (BIF 2 Programme Nigeria)
La Convention sur l'intégrité en affaires (CBI)
Lagos, Nigeria
From: Tosin Akande [mailto:takande5@googlemail.com]
Sent: 24 June 2015 12:09
To: Tosin Akande; tosin.akande(a)cbinigeria.com
Subject: Call for Expression of Interests (ToR Business Model & Design of a Hatchery Out-grower Scheme)
I hope this email meets you well. DFID Business Innovation Facility (BIF 2 Nigeria Program) is implementing a hatcher-to-hatcher outgrower scheme. The terms of reference (ToR) is enclosed as an attachment to this email. Interested candidates should send an Expression of Interest (EOI) and detailed, relevant CVs only to info(a)cbinigeria.com<mailto:info@cbinigeria.com> by Thursday 2 July 2015. Please help to circulate widely and share with others in your networks. Candidates when submitting their EOI's should clearly indicate in the subject line of the email: ‘BIF Business Model & Design of Hatchery Out-grower Scheme’.
Kind Regards,
Tosin Akande | Maket Analyst & Intervention Lead
DFID Business Innovation Facility (BIF 2 Nigeria Program)
The Convention on Business Integrity (CBi)
Lagos, Nigeria
www.businessinnovationfacility.org<http://www.businessinnovationfacility.org/> / MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.tepcentre.com" claiming to be www.cbinigeria.com<http://www.tepcentre.com/>
Phone - +234 809 124 9102
Phone- +234 703 375 0665
From: Geovanne NZIENGUI [mailto:gn_vanni@hotmail.com]
Sent: 21 June 2015 19:35
To: sarnissa-french-aquaculture Mailing List
Subject: RE: [Sarnissa] Pisciculteur Togo et membre de SARNISSA
bonjour cher tous,
désolé pour mon long silence sur le forum. je tiens à vous informer que depuis le
mois de mai 2015, je suis chez Sodépal, le plus important producteur de Tilapia au Gabon.
voici quelques images de la Sodépal à Bakoumba au Gabon.
Directeur de l'Aménagement et de la
Restauration des Écosystèmes Aquatiques
Boulevard Triomphal Omar BONGO
Libreville Gabon
tel +(241) 06204273
Hello dear all,
sorry for my long silence on the forum. I wish to inform you that since
May 2015, I am at SODEPAL, the largest producer of Tilapia in Gabon.
Here are some pictures of Sodepal at Bakoumba in Gabon.
Géovanne Aymar Nziengui DJIEMBI
Director of Planning and
Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems
Omar Bongo Triumphal Boulevard
Libreville Gabon
tel + (241) 06204273
From: william.leschen(a)stir.ac.uk<mailto:william.leschen@stir.ac.uk>
To: sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)lists.stir.ac.uk<mailto:sarnissa-african-aquaculture@lists.stir.ac.uk>; sarnissa-french-aquaculture(a)lists.stir.ac.uk<mailto:sarnissa-french-aquaculture@lists.stir.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2015 13:21:01 +0100
CC: affanou8(a)yahoo.fr<mailto:affanou8@yahoo.fr>
Subject: [Sarnissa] Pisciculteur Togo et membre de SARNISSA
In English below :
From: blaise affanou [mailto:affanou8@yahoo.fr]
Sent: 17 June 2015 00:00
To: William Leschen
Subject: Re: Help identify
Ce serait juste pour un peu nous faire connaitre ,j' ai redimensionné les photos et vous renvoie le meme texte
Nous venons ici nous presenter et vous demander de nous faire connaitre a travers sarnissa.
Nous ommes un site piscicole basé à Kovie au Togo et avons commencé nos activités.
Nous avons un site couvrant 4 hectares dont 4 Grands etangs et 12 bassins d'alevinage et de reproduction sur 225 M2.
Nous produisons des alevin de qualité de claria et de dilapia sexé et produisons aussi du poisson marchand de ces deux especes.
