---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Giulia Palestini <giulia.palestini(a)fao.org>
Date: Fri, 24 Sept 2021 at 10:39
Subject: [paepard] RESERVEZ LA DATE - 28 Septembre 2021, 10 h 30 heure de
Rome | FAO TECA / BNNS webinaire "La recherche-action sur différents
modèles de ruches en Afrique"
To: Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research
for Development Phase II (PAEPARD II) <PAEPARD(a)faraafrica.community>
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Dear members of the PAEPARD community,
I would like to share with you the below and attached invitation to a TECA
webinar on beekeeping in Africa, organized by FAO and the Beekeeping
Network North-South. The webinar will be held in *French*, on 28 September
Kind regards,
*Giulia Palestini*
Research and Extension Unit, Office of Innovation (OIN),
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy
L'Unité de recherche et de vulgarisation de la FAO et le Beekeeping Network
North-South (BNNS) présentent
*le* *Webinaire sur les technologies et pratiques pour les petits
producteurs agricoles (TECA) sur:*
*La recherche-action sur différents modèles de ruches en Afrique*
Le 28 Septembre 2021 10 h 30 - 13 h 00 (heure de Rome)
* Pour vous inscrire, veuillez cliquer ici
Soutenir l’apiculture a souvent été considéré comme «un moyen rapide de
sortir les populations rurales de la pauvreté et de veiller à
l’environnement». Cela s’est souvent résumé à former, durant quelques
jours, des apiculteurs à l’utilisation d’un modèle de ruche dit «moderne»
inexistant sur le territoire auparavant. Cette méthode n’a pourtant pas
fourni les résultats escomptés.
La recherche-action sur différents modèles de ruches est une approche
participative assez récente qui a déjà porté ses fruits là où elle est
pratiquée. Mais qu’est-ce que la recherche-action? A quels critères
répond-elle? Pourquoi expérimenter différents modèles de ruche?
Correspondent-ils au contexte local et aux besoins des apiculteurs?
C’est ce que nous allons analyser en détails lors de ce webinaire organisé
par Beekeeping Network North-South (BNNS), en collaboration avec la
plateforme TECA <https://teca.apps.fao.org/teca/fr> de la FAO.
- *10 h 30 Mot de bienvenue et introduction**.* *BNNS**, présentation du
thème et des intervenants. *
- *10 h 40 De l’apiculture pour lutter contre la pauvreté? Les
transformations du paysage apicole au Burkina-Faso. **Résultats et
constatations des enquêtes ethnographiques réalisées entre 2015 et 2018.*
*Alexandre Aebi*,* Université de Neufchâtel – Suisse et Centre
écologique Albert Schweitzer (CEAS) – Suisse.*
- *10 h 55 Vision d’une apiculture possible en Afrique**.* *Roch
Domerego**, expert international, Professeur d’université et **Eve de
Sadeleer**, enseignante apicole en Belgique et au Rwanda. *
- *11 h 10 Réaction d’ApiFlorDev, membre de BNNS**.* *Alain Chevalier**,
expert apicole français, Président d’ApiFlordev. *
- *11 h 15 La recherche-action sur différents modèles de ruches – De
quoi s’agit-il? * *Sinali Zella*,* chargé de projets sécurité
alimentaire au Centre écologique Albert Schweitzer (CEAS) – Burkina
Faso. **Jean-François
Gascon*,* porteur du projet de Kamegeli en collaboration avec ARDI,
partenaire d’ApiFlorDev – Rwanda. **RACOD*,* partenaire de Miel Maya
Honing – République démocratique du Congo. **PROCEFFA*,* partenaire de
Miel Maya Honing –Cameroun.*
- *11 h 45 Questions/Réponses – 1ère session *
- *12 h 10 Témoignages d’apiculteurs de différents pays
d’Afrique**.* *Capsules
vidéos d’apiculteurs**, Burkina Faso, RDC, Cameroun, Rwanda, etc.*
- *12 h 30 Questions/Réponses – 2ème session *
· *13 h 00 Mot de la fin et clôture du webinaire*
*Affiche:* http://www.fao.org/documents/card/fr/c/cb6541fr
*Nous espérons que vous vous joignez à nous lors du webinaire, *
*et n'hésitez pas à faire circuler cette invitation au sein de vos réseaux!*
You are receiving this message because you are a member of the
community Platform
for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development
Phase II (PAEPARD II) <https://faraafrica.community/paepard>.
