Hello, All!
Tomorrow is the last date for BERG, and what could be a better way to celebrate an excellent semester of talks than to with a Christmas Party?
Join us in the common room at 5:30pm, Wednesday 12th December for some light festivities. We shall ask that everybody brings a little something to the party to share – nibbles, a bottle, or home baking if inclined. If you have any festive games you would like to bring along, please do!
To add new members to our mailing list using the following link: http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berg
(You can also use this link to unsubscribe.)
For a regularly updated BERG schedule, follow this link: https://stir.box.com/s/e3nuylt8aacxjyzdw40zqv4zpv6afil0
See you soon!
Hello, All
This week, we have Sobana Wijeakumar (hosted by Liz Renner) giving a talk titled "Shedding light on Stone Tool Making".
As usual, BERG will start at 5:30pm in the common room - all welcome!
To add new members to our mailing list using the following link: http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berg
(You can also use this link to unsubscribe.)
For a regularly updated BERG schedule, follow this link: https://stir.box.com/s/e3nuylt8aacxjyzdw40zqv4zpv6afil0
???See you soon!
Dear BERGers
We have an opportunity to nominate seminar speakers for th Psychology spring semester series - please especially can we have one relevant to animal welfare/HAI as UFAW kindly sponsor one seminar speaker a seemster, so let us take this great opportunity!
You may either nominate directly via Louise (louise.lavery(a)stir.ac.uk), with me copied in, or filter through me.
Many thanks, Hannah
From: Louise Lavery <louise.lavery(a)stir.ac.uk>
Sent: 03 December 2018 10:12
To: Psychology Staff <PsychologyStaff(a)stir.ac.uk>
Subject: Spring Semester Research Seminar Series
Dear all,
We are looking for individuals to nominate speakers for our Spring Research Seminar Programme series.
Can I please request that you provide nominees by 15th December at the latest, apologies for the delay in requesting nominations. It has been a busy semester. When submitting nominees, can you please include nominees organisation, their areas of expertise and potential presentation topics. As hosts need to be available to welcome, introduce and entertain seminar speakers, can you please also advise which of the following dates are suitable for you:
24th January
31st January
7th February
14th February
28th February
7th March
14th March
21st March
28th March
4th April
Kind regards,
Administration Assistant
Faculty of Natural Sciences
(01786) 467640
Hello, All
This week, we have Zsuzsa Lugosi giving a talk titled "Enhancing zoo education with Virtual Reality".
Here is a blurb to spark your interest:
In 1997 Zoo Atlanta developed an experience that allowed middle schoolers to become gorillas for a short while in a Virtual Reality (VR) experience. At that time, this technology was still in its early stages, but with more widespread commercial use, these experiences can become breath-taking. In a zoo setting, VR experiences could have all the characteristics of a keeper's talk: introducing the species and communicating welfare and conservations messages to the wider public. According to Moss and Esson (2010) visitors spend about a minute to observe animals in an exhibit, and even that minute is dependent on the species, where charismatic or active mammals are highly preferred by visitors. With a VR experience 3-5 minutes long, animals could get undivided attention from visitors, while the zoo would have the opportunity to send specific messages.
I will conduct a research in Edinburgh Zoo early next year to evaluate whether visitors like this method of education and how it might impact their behaviour regarding the issues raised in the experience. ?
As usual, BERG will start at 5:30pm in the common room - all welcome!
To reiterate Hannah's email from last week, BERG's Christmas party will be on Wednesday 12thDecember in the usual BERG slot at 5.30pm in the common room. We shall ask that everybody brings a little something to the party to share - nibbles, a bottle, or home baking if inclined!?
http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berg?<http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berg> (You can also use this link to unsubscribe.)
For a regularly updated BERG schedule, follow this link: https://stir.box.com/s/e3nuylt8aacxjyzdw40zqv4zpv6afil0
???See you soon!
Dear all
There is a slight change to the BERG schedule, that our wonderful organiser Gemma will inform us all about soon, but I just wanted to let you know that BERG's Christmas party will be on Wednesday 12th December in the usual BERG slot at 5.30pm in the common room. We shall ask that everybody brings a little something to the party to share - nibbles, a bottle, or home baking if inclined.
We are entering party season! Each of the research groups has also been asked to suggest a party game for the Psychology Christmas party on 19th December. BERG must also have a good representation there! So on 12th December we may try out the form of any games (please let me know if you have any great suggestions that would work well with lots of people). This is not to give BERG a competitive advantage by cheating, but to ensure the organisational processes are smooth!
Finally, I am delighted to say that Deborah Bruce (deborah.bruce(a)stir.ac.uk<mailto:deborah.bruce@stir.ac.uk>) has agreed to organise us all next semester so please put Wednesdays at 5.30pm in your diaries, and start thinking about offering a presentation.