Voici quelques photos de notre site
France: [http://www.mailscanner.tv/1x1spacer.gif] 00 33 (0)6 50 65 31 22
Togo : 00 228 97 28 19 15
00 228 92 89 69 45
Im sending by email to present the current work we do and we ask you to let us know through SARNISSA - Any feedback welcome from sarnissa members. Please write and get in contact ....
We are developing an aquaculture site at Kovie in Togo and have started our construction activities - see photos attached of activities.
We have a site covering 4 hectares including 4 Large ponds and 12 nursery and breeding ponds 225 M2 of land .
We produce Clarias quality fry and tilapia sexed ? fry and also produce grow out fish for markets sale of these two species.
Attached are some pictures from our site
France: 00 33 (0) 6 50 65 31 22
Togo: 00 228 97 28 19 15
00 228 92 89 69 45
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pisciculture-En-Afrique-De-Louest/48534537 Blaise has very nice Facebook site with more photos showing construction methods for his concrete tanks
Le Mardi 16 juin 2015 10h40, William Leschen <william.leschen(a)stir.ac.uk<mailto:william.leschen@stir.ac.uk>> a écrit :
Cher Blaise
Merci, mais s'il vous plaît pouvez-vous renvoyer avec des fichiers plus petits pour vos photos rattachées - Beaucoup de nos membres de SARNISSA sont toujours sur les connexions Internet très lentes. Alors s'il vous plaît compresser vos photos et renvoyer. Incidemment, tout en vous écrivant, je essayé de partager ces photos de systèmes de réservoirs en béton que vous construisez votre site Facebook, mais il ne me permet pas de les partager sur le site SARNISSA Facebook. Je ne sais pas pourquoi? . S'il vous plaît pourriez-vous me faire parvenir certains d'entre eux avec court texte expliquant ce que vous faites, alors je peux poster sur SARNISSA Facebook . S'il vous plaît envoyer autant de petits fichiers. Ils ne doivent pas être plus de 200-300KBs chacun
Amicalement Will
Dear Blaise
Thank you but please can you resend with smaller files for your attached photos - Many of our sarnissa members are still on very slow internet connections. So please compress your photos and resend. Incidentally whilst writing to you, I tried to share these photos of concrete tank systems you are building from your Facebook site , but it does not allow me to share them to the SARNISSA Facebook site. I dont know why? . Please could you send me some of them along with short text explaining what you are doing, then I can post them up on SARNISSA. Please send as small files. They don't need to be more than 200-300KBs each
Best wishes Will
From: blaise affanou [mailto:affanou8@yahoo.fr]
Sent: 16 June 2015 08:07
To: sarnissa-french-aquaculture Mailing List
Subject: Re: Help identify
Nous venons ici nous presenter et vous demander de nous faire connaitre a travers sarnissa.
Nous ommes un site piscicole basé à kovie au Togo et avons commencé nos activités.
Nous avons un site couvrant 4 hectares dont 4 Grands etangs et 12 bassins d'alevinage et de reproduction sur 225 M2.
Nous produisons des alevin de qualité de claria et de dilapia sexé et produisons aussi du poisson marchand de ces deux especes.
Voici quelques photos de notre site
France: 00 33 (0)6 50 65 31 22
Togo : 00 228 97 28 19 15
00 228 92 89 69 45
_______________________________________________ Sarnissa-french-aquaculture mailing list Sarnissa-french-aquaculture(a)lists.stir.ac.uk<mailto:Sarnissa-french-aquaculture@lists.stir.ac.uk> http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sarnissa-french-aquaculture
In English below :
From: blaise affanou [mailto:affanou8@yahoo.fr]
Sent: 17 June 2015 00:00
To: William Leschen
Subject: Re: Help identify
Ce serait juste pour un peu nous faire connaitre ,j' ai redimensionné les photos et vous renvoie le meme texte
Nous venons ici nous presenter et vous demander de nous faire connaitre a travers sarnissa.
Nous ommes un site piscicole basé à Kovie au Togo et avons commencé nos activités.
