---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Noureddin Driouech <driouech(a)iamb.it>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 09:05
Deadline September 30, 2021
To: Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research
for Development Phase II (PAEPARD II) <PAEPARD(a)faraafrica.community>
Deadline September 30, 2021
Women for Africa Foundation …
[View More]is launching the 7th call for fellowships of
the program Science by Women, aimed at selecting 22 senior African women
scientists to be integrated in 22 top research Spanish centers in the
following areas: health and biomedicine, agriculture and food security,
water, energy and climatic change.
Considering the exceptional challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic, some of the
fellowships are focused on the research and innovation carried out by
African women scientists from the diverse and interdisciplinary approaches.
So far more than 80 fellows have enjoyed six-month research stays which
have contributed to enhance their leadership in scientific research and
technology transfer.
You can find the presentation as well as the rules and guidelines in the
link https://mujeresporafrica.es/7th-edition-science-by-woman/
I encourage you to give to this call the widest dissemination among senior
women researchers.
The program’s ultimate goal is to enable African women researchers to play
a leading role in the transition of Africa to a knowledge-based and
innovation-led economy.
The Women for Africa Foundation is a private entity aimed at contributing
to the sustainable development of Africa through the drive of its women.
For more information: science.by.women(a)mujeresporafrica.es
On Behalf #CiheamBari #Alumni #FTN #Community
Dr. Noureddin Driouech, PhD Environmental Sciences & Mediterranean Cropping
Systems Management
Education/Training and Research
Coordinator of the CIHEAM Bari Alumni Network (FTN)
CIHEAM Bari (Italy)
Email: driouech(a)iamb.it
Tel.: + 39 0804606203
Website: http://www.iamb.it
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*Casammak Aquaculture Consultancy *
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Follow my daily updated international Facebook sites (news,
publications, videos, employment, funding, investment and other) for:*
*Casammak Aquaculture <https://5fca2b635abdf.site123.me/> *
*Sustainable Aquaculture Stirling
*SARNISSA African Aquaculture Network *
*Aquaculture Enterprise Malawi*
*SEAT Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade Asia (SEAT) *
* See also Sustainable Aquaculture Group Stirling's activities and
projects: *
*http://www.susaquastirling.net/* <http://www.susaquastirling.net/>
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Dans la vidéo de cette semaine (voir lien ci-dessous), je vous fais visiter un système aquacole en circuit fermé conçu essentiellement pour la recherche en nutrition et alimentation des poissons. Ce système comprend, entre autres, des aquariums, le biofiltre, le filtre à sable, l’aération, la tuyauterie, etc.
N’hésitez pas de laisser un commentaire si vous avez des questions ou des informations complémentaires.
Bon visionnement !
Dr. Rodrigue Yossa
Dans la vidéo de cette semaine (lien ci-dessous), je vous présente les particularités de la pisciculture en étang, hors-sol et en cage. Bien que tous ces systèmes piscicoles permettent de produire du poisson de façon rentable, il convient de savoir les conditions qui doivent être remplies pour choisir un système de production par rapport à un autre, dans un contexte donné.
N’hésitez pas de laisser un commentaire si vous avez des questions ou des informations complémentaires.
Bon …
[View More]visionnement !
Dr. Rodrigue Yossa
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