FYI see below
From: Peter Hancock <p.j.b.hancock(a)>
Sent: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 11:02 AM
To: Alejandro Sanchez Amaro <alejandro.sanchezamaro(a)>; Ailsa E Millen <ailsa.millen(a)>
Subject: seminar of possible interest
Hi Ailsa, Alex. The following paid for course may be of interest to some Corgi and Berg folk. $49 for students, $100 for staff
[Using AI to Read Hidden Signals of Humans, Animals, and Plants]
This seminar explores the use of AI and machine learning to decode non-verbal communication in humans, animals, and plants, focusing on the concept of honest signals. Participants will gain hands-on experience with Python tools to analyze these signals, enhancing their research methodologies across diverse fields.
Peter Hancock (he/him)
Emeritus Professor
Psychology, School of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
phone 01786 467675
Latest papers:
The Wisdom of the Crowd Can Unmask Faces
Benchmarking automation-aided performance in a forensic face matching task. Applied Ergonomics,
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Scotland's University for Sporting Excellence
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159
Dear all,
Hope you had a great weekend. In the next BERG/SHAIR meeting this week, Alice Turner will present her latest work on her project: Human-Beaver Coexistence in a Nature Emergency. The meeting will take place in the Common Psychology room at 4pm, Wednesday.
Abstract: We are in a nature emergency, and the re-establishment of beavers is one solution to restore biodiversity and ecosystem function. Yet, their relationship with humans, with whom they share their environment, remains largely under-researched. There are many studies which demonstrate the impact of human activity on wildlife, as well as how species adapt to human proximity, but our understanding of this in a beaver context is limited. Future ecosystem management must go beyond reintroduction schemes and allow both humans and beavers to engineer the environment without generating conflict. This talk outlines a PhD study into human-beaver coexistence, describing methodology and preliminary findings and potential applications to beaver policy and practice.
link for online attendance:…
Scotland's University for Sporting Excellence
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159
Dear all,
Unfortunately, there will be no meeting this week. The good news is that we have a complete schedule until June with the exception of the reading week. See you soon.
All the best,
Scotland's University for Sporting Excellence
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159
Dear all,
Hope you had a great weekend. In the next BERG/SHAIR meeting this week, Yoorana Peyre will present her latest work on her project: Impact of short and long exposure to low and high temperatures on bumblebees’ (Bombus terrestris audax) cognition. The meeting will take place in the Common Psychology room at 4pm, Wednesday.
Here is the abstract for the talk
Pollinators, including bumblebees, are crucial for food production and ecosystems’ integrity. Pollinators are threatened by numerous factors of anthropogenic origin, among which climate change is one of the most impactful. While the effects of climate change on pollinators’ relationship with plants as well as on their physiology and phenology start to be well acknowledged, studies about how it might impact their cognitive abilities are still rare even if they are fundamental to understand how it might influence their foraging strategies, their fitness and therefore the pollination service they provide. My study investigates how a short and long exposure to abnormally high and low temperatures impact crucial bumblebee’s cognitive abilities such as learning and memory.
link to connect online…
Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159
Dear all,
This is a reminder that tomorrow, unfortunately, there will be no presentation. We can still meet to socialize in the Common Psychology Room at 4pm if you fancy it.
All the best,
Scotland's University for Sporting Excellence
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159
Dear all,
This is just a gentle reminder that today Akzira Abuova from Leipzig University will present her work on Collaborative dishonesty. The meeting will be online but you are all welcome to join me in the Psychology Common Room at 4pm.
Collaborative Dishonesty: Children Cheat More When They Benefit Together
Abstract: Collaboration, where individuals work together to achieve mutual benefits, is a defining feature of human societies. However, research has shown that adults are particularly willing to commit transgressions when pursuing collaborative goals. The developmental origins of this phenomenon, as well as its prevalence in non-Western populations remain largely unexplored.
I will present a study conducted with the Kazakhstani population, examining how collaborative motives and socio-cultural influences can undermine honesty from an early stage of development. Additionally, I will briefly outline planned future studies.
Scotland's University for Sporting Excellence
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159
Might be of interest to some.....…
Full details in attached link. Free tickets in person or online. Book in link.
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Scotland's University for Sporting Excellence
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159
Dear all,
The first meeting of the semester will take place the 29th of January in the Psychology common room (4pm). I have not been able to confirm title and abstract from Akzira Abuova, but she confirmed to me some weeks ago that she will give a talk (online) next Wednesday.
I hope to see you all and I will update with further information as soon as I have it.
All the best,
Scotland's University for Sporting Excellence
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159
Dr Pawel Fedurek (he/his)
Lecturer in Psychology
Behaviour and Evolution Research Group (BERG)
Division of Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Scotland, UK
Twitter: @fedurekp<> @BERG_Stirling<>
Staff page<> | BERG page<…>
I aim to reply within 3 working days (my working days are between Monday and Friday).
From: Psychology Enquiries <psych-enquiries(a)>
Sent: 22 January 2025 10:54
To: PsychAcadStaff <PsychAcadStaff(a)>
Subject: Fw: Primate Behavior and Conservation Field Course in Uganda
From: Kimberly Dingess <kdingess(a)>
Sent: 22 January 2025 05:19
To: PatriciaBunce(a) <PatriciaBunce(a)>
Subject: Primate Behavior and Conservation Field Course in Uganda
CAUTION: This email originated from outside University of Stirling. Do not follow links or open attachments if you doubt the authenticity of the sender or the content.
The Semliki Chimpanzee Project is now accepting applications for its Primate Behavior and Conservation field course in Uganda. The course dates are July 15-30, 2025. Students can participate on a credit or non-credit basis.
Students will gain an in-depth understanding of Uganda culture, geography and wildlife. They will attend lectures on Ugandan conservation and wildlife by a guest lecturer from the Uganda Wildlife Authority (the national parks oversight organization); they will learn about the Ugandan independence and Kampala city history; they will visit the Entebbe Zoo where they will see a wide variety of Ugandan wildlife; they will live in tents in Semliki surrounded by wildlife including warthogs, kob, bushbuck, baboons, chimpanzees, redtail monkeys and forest elephants; at dusk they will be serenaded by black and white colobus (among the loudest animals on the planet) and during the night they will hear bushbabies and owls; they may see a nocturnal potto in the tamarind tree near the toilets; they will visit the famed Queen Elizabeth National Park where they will see wildlife such as millions of Uganda kob as well as elephants, hippos, crocodiles, banded mongoose, vervets, baboons and possibly lions; they will visit local markets in Ntoroko, Karagutu and Fort Portal; at Lake Albert they will see the famous and rare shoebill stork; they will look out over the famed Rift Valley, a mile below them, from the top of the rift escarpment; they will visit a tea plantation and see the harvesting and drying of the famous Ugandan tea (and receive a free sample); they will visit a smallholder family farm to see how self-sustaining families manage to produce their own vegetables, protein and natural products on a family-owned plot of land; they will trek gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. They will be immersed in Ugandan culture, nature and animals and guided by Ugandans and instructors with decades of experience in Uganda and all of Africa.
For more information and to apply, visit Semliki Chimpanzee Project Field School – Semliki Chimpanzee Project<>
If you have any questions or would like a course information packet, please contact us at kdingess(a)<>.
Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159