---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: francois.stepman(a)gfair.network <francois.stepman(a)gfair.network>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2025, 18:57
Subject: [paepard] Webinars 4 - 7 February + HIGHLIGHTS JANUARY +
To: Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research
for Development Phase II (PAEPARD II) <PAEPARD(a)faraafrica.community>,
PAEPARD(a)dgroups.org <PAEPARD(a)dgroups.org>
For regular updates:
2025-02-28 Entrepreneurship Program for Africans 2025<
https://www.tefconnect.com/>: The Tony Elumelu Foundation fosters and
supports start-up enterprises in Africa.
2025-02-16 Call For Applications: BRACE Program Cohort 3, Batch 1 For
Agri-SMEs in Afric<
4 February 2025. Launch of the Third School Meal Programs Around the World
5 February 2025. 10:00 – 13:00 (CET – Rome time). Climate Change and
Nutrition <
* Policy and research roundtable dialogue on integrated
climate-nutrition action
5 February 2025. 12h00 à 12h45. Innover contre la pauvreté et les
* Le Fonds d’Innovation pour le Développement a l’ambition de permettre
l'émergence de solutions à fort potentiel d'impact pour lutter contre la
pauvreté et les inégalités, d'évaluer rigoureusement leur efficacité et
d'accélérer leur déploiement à plus grande échelle
* Session d’information et de questions-réponses organisée par l’équipe
du Fonds d’Innovation pour le Développement
5–6 February 2025. Networking meeting on LIFE and innovative funding for
* The online meeting, will use the experience gained under LIFE
projects to showcase and explore innovative funding mechanisms, including
private sector contributions, for nature conservation and restoration.
6 February 2025. InfoPoint conference: The essential role of animal source
foods in promoting optimal nutrition<
7 February 2025. The UNESCO Chair in World Food Systems is devoting its
14th Annual Symposium to food systems in Africa<
APAARI Community of Practice Biopesticides<
29 January 2025. Asia-Pacific Biopesticides Community of Practice (ABCOP) -
For the Promotion of Biopesticides and Enhancement of Trade Opportunities
Agroecology, Nutrition and Health<
29 January 2025. Agroecology, Nutrition and Health Unleashing the potential
of agroecology to ensure healthy and nutritious diets
Cultivating Agroecology Transformations<
23 January 2025. The Agroecology Leadership Academy was implemented by GIZ
DeSIRA CONNECT Days: Asia & The Pacific<
14/01 Reshaping the contribution of research to agricultural innovation
16/01 Regional organisations and alliances in support of impact, conditions
for scaling out innovations and the agroecological transition
Funding Forgotten Foods<
7 - 10 January 2025. Winneba, Ghana. The Global Forum for Agricultural
Research and Innovation (GFAiR) organised a proposal write shop to target
funding opportunities.
How Business Can Support Sustainable Development<
Food as medicine report<
Third School Meal Programs Around the World Report<
You are receiving this message because you're a member of the community
Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for
Development Phase II (PAEPARD II).
A reply to this message will be sent to all members of) Platform for
African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development
To reply to sender, send a message to) .
To unsubscribe, send an email to leave.PAEPARD(a)faraafrica.community
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chamber of Aquaculture <info(a)chamberofaquaculture.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 at 14:44
Please find attached the COA Ghana Weekly Pool Price Status Report for
week 46 . For further information, please email us at:
P O Box AT 1214
info(a)chamberofaquaculture.com | www.chamberofaquaculture.com
This e-mail may contain confidential information. If you receive this
e-mail in error, please notify the sender, delete the e-mail and do not
share or copy it.
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
*Casammak Aquaculture Consultancy *
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Follow my daily updated international Facebook sites (news,
publications, videos, employment, funding, investment and other) for:*
*Casammak Aquaculture <https://5fca2b635abdf.site123.me/> *
*Sustainable Aquaculture Stirling
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi*
*SEAT Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Asia (SEAT) *
* See also Sustainable Aquaculture Group Stirling's activities and
projects: *
*http://www.susaquastirling.net/* <http://www.susaquastirling.net/>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chamber of Aquaculture <info(a)chamberofaquaculture.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 at 12:49
Please find attached the COA Ghana Weekly Pool Price Status Report for
week 44 . For further information, please email us at:
P O Box AT 1214
info(a)chamberofaquaculture.com | www.chamberofaquaculture.com
This e-mail may contain confidential information. If you receive this
e-mail in error, please notify the sender, delete the e-mail and do not
share or copy it.
