Some more of the pictures of fishes from the Tana River system
Priscillah N.Boera
Station Coordinator, Sangoro Aquaculture Centre
Research Officer I
Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research Institute
P. O. Box 136,
Pap Onditi
From: William Leschen <william.leschen(a)>
To: sarnissa-african-aquaculture Mailing List
<sarnissa-african-aquaculture(a)>uk>; sarnissa-french-aquaculture
Mailing List <sarnissa-french-aquaculture(a)>
Cc: TIM GROS <tim(a)>om>; "aquaghana2009(a)"
Sent: Fri, December 17, 2010 7:45:35 PM
Subject: [Sarnissa] AGRITECH West Africa 2011 Exhibition & Conference including
Ghana aquaculture conference
AGRITECH West Africa 2011 Exhibition & Conference
La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra Ghana 10-12 May 2011 This also includes one day
Ghana Aquaculture Conference organised by the Ghana Aquaculture Association
(GAA). There will be call for papers in the new year. For further details
contact Chairman Nina Asasu Tel: +233 246 246612 e-mail: aquaghana2009(a)
. Please also find attached Ghana Aquaculture Association brochure.
Afrique de l'Ouest AGRITECH 2011 Exposition et conférence
La Palm Royal Beach Hôtel, Accra, Ghana, 10 au 12 mai, 2011 Ceci inclut
également un jour Ghana Aquaculture Conférence organisée par la Fédération
ghanéenne de l'aquaculture (GAA). Il y aura appel à communications pour la
nouvelle année. Pour plus de détails contacter la présidente Nina Asasu Tel:
+233 246 246612 e-mail: aquaghana2009(a) . S'il vous plaît également
trouver ci-joint le brochure de Ghana Aquaculture Association.
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The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010The University of
Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.