Nous avons un site couvrant 4 hectares dont 4 Grands etangs et 12 bassins d'alevinage et de reproduction sur 225 M2.
Nous produisons des alevin de qualité de claria et de dilapia sexé et produisons aussi du poisson marchand de ces deux especes.
Voici quelques photos de notre site
France: [http://www.mailscanner.tv/1x1spacer.gif] 00 33 (0)6 50 65 31 22
Togo : 00 228 97 28 19 15
00 228 92 89 69 45
Im sending by email to present the current work we do and we ask you to let us know through SARNISSA – Any feedback welcome from sarnissa members. Please write and get in contact ….
We are developing an aquaculture site at Kovie in Togo and have started our construction activities – see photos attached of activities.
We have a site covering 4 hectares including 4 Large ponds and 12 nursery and breeding ponds 225 M2 of land .
We produce Clarias quality fry and tilapia sexed ? fry and also produce grow out fish for markets sale of these two species.
Attached are some pictures from our site
France: 00 33 (0) 6 50 65 31 22
Togo: 00 228 97 28 19 15
00 228 92 89 69 45
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pisciculture-En-Afrique-De-Louest/48534537 Blaise has very nice Facebook site with more photos showing construction methods for his concrete tanks
Le Mardi 16 juin 2015 10h40, William Leschen <william.leschen(a)stir.ac.uk<mailto:william.leschen@stir.ac.uk>> a écrit :
Cher Blaise
Merci, mais s'il vous plaît pouvez-vous renvoyer avec des fichiers plus petits pour vos photos rattachées - Beaucoup de nos membres de SARNISSA sont toujours sur les connexions Internet très lentes. Alors s'il vous plaît compresser vos photos et renvoyer. Incidemment, tout en vous écrivant, je essayé de partager ces photos de systèmes de réservoirs en béton que vous construisez votre site Facebook, mais il ne me permet pas de les partager sur le site SARNISSA Facebook. Je ne sais pas pourquoi? . S'il vous plaît pourriez-vous me faire parvenir certains d'entre eux avec court texte expliquant ce que vous faites, alors je peux poster sur SARNISSA Facebook . S'il vous plaît envoyer autant de petits fichiers. Ils ne doivent pas être plus de 200-300KBs chacun
Amicalement Will
Dear Blaise
Thank you but please can you resend with smaller files for your attached photos - Many of our sarnissa members are still on very slow internet connections. So please compress your photos and resend. Incidentally whilst writing to you, I tried to share these photos of concrete tank systems you are building from your Facebook site , but it does not allow me to share them to the SARNISSA Facebook site. I dont know why? . Please could you send me some of them along with short text explaining what you are doing, then I can post them up on SARNISSA. Please send as small files. They don’t need to be more than 200-300KBs each
Best wishes Will
From: blaise affanou [mailto:affanou8@yahoo.fr]
Sent: 16 June 2015 08:07
To: sarnissa-french-aquaculture Mailing List
Subject: Re: Help identify
Nous venons ici nous presenter et vous demander de nous faire connaitre a travers sarnissa.
Nous ommes un site piscicole basé à kovie au Togo et avons commencé nos activités.
Nous avons un site couvrant 4 hectares dont 4 Grands etangs et 12 bassins d'alevinage et de reproduction sur 225 M2.
Nous produisons des alevin de qualité de claria et de dilapia sexé et produisons aussi du poisson marchand de ces deux especes.
Voici quelques photos de notre site
France: 00 33 (0)6 50 65 31 22
Togo : 00 228 97 28 19 15
00 228 92 89 69 45
Sorry this small departure from aquaculture but may be someone can help us.
We seek to have live specimens of Campilomormyrus tamandua but in the Nile area.
A species that has the same name is also present in the Congo.
It seems that these two fishes are two different species.
It needs to be alive so we can record electrical signals.
thank you in advance
Yves Fermon
PhD Yves Fermon tropi91(a)mac.com<mailto:tropi91@mac.com>
Hydrobiologist / ichthyologist
Honorary Attaché MNHN - DMPA- UMR 7208
From: Yves Fermon [mailto:tropi91@mac.com]
Sent: 10 June 2015 02:16
To: sarnissa-african-aquaculture Mailing List
Subject: Mormyrids
Désolé de cette petite dérogation à l’aquaculture mais peut être quelqu’un peut nous aider.
Nou cherchons à avoir des spécimens vivants de Campilomormyrus tamandua mais de la zone nilotique.
Une espèce qui porte le même nom est aussi présente au Congo.
Il semble cependant que ces deux poissons soient 2 espèces différentes.
Il nous les faut vivant pour enregistrer les signaux électriques.
merci par avance
Yves Fermon
Attaché honoraire au MNHN - DMPA- UMR 7208
Je me nomme NZOKOU TCHIEKOU Gilles Yvan étudiant à l'institut des
sciences halieutiques de Douala à Yabassi au Cameroun et actuellement
je suis en deuxième année et j envisage exercer dans le domaine de
l'aquaculture et plus precisment dans la production,la nutrition et le
croisement de Tilapia du Nil et de poissons chats Nord Africains
Merci encore pour tout
From: AHOCOU Alexandre K [mailto:alexahocou@gmail.com]
Sent: 26 May 2015 11:22
To: DANIEL Abura
Cc: sarnissa-african-aquaculture Mailing List
Salut à tous
juste vous demander si quelqu'un peut -il m'informer ou me donner de la documentation électronique ou encore me référer à de la documentation sur l'entretien des larves de clarias en écloserie dans leur 10 premiers jours.
Merci infiniment
Alexandre Lomé
228 90 22 15 83
2015-05-18 8:35 GMT+00:00 DANIEL Abura via Sarnissa-african-aquaculture <sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)lists.stir.ac.uk<mailto:sarnissa-african-aquaculture@lists.stir.ac.uk>>:
Hi I hope this mail gets you in good health. I wish to enquire about the requirements for one to get certificate for supplying and producing fingerlings.
What does one needs to have.
I'm a Kenyan from siaya county bondo sub County from nyangoma division
That as I a wait for your response.
Kind regards
Daniel Abura
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android<https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.src=Android>
From:"sarnissa-african-aquaculture-request(a)lists.stir.ac.uk<mailto:sarnissa-african-aquaculture-request@lists.stir.ac.uk>" <sarnissa-african-aquaculture-request(a)lists.stir.ac.uk<mailto:sarnissa-african-aquaculture-request@lists.stir.ac.uk>>
Date:Sat, May 16, 2015 at 16:16
Subject:Sarnissa-african-aquaculture Digest, Vol 91, Issue 5
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Bumps/bubbles inside catfish fingerlings (Ipade Adeyeye)
2. Invitation to Attend Confirmed Short Courses June/July 2015
- in South Africa |Namibia (William Leschen)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 07:14:48 +0100
From: Ipade Adeyeye <ipade(a)fingerlakes-ng.com<mailto:ipade@fingerlakes-ng.com>>
To: "sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)lists.stir.ac.uk<mailto:sarnissa-african-aquaculture@lists.stir.ac.uk>"
Subject: Re: Bumps/bubbles inside catfish fingerlings
Message-ID: <22F3F99C-018F-4AA0-B29E-F4CE3799DDB7(a)fingerlakes-ng.com<mailto:22F3F99C-018F-4AA0-B29E-F4CE3799DDB7@fingerlakes-ng.com>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Thanks all for all the valuable and useful information. We will apply the remedies as suggested. Is there an easy way to determine when water is super saturated with gases?
> On 14 May 2015, at 01:42, veverkl(a)gmail.com<mailto:veverkl@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wow, those are some bubbles!
> I agree with James that the causes he lists can be an explanation. As well, you can add supersaturation of carbon dioxide if you are using borehole water. We can visually see the gas bubbles when dissolved CO2 is the problem. Remedy is to greatly aerated or agitate the water to drive it off. The supersaturation of gases in general can occur from a leaky intake from a pump so that there is some suction of air followed by pressurizing. Remedy for this is to fix the faulty intake.
> James also suggests supersaturation due to high primary production, so that means supersaturated oxygen. This is rarely a problem but I have indeed seen problems from levels of oxygen that approach 250-300% saturation. Remedy for this is same as the supersaturated CO2. Agitate to drive off the excess.
> One mistake people make is when they think that aeration from a blower can supersaturate the water with gases. It cannot if the water is not in a sealed container. So, in a tank that doesn’t have a closed cover, the aeration can only de-supersaturate the water.
> As James mentioned, if you transfer fish from cold water that is saturated with oxygen to warm water, the gasses in the blood come out of solution and form bubbles in gill filaments and elsewhere. That is one reason why it is advised to acclimate the fish when changing temperatures. Clarias are very sensitive to abrupt temperature changes.
> Sent from my cheap tablet which means I am not on office.
> Karen L. Veverica
> From: james mugo via Sarnissa-african-aquaculture <mailto:sarnissa-african-aquaculture@lists.stir.ac.uk>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 4:20 PM
> To: Ipade Adeyeye <mailto:ipade@fingerlakes-ng.com>, sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)lists.stir.ac.uk<mailto:sarnissa-african-aquaculture@lists.stir.ac.uk> <mailto:sarnissa-african-aquaculture@lists.stir.ac.uk>
> Have too come across such a problem not only with catfish fry but also with ornamental fish both small one and even bigger ones. From my small experience, the most probable reason is the super saturation of air in the water and especially if the water source is from a pipe with high pressure within the pipe or high level of algae in the water and increased water temperature. I have lost both catfish fry and also blackmoores, koicarps, shubunkins and even comets.
> James,
> Ornamental Fish AquaFarm,
> Kenya
> On Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:10 PM, Ipade Adeyeye via Sarnissa-african-aquaculture <sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)lists.stir.ac.uk<mailto:sarnissa-african-aquaculture@lists.stir.ac.uk>> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Our 38 day old african catfish fingerlings have been dying in one (other tanks are not affected) of our inside tanks over the last few days. We have checked our water parameters and all seem within acceptable ranges. We do not see anything obvious with the naked eye on the dead fingerlings. However we viewed some of the live fish under the microscope and we noticed the bumps/bubbles that can be seen on the attached pictures. We are not sure whether this is the cause of our mortality, however we are going through the process of elimination.
> Any ideas what this might be and is it something we should be worried about?
> Thanks for your anticipated assistance
> Ipade
> <IMG-20150513-WA0015.jpeg><IMG-20150513-WA0014.jpeg><IMG-20150513-WA0013.jpeg>
> <IMG-20150513-WA0014.jpeg><IMG-20150513-WA0013.jpeg><IMG-20150513-WA0015.jpeg>
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Message: 2
Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 14:12:57 +0100
From: William Leschen <william.leschen(a)stir.ac.uk<mailto:william.leschen@stir.ac.uk>>
To: sarnissa-african-aquaculture Mailing List
Subject: Invitation to Attend Confirmed Short Courses June/July 2015
- in South Africa |Namibia
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
From: Institute for Capacity Development [mailto:admin@icdconsult.com]
Sent: 15 May 2015 17:06
To: William Leschen
Subject: [{SPAM?} score 11.9] Invitation to Attend Confirmed Short Courses June/July 2015 - in South Africa |Namibia
Apply Online<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=3&F=H>
ICD 2015 Training Calendar<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=39&F=H>
Information Request<mailto:coordinator@icdtraining.com>
Download Application form<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=4&F=H>
Institute for Capacity Development(ICD)
Invitation to Attend ICD Short Courses
Confirmed Forthcoming Short Courses at ICD Centres[South Africa| Namibia]: June - July 2015
Dear Partners,
The Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) is pleased to announce and invite you to the following forthcoming Training workshops/Courses to be held in months of June - July 2015 in South Africa and Namibia.