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: info(a)marevent.com <info(a)marevent.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 at 09:17
Subject: AFRAQ24 Hammamet, Tunisia - Aquaculture Events 2025
To: <williamleschen(a)gmail.com>
*AFRAQ24 Hammamet, Tunisia & Aquaculture Events 2025*
<https://ymlps1.com/13857ehhuaraequsbaoabmuapamqssy/click.php> – *AFRAQ24 –
Hammamet, Tunisia – November 19-22, 2024*.
Tunisia is currently amongst Africa’s top aquaculture producing countries
and also one of the world’s fastest average annual growth rate. The country
is the second biggest aquaculture producer country in North Africa region,
after Egypt and is looking forward to expand the sector owing to the
competitive advantages on its blue economy domain. In addition to
appraising Tunisia’s fast-growing aquaculture sector, bringing AFRAQ24 to
the country is expected to inspire the African French and Arabic
communities. It is expected to be a gateway platform to connect Africa to
European aquaculture actors. More in the brochure
Program schedule online
<https://ymlps1.com/482fdehhmataequsbaiabmuatamqssy/click.php> now. Find
all sessions in the AFRAQ24 program grid
<https://ymlps1.com/19e0fehhjaoaequsbapabmuafamqssy/click.php>. The event
app WAS meeting assistant on your phone will be online soon.
Start to organise your travel
<https://ymlps1.com/71621ehhbafaequsbaaabmuakamqssy/click.php> and get
online <https://ymlps1.com/473e1ehhhavaequsbalabmuagamqssy/click.php> now !
AFRAQ24 Exhibition
<https://ymlps1.com/7a991ehhwaxaequsbazabmuavamqssy/click.php> and detailed
info soon on the AFRAQ24 event app – WAS meeting assistant.
More training course and workshop
<https://ymlps1.com/764d5ehhqaxaequsbavabmuazamqssy/click.php> during
AFRAQ24 – click tab program.
<https://ymlps1.com/18b41ehhyaraequsbacabmuaxamqssy/click.php> – *New
Orleans, USA – March 6-10, 2025 *
Every three years, the Triennial is held somewhere in the United States. In
2025, the Triennial returns to sunny New Orleans – one of America’s
favourite cities. The Triennial is the largest aquaculture conference and
tradeshow with nearly 4,000 attendees from over 90 countries. The Triennial
combines the annual meetings of the National Shellfisheries Association,
Fish Culture Section of the American Fisheries Society, World Aquaculture
Society, and the National Aquaculture Association. In addition to the
annual meetings of the main sponsors, look what else is happening at
AQUACULTURE 2025 with the annual Meeting of USAS, the U.S. Chapter of World
Aquaculture Society and the Aquaculture Suppliers Association, the annual
Meeting of the U.S. Trout Farmers Association, the special sessions
organized by Aquacultural Engineering Society and International Association
of Aquaculture Economics and Management and many other meetings of working
groups, government agencies and related aquaculture activities. Brochure
<https://ymlps1.com/9d8f9ehwsadaequsbanabmuaoamqssy/click.php> and abstract
<https://ymlps1.com/3be6aehwuagaequsbaoabmuadamqssy/click.php> here.
More info on the exhibition
<https://ymlps1.com/322d3ehwmataequsbavabmualamqssy/click.php> - *Qingdao,
China April 24-27, 2025*. WA25 China event page online now, find all
details in the brochure
<https://ymlps1.com/6333aehwjapaequsbarabmuacamqssy/click.php>... Qingdao
plays an important role in China’s maritime development with its advanced
marine economy, robust marine industry and strong foundation in marine
fishery, marine equipment manufacturing, and marine transportation. Ocean
University of China, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese
Academy of Fishery Sciences, the Institute of Oceanography of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences located here. Time to submit your abstract
<https://ymlps1.com/158edehwbanaequsbazabmuaramqssy/click.php> for the WA25
China conference and time to block your booth
<https://ymlps1.com/65d1behwharaequsbalabmuakamqssy/click.php>. For
sponsorship just contact the email below.
<https://ymlps1.com/343b8ehwwalaequsbalabmuadamqssy/click.php> - *Entebbe,
Uganda June 24-27, 2025*
Contact : africanchapter(a)was.org – event page coming
<https://ymlps1.com/69b13ehwqagaequsbadabmuaiamqssy/click.php> soon.
<https://ymlps1.com/1be55ehwyagaequsbalabmuaaamqssy/click.php> Valencia,
Spain, *September 22-25, 2025*.
. Developing social licence and promoting not only the production and
commercialization of high quality and health aquatic feeds, but also the
ecosystem services that aquaculture provides, are key features of AE2025-
giving value to each and every person in Spain and throughout Europe
. Info on the conference, abstract submission and registration in the
Brochure <https://ymlps1.com/136a8ehqsataequsbadabmuaramqssy/click.php>. Submit
your abstract <https://ymlps1.com/2f540ehquanaequsbadabmuaramqssy/click.php>
before May 1st.
. 50% of the booths at the AE25 exhibition
<https://ymlps1.com/35bfcehqealaequsbapabmuakamqssy/click.php> already
sold. Contact mario(a)marevent.com for updates.
<https://ymlps1.com/343b8ehwwalaequsbalabmuadamqssy/click.php>– Puerto
Varras, Chile - October 6-9*, 2025 – event page coming soon.*
See you soon at one of our events..
Thank you, Mario
Linkedin: Mario Stael
[image: Logo, company name Description automatically generated]Email:
mario(a)marevent.com Web: www.marevent.com
AQUACULTURE AFRICA 2024 Hammamet Tunisia – Nov 19-22, 2024
AQUACULTURE 2025 New Orleans, Louisiana USA March 6-10, 2025
WORLD AQUACULTURE 2025 China – Qingdao, April 24-27
AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2025 Valencia, Spain, September 22-25
LACQUA25 Puerto Varras, Chile Oct 6-9
AQUACULTURE AMERICA 2026 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA February 16 – 19, 2026
WORLD AQUACULTURE SINGAPORE 2026 Singapore, June 2-5, 2026
AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2026 Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 29,30 Oct 1
Thank you Mario Stael
More details on www.was.org or www.aquaeas.org
undescribe /update email <https://ymlps1.com/ugwjhyusgsgmqssygehhggeywsy>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chamber of Aquaculture <info(a)chamberofaquaculture.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2024, 16:48
Please find attached the COA Ghana Weekly Pool Price Status Report for
week 42. For further information, please email us at:
P O Box AT 1214
info(a)chamberofaquaculture.com | www.chamberofaquaculture.com
This e-mail may contain confidential information. If you receive this
e-mail in error, please notify the sender, delete the e-mail and do not
share or copy it.
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chamber of Aquaculture <info(a)chamberofaquaculture.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 at 09:56
Please find attached the COA Ghana weekly Pool Price Status Report for
week 02. For further information, please email us at:
P O Box AT 1214
info(a)chamberofaquaculture.com | www.chamberofaquaculture.com
This e-mail may contain confidential information. If you receive this
e-mail in error, please notify the sender, delete the e-mail and do not
share or copy it.
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi*
*SEAT Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Asia (SEAT) *
* See also Sustainable Aquaculture Group Stirling's activities and
projects: *
*http://www.susaquastirling.net/* <http://www.susaquastirling.net/>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Géovanne Aymar NZIENGUI DJIEMBI via Sarnissa-african-aquaculture <
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 at 08:35
Subject: Re: Tilapia à la mer
To: Jack M. James <jack_m_james(a)hotmail.com>
Cc: sarnissa-african-aquaculture Mailing List <
Des espèces de Tilapia adaptées aux eaux saumâtres comme Coptodon
guinéennis ou encore Sarotherodon melaneuplera.
Au Gabon nous en avons une diversité et des études spécifiques seraient la
Le lun. 23 oct. 2023 à 09:25, Jack M. James via
Sarnissa-african-aquaculture <sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)lists.stir.ac.uk>
a écrit :
> Singapore has been working on saline adapted tilapia for some time for
> farming in areas where freshwater is scarce, they are just quite a plastic
> species so can adapt.
> Sent from Outlook for Android <https://aka.ms/AAb9ysg>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Sarnissa-african-aquaculture <
> sarnissa-african-aquaculture-bounces(a)lists.stir.ac.uk> on behalf of
> Ololade Adegoke via Sarnissa-african-aquaculture <
> sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)lists.stir.ac.uk>
> *Sent:* Saturday, October 21, 2023 11:13:15 PM
> *To:* Newton Rodrigues <rodrigues.newton(a)gmail.com>
> *Cc:* sarnissa-african-aquaculture Mailing List <
> sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)lists.stir.ac.uk>
> *Subject:* Re: Tilapia à la mer
> Dear Newton
> This is most likely one of the effects of climate change. At two workshops
> on climate change migration of species was noted to be one of the effects.
> Its however amazing that a freshwater specie can invade and adapt to saline
> conditions like this. Possibly its a brackish water specie?
> Regards
> Ololade Adegoke
> Sustainable Environment and Fisheries Foundation
> Nigeria
> On Sat, 21 Oct 2023, 13:54 Newton Rodrigues via
> Sarnissa-african-aquaculture, <
> sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)lists.stir.ac.uk> wrote:
> https://g1.globo.com/sp/campinas-regiao/terra-da-gente/noticia/2023/10/20/t…
*Casammak Aquaculture Consultancy *
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Follow my daily updated international Facebook sites (news,
publications, videos, employment, funding, investment and other) for:*
*Casammak Aquaculture <https://5fca2b635abdf.site123.me/> *
*Sustainable Aquaculture Stirling
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi*
*SEAT Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Asia (SEAT) *
* See also Sustainable Aquaculture Group Stirling's activities and
projects: *
*http://www.susaquastirling.net/* <http://www.susaquastirling.net/>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Abdullah, Ghada (FAORNE) <Ghada.Abdullah(a)fao.org>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 at 11:06
Subject: Invitation to the NENA innovation platform
To: <NENA-INNOVATION-L(a)listserv.fao.org>
Countries in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region face numerous
challenges including food insecurity, malnutrition, impacts of climate
change and dwindling natural resources in addition to recurrent conflicts
and crisis that require the adoption of innovative policies, technologies
and organizational processes and practices, as well as an effective
cooperation among actors. The region needs to take stronger commitments and
apply accelerated efforts to overcome those prominent multifaceted
challenges it faces to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The region has invested substantial efforts in innovation since the
disruptive impact of COVID pandemic and will continue to focus attention on
innovative approaches in support of more efficient, inclusive, resilient
and sustainable agrifood systems in the region. In order to accelerate
progress in meeting the SDGs and agri-food systems transformation, FAO will
apply Innovation in all programmatic interventions to enhance impact, while
minimizing trade-offs.
*Launch of the NENA Agri-Food Innovation Platform*
The Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa is determined to
enhance the countries’ capabilities to innovation through establishing the
Innovation dedicated platform. The NENA Agri-Food Innovation Platform
<https://www.fao.org/nena/> is a place where members get together to
discuss and reflect on the most prominent innovations and digital
transformation practices in the region. The platform aims at establishing a
network of experts and innovators among its members as well as serve as a
knowledge-sharing space where participants can access the latest FAO
publications, news, and events related to innovation in the region and
In the framework of the Science and Innovation Forum 2023
the Regional Office has the pleasure to launch the platform in the region
and invites you* to become a member of the platform and to actively
interact by suggesting a topic of discussion!*
*NENA Agri-Food Innovation Platform aims at:*
- Offering highlights on innovation and digital transformation good
practices in the region through triggering discussions among experts,
actors, innovators and game changers, etc.
- Building the capacities of its members through linking to relevant
trainings, webinars and resources.
- Providing the latest updates on the status of innovation and digital
transformation activities in all countries of the region.
- Networking among expert members from different types of organizations
and institutions, public, privates, producers, academia, research, etc.
*You are invited to **REGISTER <https://www.fao.org/nena/user/register>*
*to become a member of the platform and to be able to suggest a topic of
*[image: Image]*
*FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa*
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Cairo, Egypt
To unsubscribe from the NENA-INNOVATION-L list, click the following link:
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi*
*SEAT Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Asia (SEAT) *
* See also Sustainable Aquaculture Group Stirling's activities and
projects: *
*http://www.susaquastirling.net/* <http://www.susaquastirling.net/>