  • 1954 discussions

New YouTube Channel for aquaculture
by Rodrigue Yossa
4 years, 11 months

FW: Voeux APDRA Pisciculture Paysanne
by William Leschen
4 years, 11 months

[{WARNING: Msg Size >4 Meg; *NOT* spamchecked} score ] Identification espèce
by Niniva Arivony RANDRIANERA
5 years

FW: Fishery and/or Aquaculture Specialists for West Africa
by William Leschen
5 years

FW: [paepard] 2020 Call for Projects “Promotion of Family Farming in West Africa” / Promotion de l'agriculture familiale
by William Leschen
5 years

New member Ghana Fish Health INTRODUCTORY MESSAGE and request to others working in fish health across Africa Nouveau membre, Ghana Fish Health MESSAGE INTRODUCTIF et demande aux personnes travaillant dans la santé des poissons en Afrique
by William Leschen
5 years

Première Conférence Internationale Annuelle et Exposition Commerciale du Chapitre Africain de la Société Mondiale d’Aquaculture (AFRAQ2020)
by William Leschen
5 years, 1 month

LARVE DE SILURE (1 à 2 semaine d'age)
5 years, 3 months

FW: Tilapia rendalli
by William Leschen
5 years, 4 months

Polyculture tilapia crevette
by edorh-ananou viwanou
5 years, 4 months
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