bonjour à tous. je fais des recherches au Burkina Faso sur les crevettes, notamment les
espèces Macrobrachium rosenbergii et Macrobrachium niloticum. pour ce faire je souhaite
recevoir de la documentation sur la biologie, l'écologie, etc. de ces espèces. merci
d'avance et bonne journée à tous
De : Lionel Dabbadie <lionel.dabbadie(a)>
À : Liste francophone Sarnissa <sarnissa-french-aquaculture(a)>
Envoyé le : Jeu 18 Février 2010, 23 h 08 min 42 s
Objet : [Sarnissa-french-aquaculture] Atelier OCDE Aquaculture Durable 15-16 avril 2010
Bonjour à tous,
Merci à Will de m'avoir signalé la tenue à Paris les 15-16 avril 2010 d'un atelier
de l'OCDE sur les politiques soutenant un secteur aquacole durable. Je n'ai pas
trouvé la version française du programme. Si quelqu'un l'a, pourrait-il
l'envoyer à la liste ?
Si certains d'entre-vous ont prévu de participer à cet événement, ou connaissent des
gens qui vont y prendre part, merci de me prévenir ou de prévenir Will !
Merci et bien amicalement
OECD Workshop: Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda --
Policies to ensure a sustainable aquaculture sector, 15-16 April 2010, Paris
Dear colleagues,
The OECD is organizing a Workshop on Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda – Policies to
ensure a sustainable aquaculture sector with the support of the Government of France. The
workshop is to take place in Paris, France, on 15 -16 April 2010.
The main objective of the workshop is to provide a platform for policy makers, technical
experts, international organizations, the private sector and NGOs to examine policy
challenges that OECD governments face in aquaculture development. The event will inform
policy makers, in particular in OECD countries, about critical economic, environmental and
social aspects of the aquaculture sector as well as analyse interactions with other
The specific objectives of the workshop are:
· To provide participants with information about the ‘state of the art’ and the trends
in aquaculture;
· To encourage mutual learning by sharing best practices and experiences in
aquaculture management and development (including inter-sectoral aspects);
· To identify key areas for improving the business environment for aquaculture –
including perspectives from the private sector and from international organizations/NGOs;
· To understand the opportunities and challenges of aquaculture for OECD countries
with regard to policy coherence for development; and
· To outline innovative pathways for sustainable aquaculture for OECD countries.
The workshop is organized in four sessions:
Session 1 - Overview of the latest developments in aquaculture provides participants with
a snapshot of the latest ‘state of the art’ in aquaculture. The session will explain the
contribution of aquaculture to world fisheries supplies and food security, highlight
technical developments and address industry trends (consumption, processing, marketing).
Session 2 - Best practices in aquaculture management and development identifies, on the
basis of specific country case studies and the inventory of conditions in OECD Member
countries on aquaculture production, best practices around three specific topics which
subsequently can provide input into domestic policy formulation. The three key topics are
(i) governance, (ii) dealing with the environmental externalities caused by aquaculture
and (iii) dealing with externalities that impact on aquaculture production. All three
topics address economic, environmental and social interactions within and beyond the
aquaculture sector.
Session 3 - Enhancing economic conditions for aquaculture analyzes factors that affect
the business environment for aquaculture production. It looks into areas of action for the
different players involved in the aquaculture sector: (i) public authorities and (ii) the
private sector. In addition, it considers (iii) cross-cutting issues with an international
Session 4 – Lessons for policy makers: What future for aquaculture? draws from the
discussions and the identification of best practices. The session addresses the question
of how to develop national and international policy strategies for aquaculture development
and identifies specific potential areas of work for the OECD COFI.
For more information about the workshop please consult the OECD website at which will be updated from time to time.
The expected attendance is approximately 100 people, including representatives from
government institutions, the aquaculture industry, international development organizations
and academia.
Registration, which is open to the public, is required (form attached) and subject to
confirmation and availability of space.
Further information about the venue, accommodation and travel is available in the
attached Information Note to Participants. Please be informed that the workshop attendance
is free of charge but costs for travel and accommodation are borne by the participants.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Paris.
Yours sincerely,
Carl-Christian Schmidt
Head, Fisheries Policy Division
Tel.: +33 (1) +(33-1) 45 24 95 60
Nicole Franz
Economist, Fisheries Policy Division
Tel.: +33 (1) +(33-1) 45 24 95 60
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