This is a formal invitation from the Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) Coordination Unit for you and your organisation to attend and participate in our confirmed forthcoming training short courses for the months of June- July 2015. The workshops/courses are held at ICD centres in Windhoek - Namibia, Pretoria - South Africa and Harare-Zimbabwe. The aim of the ICD short courses and workshops is to support individuals, Government Departments; International organisations; SMEs; NGOs and local communities enhance and develop their skills needed to realise institutional growth and development goals.
ICD is now one of the leading capacity development service provider of choice is looking forward to hosting you at its organised short courses. ICD is a registered training vendor with almost all United Nations Institutions having the UNGM number. ICD is a registered vendor in the United States of America database having a DUNS number. ICD have provided training and consultancy services to many governments in Africa and is also registered as a training vendor by many departments.
Check our confirmed list of courses and send us your Applications and expression of interest today. Register now and don't miss this and learn and share experiences with other confirmed regional and international delegates. If interested please click here for online registration or download application form or click on the course links below. Applications and related requests can be submitted through our email addresses or fax.
Confirmed Forthcoming Short Courses June - July 2015: Windhoek - Namibia | Pretoria - South Africa
Course Description
Course Fee
Course Outline
Management Information Systems and Data Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=87&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Network Administration and Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=83&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Website Development and Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=70&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Energy Auditing Training<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=94&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Organisational Development<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=82&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Public Debt Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=74&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Budgeting and Budgetary Control<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=97&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Research Methods and Survey Methodology and Data Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=73&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Environmental Impact Assessment Reclamation<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=93&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
HR Policy Development and Implementation<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=90&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Agricultural Projects Monitoring and Evaluation<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=98&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Logistics and Facility Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=88&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Procurement and Contract Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=78&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Methods and Tools for Project Monitoring and Evaluation<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=85&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Event Planning and Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=92&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Professional Minute Taking and Report Writing Skills<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=77&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Economic Planning and Budgeting<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=68&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Financial Management and Budgetary Control<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=64&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Skills for the Administrative Assistant<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=72&F=H>
08th - 12th June 2015
South Africa
Windows 2008 Server Administration and Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=69&F=H>
15th - 26th June 2015
South Africa
Advanced Project Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=36&F=H>
06th - 17th July 2015
South Africa
Advanced Project Monitoring and Evaluation for Development Projects<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=7&F=H>
06th - 17th July 2015
South Africa
Human Resources Management and Development<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=67&F=H>
06th - 17th July 2015
South Africa
Managing the Training Function<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=63&F=H>
06th - 17th July 2015
South Africa
Budgeting and Budgetary Control<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=58&F=H>
06th - 17th July 2015
South Africa
Customer Care and Public Relations<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=65&F=H>
06th - 17th July 2015
South Africa
Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Projects<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=49&F=H>
06th - 17th July 2015
South Africa
Research Methods and Survey Methodology and Data Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=50&F=H>
06th - 17th July 2015
South Africa
Performance Based Human Resources Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=81&F=H>
01st - 12th June 2015
Business Leadership- Becoming Management Material<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=95&F=H>
08th - 12th June 2015
Planning and Management of Energy Resources<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=80&F=H>
15th - 26th June 2015
Financial Management and Budgetary Control<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=91&F=H>
15th - 26th June 2015
Modern Accounting Techniques for Accountants and Auditors<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=84&F=H>
15th - 26th June 2015
Human Resources Management and Development<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=89&F=H>
15th - 26th June 2015
Management of AIDS at the Workplace Programme<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=86&F=H>
15th - 26th June 2015
Policy Issues and Planning in Agriculture Sector<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=79&F=H>
15th - 26th June 2015
Store and Inventory Control Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=71&F=H>
15th - 26th June 2015
Project Management<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=76&F=H>
15th - 26th June 2015
Project Management Skills for Non-Project Managers<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=75&F=H>
15th - 26th June 2015
Effective Office Management and Administration<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=35&F=H>
15th - 26th June 2015
Tax Analysis and Forecasting<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=66&F=H>
15th - 26th June 2015
Business Ethics in Office<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=96&F=H>
22th - 26th June 2015
Advanced Executive Office Administration and Secretarial Skills<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=60&F=H>
13th - 24th July 2015
Managing Logistics in the Supply Chain<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=56&F=H>
13th - 24th July 2015
Short Courses Application Procedures
Click to Download<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=4&F=H> or send email request to coordinator(a)icdtraining.com<mailto:coordinator@icdtraining.com<mailto:coordinator@icdtraining.com%3cmailto:coordinator@icdtraining.com>>. On receipt of your completed application form or email request, you will be provided with more details to allow you complete the registration process. For more on ICD short courses, confirmed forthcoming course; Seminars or training short courses and workshops, please check our website MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "icdconsult.com<http://icdconsult.com>" claiming to be www.icdtraining.com<http://www.icdtraining.com><http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=6&F=H> or download the ICD 2015 Short courses Calendar<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=39&F=H>. You can also send requests by email to the above address with [1] Name(s) of participant(s) [2] Company name and address [3] Contact phone numbers and email address [4] Name of selected course(s).
