Dear BERGers,
I am pleased to say that the Behaviour and Evolution Research Group (BERG) seminars are coming back soon. These seminars are held on Wednesdays at 5.30pm in 3A94.
Meetings will start on Wednesday 19th September, so please add these Wednesday dates to your diaries, noting there will be no meeting on Wed 24th October as it is mid semester break, and we shall wind up early-mid December
The first meeting is on Wednesday 19th September at 5.30pm in 3A94 (Psychology common room). We shall use this meeting for introductions, including I hope for our new students, and updates from the summer...please come prepared to share news of any grants awarded, papers published, exciting conferences attended etc.
Sign up for a BERG talk on the Doodle poll below. Presenting at BERG is an excellent way to practice talks, hone your presentation skills, get feedback on grant application ideas, lead a discussion of a controversial/interesting research paper etc. You can also suggest external speakers who we might invite (local speakers only please).
If you have new students who might wish to be on the BERG mailing list, please send them this e-mail. To sign up to the BERG mailing list new folk must complete the form available here:
You can also use this link to unsubscribe.
Many thanks,
Gemma Mackintosh
Dear all,
Our good friend and former colleague Jim Anderson has kindly shared a PDF version of a full collection of papers from a special issue that he edited on the topic of responses to death in animals and humans. Please find it attached. Hope you enjoy!
I hope everyone is having a good summer. Feel grateful that you are in Scotland – Jim says the temperature in Kyoto has been in the high thirties!
Dear BERGers
Do you own, work for, know of, or have you participated with a 'mobile animal experience' (MAE)?
If the answer is yes then we ask that you take 10-15 minutes to complete a questionnaire entitled 'Assessing, 'mobile animal experience' businesses, in Scotland.'
The questionnaire is part of a research project being conducted by myself Kirsty-Marie Moran, a Masters student in Human-Animal Interaction at The University of Stirling. The project is in collaboration with the Scottish SPCA, the Scottish Government, and the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh.
If you are interested in participating in this research please follow this link to find out more:
Thank you
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group (BERG)
Room 3A79, Cottrell
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 467674
Fax: 01786 467641
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)<>
Home page:
Recently launched:
Dear BERGers,
I would just like to draw your attention to the fact that we will have a guest seminar from a visiting researcher this Friday lunchtime (scheduled as part of the Cognition group meetings), which may be of interest to those in BERG. Sarah Koopman, from the University of Rochester in New York ( ), will be giving a talk about “Anatomical and ecological factors related to numerical precision across a wide range of species”. The talk will be in the same room as our BERG meetings (Psychology common room), starting at 12.15pm.
Hope some of you can make it along!
From: Viktoria Mileva
Sent: 13 June 2018 09:17
Dear all,
Just a reminder that this week’s CORGIS meeting is on Friday, in room 3A94, at 12:15pm – 1:30pm.
We’ll be listening to a talk by Sarah Koopman about the anatomical and ecological factors related to numerical precision across a wide range of species.
Please help Masters dissertation student Robyn Harris if you can (you need to be aged 18-30). Many thanks, Hannah
Dear BERGers,
My name is Robyn and I'm a postgraduate student on the Human-Animal Interaction MSc course. My dissertation project involves looking at our ability to interpret the social and emotional signals of dogs and of humans. I aim to understand whether there are any links between understanding the two different species, and how empathy is involved.
I am gathering data using an online survey, aimed at students aged between 18 and 30 inclusive. If you know of any students that may be eligible and interested, I'd be very grateful if you could pass this email on to them.
The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete, and can be found at this link:
Thank you!
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group (BERG)
Room 3A79, Cottrell
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 467674
Fax: 01786 467641
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)<>
Home page:
Recently launched:
Dear Bergers
Our very own Sophia Daoudi has reached the final of the three minute thesis (3MT).
Please sign up (via link below) and go and support her as sadly I shan't make it.
I'm sure she'd appreciate your vote.
From: Stirling Graduate School
Sent: 30 May 2018 09:40
Subject: 3MT Final - Tuesday 5th June
Just a reminder that the 3MT final is taking place on the Tuesday 5th June at 2pm in the PGR Zone. We have 11 finalists this year:
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Shankar Mandal
Ken Reid
Sophia Daoudi
Rebecca Skinner
Stirling Management School
Madalina Radu
Elizabeth Lemmon
Hanjin Li
Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport
Chris Hartley
James Dugdale
Faculty of Social Sciences
Jordan MacLean
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Cheng Chen
Please come along, show your support and cast your vote. Every vote counts!
Don't forget to sign-up via Eventbrite<…> to book your place.
This may be of interest to some......
Dear Colleagues,
I would be very grateful if you could share the following poster with your students and any interested colleagues.