View this contribution on the web site
A reply to this message will be sent to all members of Platform for African
– European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development Phase II
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*Casammak Aquaculture Consultancy *
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Follow my daily updated international Facebook sites (news,
publications, videos, employment, funding, investment and other) for:*
*Casammak Aquaculture <https://5fca2b635abdf.site123.me/> *
*Sustainable Aquaculture Stirling
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi*
*SEAT Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Asia (SEAT) *
* See also Sustainable Aquaculture Group Stirling's activities and
projects: *
*http://www.susaquastirling.net/* <http://www.susaquastirling.net/>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rose Omari <rose.omari1(a)gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Sept 2021 at 18:01
Subject: [paepard] African Continental Association for Food Protection
(ACAFP) 2021 Call for Abstracts
To: Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research
for Development Phase II (PAEPARD II) <PAEPARD(a)faraafrica.community>
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Scientific Programme Committee, we are pleased to announce
that Abstract Submissions for Poster Presentation are now open for the
First Joint Food Safety Conference of the African Continental Association
for Food Protection (ACAFP), Africa Union Commission (AUC) and Food and
Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
The Conference will take place virtually on the 10th and 11th November 2021
and the theme for the Conference is Food Safety in Africa: Past, Current &
the Future.
We welcome submissions of original research and non-research papers for
poster presentation under the following sub-themes:
1. Food Safety Governance in Africa
2. Impact of COVID-19 on Food Systems in Africa
Food Safety from Field-to-Bowl in Africa
3. Food Safety Control Systems in Africa: The Role of Traditional and
Emerging Technologies
4. Academic and Development Partnerships in Food Safety: National,
Regional, Continental and International Initiatives
Further information on the guidelines and how to submit an abstract can be
found on the conference website *www.acafp2021.org.za/abstracts/*
We welcome your contribution and if you have any questions, please contact
*abstracts(a)acafp2021.org.za* <abstracts(a)acafp2021.org.za> for assistance.
Kind regards
Rose Omari
ACAFP 2021: Scientific Programme Chairperson
You are receiving this message because you are a member of the
community Platform
for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development
Phase II (PAEPARD II) <https://faraafrica.community/paepard>.
View this contribution on the web site
A reply to this message will be sent to all members of Platform for African
– European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development Phase II
Reply to sender <rose.omari1(a)gmail.com> | Unsubscribe
*Casammak Aquaculture Consultancy *
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Follow my daily updated international Facebook sites (news,
publications, videos, employment, funding, investment and other) for:*
*Casammak Aquaculture <https://5fca2b635abdf.site123.me/> *
*Sustainable Aquaculture Stirling
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi*
*SEAT Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Asia (SEAT) *
* See also Sustainable Aquaculture Group Stirling's activities and
projects: *
*http://www.susaquastirling.net/* <http://www.susaquastirling.net/>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Francois Stepman <fstepman(a)gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Sept 2021 at 09:37
Subject: [paepard] Webinars 20-26 September 2021.