Please forward and share this information with your colleagues and throughout your networks. Institutions sending at least 5 delegates for one course for the same dates qualify for negotiable group discount.
Tuition Fess Payment
Participating in the above and other short training Workshops requires nominated delegates to pay the course attendance fee as shown on the workshop Outline. Fees should be paid before course/workshop commencement, but delegates can also pay during or after attendance depending on agreed arrangements. Delegates participation fees are usually paid by their institution where the participants are coming from. At the moment ICD does not have any funding for delegates to attend workshops without payment. Beside self or institutional support, sponsorship to attend is also done by development partners and Projects supporting capacity development initiatives. Letters can be provided to those seeking funding for sponsorship to attend the training short courses/ workshops. Payment is done via Bank transfers or by delegates on course commencement.
The fee covers materials; Transport and on departure day; transport to course/workshop training Centre; Transport for scheduled excursions; light breakfast and teas; take - home Laptop. The fees do not cover Lodgings, daily standard meals and air fares. However Partial and Full board fees can be provided on request.
2015 Training Plans and Training Calendars
For more on ICD short courses, Seminars and training workshop please check our website MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "icdconsult.com<http://icdconsult.com>" claiming to be www.icdtraining.com<http://www.icdtraining.com><http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=6&F=H> . Regional Institutions; NGO; Government Ministries and agencies are submitting their training requirements and request for 2015 and 2016. Send us your institutional training requirements for the generic courses or in-house customised courses to be conducted where you are.
Customised Short Courses
Request for customised course that can be offered at ICD centres or ICD will send its facilitators to your training place of your choice. For your annual staff training Plans the 2015 Training Calendar<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=39&F=H> is posted on our website for your downloads. You can send email requests for your bookings.
Please share this information on ICD forthcoming course/workshops with your colleagues and throughout your networks and encourage potential candidates to apply.
Submit your training requests by email or contact us by phone or request SMS call back (|Phone: +27 12 362 3397<tel:%2B27%2012%20362%203397><http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=1&F=H>| Cell: +27 71 82 77960 |E-mail: coordinator(a)icdtraining.com<mailto:coordinator@icdtraining.com<mailto:coordinator@icdtraining.com%3cmailto:coordinator@icdtraining.com>>)
Kenias Takavarasha
Institute for Capacity Development (ICD)
| E-mail: coordinator(a)icdtraining.com<mailto:coordinator@icdtraining.com<mailto:coordinator@icdtraining.com%3cmailto:coordinator@icdtraining.com>> |Tel:+27-12--3623397<tel:%2B27-12--3623397> |Fax: +27-12-3623375<tel:%2B27-12-3623375> |Cell/Whatsapp:+27603048492<tel:%2B27603048492> |+27718277960<tel:%2B27718277960>
Suite FF02 Hatfield Gabbles, 484 Hilda Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, South Africa
|Skype:icdtraining1|Facebook:MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "icdconsult.com<http://icdconsult.com>" claiming to be www.facebook.com/#!/icdtraining<http://www.facebook.com/#!/icdtraining><http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=29&F=H>|twitter: MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "icdconsult.com<http://icdconsult.com>" claiming to be https://twitter.com/ICDcourses<http://icdconsult.com/link.php?M=578136&N=11&L=9&F=H>
The information contained in this communication is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. The Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) is regularly sending email information about upcoming management and capacity development short courses and consultancy services. Should you wish to be removed from this list just click Unsubscribe me from this list<http://icdconsult.com/unsubscribe.php?M=578136&C=f153becc1aed3ae3ecacc411f3…> .