Due to other work commitments we will only be running one public 'Student Environmental Enrichment Course' this summer as we return to Lakeview Monkey Sanctuary, a private charity not open to the public, for our 34th SEEC.
The registration fee of only £150 for this 3.5day course (Monday 11.30am- 5pm, Tuesday to Thursday 9am-5pm) covers all course materials, entry to the Sanctuary, and tea, coffee and biscuits during the breaks. Students will gain a background in animal welfare and enrichment, as well as providing practical skills in designing, building and testing enrichment within the settings of a working animal facility. Our aim is to provide valuable experience and an overview of additional useful skills to a would-be keeper’s CV.
Places are limited and go on a first come first serve basis so we recommend early registration to avoid disappointment.
For any questions please do not hesitate to contact me: mkjones(a)<>
Many thanks and best wishes,
Mark Kingston Jones,
Co-Founder - Team Building with BITE
Workshop Co-ordinator - The Shape of Enrichment
Email: mkjones(a)<>
Tel: 01825890421
Highest rated provider on Coursecheck for 2017, and 2nd highest rated for 2015 and 2016! Winner of Vanarama Customer Service Hero Award 2017. See our latest reviews at:
Follow 'Team Building with BITE' on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.
Dear BERGers
The last BERG meeting and party is scheduled for Wednesday 25th April - and we shall use this meeting as a celebration of another successful academic year of BERG, and the end of the taught component of the Human Animal Interaction Masters.
Please bring a wee something to share - sweet or savoury, alcoholic or a softie, and stay a bit longer if you can.
Our speaker will be Angelica Lippi, who is visiting from the University of Florence and has been doing a placement with Paws for Progress.
Her short talk is entitled "New perspective on the methodological aspects in Animal Assisted Interventions: insights from elderly, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Disease patients"
Hope to see you there - 5.30pm in the Psychology Common room as usual.
Best, Hannah
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group (BERG)
Room 3A79, Cottrell
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 467674
Fax: 01786 467641
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)<>
Home page:
Recently launched:
Dear BERG folks,
This week we have PhD candidate Jade Hooper giving her interesting talk entitled:
Exploring Social and Locality Variations of Dog Bites in Scotland Using Administrative Data Sources
Rates of hospital admissions due to dog bite incidents have risen considerably over the last 10 years (HSCIC, 2015). Of particular concern is the finding that hospital admissions for dog bites are highest in the most deprived areas across England and Wales (HSCIC, 2014; 2015). However, there is a paucity of research which aims to explore why this may be or how this issue may be addressed. Whilst there is a public interest in these figures in Scotland, thus far there has been no rigorous empirical investigation into social inequalities in dog related injuries. Through an innovative and ambitious analysis of linked by-product data, the current study hopes to address this gap. The study will use a range of data sources to examine both individual and area-based characteristics which may help uncover some of the reasons why these patterns may exist, and how they can be addressed. Health data from dog bite incidents will be requested and linked with census records. Microchip data will also be requested in a bid to account for dog populations which in the past have not be considered when links with social disadvantage and dog bite injuries have been found. Through this analysis, the study aims to help inform policy for the reduction of dog bites and aid in effective identification and targeting of interventions for areas and individuals most at risk. This presentation will discuss some of the difficulties associated with the research area and specific challenges related to the project. The floor will then be opened to allow for more general discussion surrounding the subject area.
Start time 5:30pm sharp - drinks and munchies provided.
We hope to see you there!
Paxton D. Culpepper, BSc, MSc
PhD Candidate | Psychology
Division of Psychology
Behaviour and Evolution Research Group
Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Stirling, UK
Office: 3B134 Cottrell Building
Phone: +44 (0) 1786 466852
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 467641
Email: p.d.culpepper(a)<>
Dear BERGers
This week we have Jade Hooper giving a presentation on "Exploring Social and Locality Variations of Dog Bites in Scotland Using Administrative Data Sources"
Paxton will circulate details.
The last BERG meeting and party is scheduled for Wednesday 25th April - and we shall use this meeting as a celebration of another successful academic year of BERG, and the end of the taught component of the Human Animal Interaction Masters.
Please bring a wee something to share - sweet or savoury, alcoholic or a softie, and stay a bit longer if you can.
Our speaker will be Angelica Lippi, who is visiting from the University of Florence and has been doing a placement with Paws for Progress.
Her short talk is entitled "The effects of the human-animal interaction on psycho-physical wellbeing in patients with mild cognitive impairment"
Hope to see you there - 5.30pm in the Psychology Common room as usual.
Best, Hannah
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group (BERG)
Room 3A79, Cottrell
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 467674
Fax: 01786 467641
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)<>
Home page:
Recently launched: