Sarnissa-french-aquaculture February 2021
  • 8 participants
  • 9 discussions

Fwd: Aquaculture in Tunisia - and much more!
by William Leschen
4 years

Managing Aquaculture Projects
by Rodrigue Yossa
4 years

Fish Health Webinar Ghana Friday 19 February 2021 - Webinaire sur la santé des poissons au Ghana vendredi 19 février 2021
by William Leschen
4 years

Fwd: [paepard] One Planet Fellowship applications EXTENDED to February 28, 2021/La date limite pour la soumission des candidatures pour le programme One Planet Fellowship a été reportée au 28 février 2021
by William Leschen
4 years

African Aquaculture Online webinars and trainings
by William Leschen
4 years

Fwd: [paepard] (February 9th @9:30am EST), Book Launch, An evolving paradigm of agricultural mechanization development: How much can Africa learn from Asia?
by William Leschen
4 years

Version française de la formation en aquaculture
by diadhiou hamet
4 years

Fwd: [paepard] RE: ICRA - SCHOLARSHIP Application OPEN NOW for our Aug - Nov 2021 courses for Professionals in Agriculture
by William Leschen
4 years, 1 month

South Africa Yellowtail Kingfish development from 2010 presentation
by William Leschen
4 years, 1 month
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