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Traduction synthétique (le message original en anglais est présenté en fin
de message)
From: Nadia Ehlinger <nehlinger(a)itg.be>
Date: 2008/11/3
Sujet: Atelier IFAD sur "Communautés de pratique pour le développement de
l'élevage, des pêches et de l'aquaculture en faveur des pauvres"
L'IFAD est heureux de vous inviter à un atelier sur les "Communautés de
pratique pour le développement de l'élevage, des pêches et de l'aquaculture
en faveur des pauvres" qui se tiendra à Rome, au siège de l'IFAD du 12 au 13
Janvier 2009.
Il est organisé dans le cadre de l'initiative "Approche innovante de gestion
de la connaissance à destination des services d'assistance technique". Le
but est de construire des communautés de pratiques qui permettent
d'améliorer le développement et les programmes de lutte contre la pauvreté,
grâce à la création, au partage et à l'utilisation de la connaissance.
L'atelier débutera le lundi 12 janvier à 9h00 et se terminera le mardi 13
janvier 2009. Un forum de discussion en ligne sera lancé pour les
participants qui ne seront pas en mesure de se rendre à Rome. Il comportera
les présentations en temps réel, les documents de travail et les
transcriptions; les conférences seront diffusées en direct sur le web.
Un modérateur sera chargé de poser les questions posées par les intervenants
à distance.
Pour plus d'information, rendez-vous sur
ou sur le blog
Cliquez sur
pour vous enregistrer avant le 20 novembre 2008.
N'hésitez pas à contacter Mme. Silvia Sperandini s.sperandini(a)ifad.org
pour plus de renseignement
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nadia Ehlinger < <mailto:nehlinger@itg.be> nehlinger(a)itg.be>
Date: 2008/11/3
Subject: IFAD Workshop on "Communities of Practice for Pro-poor Livestock
and Fisheries/Aquaculture Development" (first call)
IFAD is pleased to invite you to a workshop on "Communities of Practice for
Pro-poor Livestock and Fisheries/Aquaculture Development" which will be held
in Rome, IFAD HQ on 12-13 January 2009.
This activity is organized within the framework of the IFAD "Innovative
Knowledge Management Approach for Technical Advisory Services" initiative.
This IFAD effort aims at building Communities of Practice which, by
facilitating the creation, sharing and use of knowledge will improve the
effectiveness of rural development and poverty reduction programs.
Kindly find attached the Final Report of the Need Assessment that was
launched in July 2008 and intended to identify common problems, areas of
work, strategies, opportunities and priorities for pro-poor livestock
The Workshop will provide an opportunity to consolidate and operationalise
what anticipated by the Survey and in particular to:
- Identify common priorities, strategies and areas for action among CoP
- Share participant' views and experiences on livestock and
fisheries/aquaculture related issues;
- Provide a common ground for building new partnerships and establishing new
strategic working relationships among development partners to promote
livestock as a tool for poverty reduction.
The initiative is led by Antonio Rota, Senior Technical Adviser on Livestock
and Farming Systems, Technical Advisory Division, with the support of the
Productive Assets and Technology (PAT) Cluster and in collaboration with the
IFAD Thematic Group on Community-Based Natural Resource Management.
The workshop will begin on Monday, January 12 at 9:00am (registration at
8:30) and end on Tuesday, January 13, 2009.
An online discussion forum will be open to participants which are unable to
attend the conference in Rome. It will host real time presentations, working
papers and transcripts; while the conference sessions will be covered
through live web casting. Registered web casts of the single sessions will
be made available at the online discussion forum.
A moderator will regularly capture online comments and questions which will
be brought to the attention of the conference participants in Rome.
Additional information will be available shortly at the web site
http://www.ifad.org/lrkm/index.htm <
and at the Blog <http://ifadlivestock.blogspot.com/>
http://ifadlivestock.blogspot.com/ < <http://ifadlivestock.blogspot.com/>
http://ifadlivestock.blogspot.com/> .
Please click here <
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=zHX52ofjPsD75Fnufd0mFQ_3d_3d> to fill
the online registration form (deadline: 20 November 2008). A tentative
agenda is attached.
Please don't hesitate to contact Ms. Silvia Sperandini for any further
information at <mailto:s.sperandini@ifad.org> s.sperandini(a)ifad.org.
Kind regards
Nadia Ehlinger
Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp
Departmen <<image001.gif>> t of Animal Health
Be-Troplive Secretariat
Nationalestraat 155
2000 Antwerp
E-mail: <mailto:nehlinger@itg.be> nehlinger(a)itg.be
tel.: 0032/ <>
fax.: 0032/ <>
VAT: 0410.057.701
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