To: Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research
for Development Phase II (PAEPARD II) <PAEPARD(a)faraafrica.community>
To view all upcoming webinars see:
*20 September 2021. *13:00 -14:30 CEST Scientific partnerships to promote
fruit and vegetable production <http://www.fao.org/3/cb6219en/cb6219en.pdf>
- *Launch of the publication Fruit and Vegetables: Opportunities and
challenges for small-scale sustainable farming*
- *Register for the Event to this link
- *The Event will be webcast live to this link
- *Link to the agenda* <http://www.fao.org/3/cb6219en/cb6219en.pdf>
*20 September 2021. *4 PM Nairobi Africa Regional Consultation for the
Global People’s Summit on Food Systems
*20 September 2021. 11 am CEST. *Neocolonialism and the Failed Rice
*21 September 2021*. Press Conference: New CFS HLPE Steering Committee
*21 September 2021*. Small- and Medium-Scale Fortification for Nutrition:
Lessons from Fortification Efforts in the Southwestern Highlands of
*21 September 2021*. H2020-VALUMICS Final Event
- *Key findings from the VALUMICS project on the functioning of European
food value chains and their impacts on more sustainable, resilient, fairer,
and transparent food system will be presented at the final conference.*
*21 September 2021*. Transforming Cities for People and Planet through
Integrated Urban Development: Launch of UrbanShift
*21-23 September 2021*. South Africa innovation Summit
*21-23 September 2021*.The Global People's Summit on Food Systems
- *The Summit brings together a broad range of rural peoples and civil
society organizations to draw up a Declaration for a radical transformation
of the current food regimes towards just, equitable, and sustainable food
systems. It will also develop a People’s Action Plan to realize this goal.*
*22 September 2021*. Research Data Alliance Interest Group for Agricultural
Data (IGAD)
<https://fao.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vf-usrjorE9P4OMM228MZrFHdEsyx8RsF> by
*22 September 2021.* Nature for Live opening session
<https://www.learningfornature.org/en/nature-for-life-hub-2021/#program> by
- *Transforming our relationship with nature – for the Sustainable
Development Goals, the Paris Agreement, and a nature-positive future, for
people and the planet.*
*22 - 24 September 2021.* Rise And Lead Summit
*The three day summit will be on rising through inclusive leadership. The
summit is open for industry leaders, young leaders and professionals.*
*23 September 2021*. 3:00-11:00 PM CEST 2021 UN Food Systems Summit
* - The UN Food Systems Summit will serve as a historic opportunity to
empower all people to leverage the power of food systems to drive our
recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and get us back on track to achieve all
17 Sustainable Development Goals
<https://www.un.org/en/food-systems-summit/sdgs> (SDGs) by 2030.- 3:00
PM. Leaders from the Summit’s workstreams will present accelerated actions
emerging from the 18-month process to date. - From the Scientific Group:
Prof. Joachim von Braun, Chair, Food Systems Summit Scientific Group - From
Food Systems Summit Dialogues: Dr. David Nabarro, Senior Advisor, Food
Systems Summit Dialogues - From Action Tracks: Ms. Christine Campeau,
Action Track on Advancing Equitable Livelihoods and Senior Advisor for the
Food Systems Summit, CARE USA - From the Champions Network and Constituency
Groups: Ms. Jessica Vega Ortega, Vice-Chair, Food Systems Summit Champions
Network and Co-Chair, Global Indigenous Youth Caucus*
*23 September 2021*. 4 PM CEST. Talking Books as a Participatory M&E Tool
*23 September 2021*. 3:30 PM CEST. Making the most of intra-African trade:
the 2021 Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor
You are receiving this message because you are a member of the
community Platform
for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development
Phase II (PAEPARD II) <https://faraafrica.community/paepard>.
View this contribution on the web site
A reply to this message will be sent to all members of Platform for African
– European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development Phase II
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*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi*
*SEAT Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Asia (SEAT) *
* See also Sustainable Aquaculture Group Stirling's activities and
projects: *
*http://www.susaquastirling.net/* <http://www.susaquastirling.net/>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Aquaculture Africa Magazine <aam(a)aquacultureafrica.com>
Date: Sun, 19 Sept 2021 at 16:45
Subject: Biofloc Aquaculture - For Fish Farmers or Wizards?
To: <williamleschen(a)gmail.com>
As we build up towards AFRAQ21 in Egypt, we have a session this week (21
Sept 2021) that looks at aquaculture in north Africa, before we get to our
flagship event on 23 Sept 2021 that unpacks the mysteries of biofloc.
View in browser
[image: Sendinblue]
*Aquaculture Information for Africa and the World*
*Upcoming Events*
*21 Sept @ 14h00 CAT Aquafeed for Africa by Aller Aqua (Webinar 4 of 6)*
Enhancing Aquaculture Development through Improving Aquafeed Value Chains
(Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco) - - with French and Arabic translation
*Free webinar series fuels Africa’s aquaculture sector*
*WorldFish partners with leading African aquaculture magazine to produce a
free webinar series to educate small-scale fish farmers on best practices.
The development of a sustainable, inclusive fish farming sector promises to
deliver food and nutrition security while providing economic opportunities.*
*Read more.*..
*Biofloc Aquaculture - For Fish Farmers or Wizards?*
Biofloc has been an enigma to many fish farmers. Some know a little about
it, while others have studied the details. Some will tell you that it is
the future of fish farming and that the savings in feed cost will see your
profits rise, while others will tell you that biofloc is for wizards and
witchdoctors. Listen to experts in this webinar when they explain what
biofloc is, consider its advantages and disadvantages, and discuss its
1. Introduction to Biofloc – What is it and What are the Basic Concepts (H
2. Biofloc Technology Production Research - Lessons from the USA (B
3. Biofloc Technology for Africa - An Introduction to the Potential (R
4. Biofloc Technology Today and Beyond: #10 Take-home Lessons (M
P*lease share this information with your contacts and follow us on social
[image: Facebook]
*Unsubscribe here*
*Casammak Aquaculture Consultancy *
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Follow my daily updated international Facebook sites (news,
publications, videos, employment, funding, investment and other) for:*
*Casammak Aquaculture <https://5fca2b635abdf.site123.me/> *
*Sustainable Aquaculture Stirling
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi*
*SEAT Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Asia (SEAT) *
* See also Sustainable Aquaculture Group Stirling's activities and
projects: *
*http://www.susaquastirling.net/* <http://www.susaquastirling.net/>
Dans la vidéo de cette semaine (lien ci-dessous), je vous entretiens sur la nécessité de penser très grand, mais commencer petit dans tout projet d’aquaculture commerciale. Ne dit-on pas « petit à petit, l’oiseau fait son nid »?
Bon visionnement!
Rodrigue Yossa, PhD, Ir, PMP
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Blessing Mapfumo <africanchapter(a)was.org>
Date: Tue, 14 Sept 2021 at 07:07
Subject: The Success Story of Aquaculture in Egypt: The Real Motivation for
Hosting the First Aquaculture Africa Conference (AFRAQ21)
To: Blessing Mapfumo <blessing(a)hempelco.com>, Blessing Mapfumo <
Cc: Mario Stael <mario(a)marevent.com>, John Cooksey <worldaqua(a)was.org>
Dear Media Partner
*The Success Story of Aquaculture in Egypt: The Real Motivation for Hosting
the First Aquaculture Africa Conference (AFRAQ21)*
Please assist in publicizing this attached Article. We have also attached
the Conference logo and the author has send some pictures depicting
aquaculture in Egypt and Alexandria landscapes – which you may use (google
drive link below).
afmelsayed(a)gmail.com has invited you to *contribute to* the following
shared folder:
[image: 2020AFRAQ_newdates (2)]
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi*
*SEAT Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Asia (SEAT) *
* See also Sustainable Aquaculture Group Stirling's activities and
projects: *
*http://www.susaquastirling.net/* <http://www.susaquastirling.net/>
En francais au dessus
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Peter Britz <p.britz(a)ru.ac.za>
Date: Mon, 13 Sept 2021 at 15:00
Subject: SARNISSA notice
To: William Leschen <williamleschen(a)gmail.com>
*REMINDER**- Abstract Submission deadline 30 September AQUACULTURE AFRICA
2021, Alexandria, Egypt*
Dear Colleagues
*African Aquaculture 2021*, the first meeting of the World Aquaculture
Society Africa Chapter will go ahead as planned as an in-person event in
Alexandria, Egypt, December 11-14, 2021. This is due COVID vaccinations and
declining infection rates permitting travel.
Abstracts are coming in steadily, and delegates are reminded to submit
their abstracts by the deadline of 30 September. The abstract submission
form is available on the conference website:
For more detail on the programme contact:
Blessing Mapfumo – WAS Africa Chapter africanchapter(a)was.org
Or the Programme co-chairs:
Prof Peter Britz - English language p.britz(a)ru.ac.za
Dr Jean-Michel Mortillaro - French language jean-michel.mortillaro(a)cirad.fr
Dr Salah El Moselhy - Egyptian submissions salahaly(a)hotmail.com –
African Aquaculture 2021, la première réunion de la section Afrique de la
World Aquaculture Society se déroulera comme prévu sous forme d'événement
en personne à Alexandrie, en Égypte, du 11 au 14 décembre 2021. Cela est dû
aux vaccinations contre le COVID et à la baisse des taux d'infection
permettant de voyager.
Les résumés arrivent régulièrement et il est rappelé aux délégués de
soumettre leurs résumés avant la date limite du 30 septembre. Le formulaire
de soumission des résumés est disponible sur le site Web de la conférence :
Pour plus de détails sur le programme, contactez :
Blessing Mapfumo – WAS Africa Chapter africanchapter(a)was.org
Ou les coprésidents du programme :
Prof Peter Britz - langue anglaise p.britz(a)ru.ac.za
Dr Jean-Michel Mortillaro - Langue française jean-michel.mortillaro(a)cirad.fr
Dr Salah El Moselhy - Soumissions égyptiennes salahaly(a)hotmail.com -
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi*
*SEAT Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Asia (SEAT) *
* See also Sustainable Aquaculture Group Stirling's activities and
projects: *
*http://www.susaquastirling.net/* <http://www.susaquastirling.net/>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Aquaculture Africa Magazine <aam(a)aquacultureafrica.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Sept 2021 at 12:10
Subject: Aquaculture - AFRAQ2021, University of Cape Town and Biofloc!
To: <williamleschen(a)gmail.com>
This week's webinar deals with shrimp feeding and aquaculture research and
training at the University of Cape Town. Find out more about Biofloc in
next week's session.
View in browser
[image: Sendinblue]
*Aquaculture Information for Africa and the World*
*Upcoming Events*
14 Sept @ 14h00 CAT
*Aquafeed for Africa by Aller Aqua (Webinar 3 of 6)*
Shrimp feeding from Post-larvae to Grow-out using Aller Aqua’s Shrimp
Products (Egypt) - *with Arabic translation*
16 Sept @ 15h00 CAT
*FOCUS: University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa*
Short power-discussion about aquaculture training and research at this
21 Sept @ 14h00 CAT
*Aquafeed for Africa by Aller Aqua (Webinar 4 of 6)*
Enhancing Aquaculture Development through Improving Aquafeed Value Chains
(Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco) - - with French and Arabic translation
*Biofloc Aquaculture - For Fish Farmers or Wizards?*
Biofloc has been an enigma to many fish farmers. Some know a little about
it, while others have studied the details. Some will tell you that it is
the future of fish farming and that the savings in feed cost will see your
profits rise, while others will tell you that biofloc is for wizards and
witchdoctors. Listen to experts in this webinar when they explain what
biofloc is, consider its advantages and disadvantages, and discuss its
P*lease share this information with your contacts and follow us on social
[image: Facebook]
*Unsubscribe here*
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi*
*SEAT Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Asia (SEAT) *
* See also Sustainable Aquaculture Group Stirling's activities and
projects: *
*http://www.susaquastirling.net/* <http://www.susaquastirling.net/>