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Subject: Digest Footer
Sarnissa-african-aquaculture mailing list
End of Sarnissa-african-aquaculture Digest, Vol 91, Issue 5
Chers collègues,
De plus en plus dans le développement des ouvrages hydrauliques, la
participation des populations affectées se présente comme un défi pour
assurer une gouvernance transparente et efficace des ressources en eaux
autour de ces processus.
C'est dans ce contexte que la Coordination régionale des usagers(ères) des
ressources du bassin du Niger (CRUBN) a organisé à Tilabery, République du
Niger, les 21 et 22 Janvier 2015, une rencontre des maires des communes
affectées par les barrages de Kandadji au Niger, Taoussa au Mali et Fomi en
Cette action qui s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet << *R**enforcement de la
participation des usagers dans la gouvernance des ressources en eau et des
grandes infrastructures hydrauliques dans le Bassin du Niger >> * initié par
l'UICN et la GIZ, visait à promouvoir la coopération décentralisée entre
les communes affectées par les barrages dans le but de renforcer le partage
d'information, d'expériences et des bonnes pratiques autour des barrages
dans le Bassin du Niger pour mieux accompagner le processus de
transformation sociale des populations affectées.
La rencontre a connue la participation des maires de 14 Communes affectées
par les barrages dont deux femmes, des représentants des usagers, des
agences de barrage, des autorités administratives et communales et des
partenaires technique et financier.
Veuillez ainsi trouver en attache le rapport technique de ladite rencontre
pour une large diffusion dans vos environnements respectifs.
Merci d'avance
Meilleures salutations.
Richard Labilé Sagno
Ingenieur Agroeconomiste
Consultant Projet de renforcement de la participation des usagers
dans la gouvernance de l'eau et des grandes infrastructures
hydrauliques dans le bassin du Niger- GIZ-UICN-CRUBN
Tel: (+223) 71705187/97642964
Torokorobougou-Bamako-Rép du Mali
Rue326-Face à la Porte 345
Skype: rsagno
Dialoguebarrages mailing list
I am TESSA TESSA Christian, and work as an engineer student, option aquaculture fisheries scientist at the Institute of Fisheries Science (ISH) of the University of Douala, Cameroon. The challenge is big enough to face, the face of strong demand, ever-growing fish products in Cameroon and the Central African sub-Region. Aquaculture in Cameroon is a sector to develop, train qualified personnel, set up infrastructure, in short, a system ranging from production, processing, distribution to support. My presence among you is not an accident. I believe that here, sharing is part of the DNA of SARNISSA and sustainable aquaculture is the phenotype.
I am delighted to be with you.
Je suis TESSA TESSA Christian, élève ingénieur de travaux Halieute option aquaculture à l'Institut des Sciences Halieutiques (ISH) de l' Université de Douala-Cameroun. Le defi est assez grand à relever, face à la forte demande, sans cesse croissante des produits halieutiques au Cameroun et dans la sous region Afrique centrale. L'aquaculture au Cameroun est un secteur à construire, un personnel qualifié à former, des infrastructures à mettre en place, bref, un système allant de la production, la transformation, la distribution à faire vivre. Ma présence parmis vous n'est donc pas un hazard. Je crois qu'ici, le partage fait partie de l'ADN de SARNISSA et l'aquaculture durable en est le phénotype.
je suis enchanté d'être avec vous.