Seminars will commence on 16th January with an external speaker, Dr Ally Palmer, from the University of Oxford, talking about ethics of orang-utan rehabilitation and reintroduction. Prior to her talk we shall have a discussion about "voluntary participation of animals in research", and will be meeting around 4pm. If you are interested in joining us, please let me know. Ally is doing this work as a postdoctoral researcher working with Dr Beth Greenhough and Dr Reuben Message on the Species and Spaces project at the School of Geography and Environment, Oxford. Ally is studying those animals used in research in Places Other than Licensed Establishments (POLES). This work considers how transposing animal research to POLES - such as farms, fisheries, conservation sites, zoos, and veterinary clinics - poses new questions and challenges for human-animal relationships.
Best, Hannah
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group (BERG)
Room 3A79, Cottrell
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 467674
Fax: 01786 467641
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)stir.ac.uk<mailto:h.m.buchanan-smith@stir.ac.uk>
Home page: https://rms.stir.ac.uk/converis-stirling/person/11925http://marmosetcare.com/http://www.247animalwelfare.eu/index.html
Recently launched: http://refiningdogcare.com/http://www.refiningdogcare.com/images/RDC%20Flyer.pdf
Hello, All
This week, we have Hannah Buchannan-Smith giving a talk titled "Capuchin and squirrel monkeys living together - promoting welfare and conservation at Living Links".
This is a 15 minute practice talk for a public engagement event to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Living Links to Human Evolution Research Centre, which houses mixed species groups of capuchin and squirrel monkeys.
As usual, BERG will start at 5:30pm in the common room - all welcome!
To add new members to our mailing list using the following link: http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berg
(You can also use this link to unsubscribe.)
For a regularly updated BERG schedule, follow this link: https://stir.box.com/s/e3nuylt8aacxjyzdw40zqv4zpv6afil0
See you soon!
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Sure, I’ll try to come up with something soon. Can I just confirm that it’s the 28th I’m speaking?
From: BERG <berg-bounces(a)lists.stir.ac.uk> on behalf of Gemma Mackintosh <gemma.mackintosh1(a)stir.ac.uk>
Date: Monday, 12 November 2018 at 16:17
To: berg Mailing List <berg(a)lists.stir.ac.uk>
Subject: [BERG] BERG 14th November
Hello, All!
This week, we have Deborah Bruce giving a talk titled "A Journey Down the Crow Road"
Here is a short blurb to spark your interest:
A growing body of research suggests that Corvids may in fact be “Feathered Apes”, as some of their cognitive abilities appear to be comparable with that of some primates. While studies have been conducted with Ravens, Rooks and Jays, Carrion crows have received very little attention. Much of corvid cognitive research is conducted in captive settings, with very little evidence from the field. The aim of my research project is to take the “Lab to the Field”, with a series of paradigms designed to examine physical cognition. My talk will give a brief outline of my proposed studies along with an overview of the feasibility study I’ve been conducting on campus over the last year.
As usual, BERG will start at 5:30pm in the common room - all welcome!
To add new members to our mailing list using the following link: http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berg
(You can also use this link to unsubscribe.)
For a regularly updated BERG schedule, follow this link: https://stir.box.com/s/e3nuylt8aacxjyzdw40zqv4zpv6afil0
See you soon!
Hello, All!
This week, we have Deborah Bruce giving a talk titled "A Journey Down the Crow Road"
Here is a short blurb to spark your interest:
A growing body of research suggests that Corvids may in fact be "Feathered Apes", as some of their cognitive abilities appear to be comparable with that of some primates. While studies have been conducted with Ravens, Rooks and Jays, Carrion crows have received very little attention. Much of corvid cognitive research is conducted in captive settings, with very little evidence from the field. The aim of my research project is to take the "Lab to the Field", with a series of paradigms designed to examine physical cognition. My talk will give a brief outline of my proposed studies along with an overview of the feasibility study I've been conducting on campus over the last year.
As usual, BERG will start at 5:30pm in the common room - all welcome!
To add new members to our mailing list using the following link: http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berg
(You can also use this link to unsubscribe.)
For a regularly updated BERG schedule, follow this link: https://stir.box.com/s/e3nuylt8aacxjyzdw40zqv4zpv6afil0
???See you soon!
Hello, All!
This week, we have Josephine Smit giving a talk titled "The influence of risk on elephant activity patterns - a preliminary look"
As usual, BERG will start at 5:30pm in the common room - all Ghosts, Skeletons, Werewolves and otherwise welcome!
To add new members to our mailing list using the following link: http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berg
(You can also use this link to unsubscribe.)
For a regularly updated BERG schedule, follow this link: https://stir.box.com/s/e3nuylt8aacxjyzdw40zqv4zpv6afil0
???See you soon!
Hello BERG!
This week we have a Halloween themed BERG to look forward to! (Wed 31st October)
Kirsty Park giving a talk titled "How to study bats: in praise of bat detectors".?
As usual, BERG will start at 5:30pm in the common room - all Ghosts, Skeletons, Werewolves and otherwise welcome!
To add new members to our mailing list using the following link: http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berg
(You can also use this link to unsubscribe.)
For a regularly updated BERG schedule, follow this link: https://stir.box.com/s/e3nuylt8aacxjyzdw40zqv4zpv6afil0
See you all soon!