Just a reminder that there will be no BERG meeting tomorrow since we are in mid-semester.
Join us next week for a Halloween themed meeting!
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Hello, All!
This week we have PhD candidate Juliet Dunstone giving a talk titled "Flexible copying strategies are harder than the sum of their parts".
Here is a short blurb to spark your interest:
Selective copying strategies that rely on explicit metacognition have been proposed as an explanation for the evolution of cumulative culture in humans. This study investigates this claim using a simple computer task.?
As usual, BERG will start at 5:30pm in the common room - all welcome!
To add new members to our mailing list using the following link: http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berg
(You can also use this link to unsubscribe.)
For a regularly updated BERG schedule, follow this link: https://stir.box.com/s/e3nuylt8aacxjyzdw40zqv4zpv6afil0
See you all soon,
Hello, All!
This week we have Sagarika Phalke giving a talk titled " Management & Welfare of Domesticated Asian Elephants in India".?
As usual, BERG will start at 5:30pm in the common room - all welcome!
To add new members to our mailing list using the following link: http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berg
(You can also use this link to unsubscribe.)
For a regularly updated BERG schedule, follow this link: https://stir.box.com/s/e3nuylt8aacxjyzdw40zqv4zpv6afil0
See you all on Wednesday,
Hello, All!
This week we have Sagarika Phalke giving a talk titled " Management & Welfare of Domesticated Asian Elephants in India".?
As usual, BERG will start at 5:30pm in the common room - all welcome!
To add new members to our mailing list using the following link: http://lists.stir.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/berg
(You can also use this link to unsubscribe.)
For a regularly updated BERG schedule, follow this link: https://stir.box.com/s/e3nuylt8aacxjyzdw40zqv4zpv6afil0
See you all on Wednesday,
?Hello BERGers!
This week we will have a short talk from Sarah Jackson, who will be presenting her exciting research topic, 'The development of phobias through first memories of canine interactions'.
As usual, we will be meeting in 3A94 at 5:30pm.
As some of you already know, Paxton is leaving us on Friday to start his exciting new post as Lecturer of Evolutionary Psychology at Northampton University. To celebrate his new position (and commiserate his departure) Francesca has invited us all to share a few drinks at Meadowpark, after Sarah's talk. Please feel free to come along!
All the best,
?Apologies for cross-postings
I am sharing the news of Liz Williamson's Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation Award for Excellence in Primate Conservation.
At the International Primatological Society Congress in Nairobi last month, Dr Liz Williamson, an Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the Division of Psychology, University of Stirling received the fifth biennial Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation (MMBF) Award for Excellence in Primate Conservation. Liz completed her PhD at Stirling in 1988, and has been a Research Fellow since 1992. The award was given by Dr. Russ Mittermeier in recognition of Liz's achievements in gorilla conservation. Liz was Director of the Karisoke Research Centre in Rwanda for six years and Vice Chair of the IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group for 10 years. She remains an active member of the Primate Specialist Group's Section on Great Apes and is series editor of the IUCN Best Practice guidelines for great ape conservation (http://www.primate-sg.org/best_practices).
Liz' web page:
I am sure you will join me in congratulating her on this well-deserved honour.
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group (BERG)
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 467674
Fax: 01786 467641
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)stir.ac.uk<mailto:h.m.buchanan-smith@stir.ac.uk>
Home page: https://rms.stir.ac.uk/converis-stirling/person/11925http://marmosetcare.com/http://www.247animalwelfare.eu/index.html
Hi BERGers!
This week (Wednesday 26th September), we have Guillermo Hidalgo Gadea? giving a talk titled "Measuring Fatigue and Comfort: An Experimental Approach"?.
This talk will combine 2 exciting studies, which you can read a bit about in the abstracts below.
Looking forward to seeing you all there,
Abstract 1
This study aims to provide an interdisciplinary perspective on biosignal processing for driver monitoring systems. Machine learning models were trained with ECG, Pupil Diameter and Eyelid Opening data from overnight sleep deprived subjects experiencing microsleep in a supervised test track driving environment. Model performance of 0.85 accuracy and 0.96 precision indicates (a) promising results for noninvasive microsleep detection in real driving environment and (b) benefits of the presented interdisciplinary processing method for psychological research.
Abstract 2
This paper presents the idea of brute force feature extraction for Electrocardiography (ECG) signals applied to discomfort detection. To build an ECG Discomfort Corpus an experimental discomfort induction was conducted. 50 subjects underwent a 2h (dis-)comfort condition in separate sessions in randomized order. ECG and subjective discomfort was recorded. 5min ECG segments were labeled with corresponding subjective discomfort ratings, and 6365 brute force features (65 low-level descriptors, rst and second order derivatives, and 47 function-als) and 11 traditional heart rate variability (HRV) parameters were extracted. Random Forest machine learning algorithm outperformed SVM and kNN approaches and achieved the best subject-dependent, 10-fold cross-validation results (r = .51). With this experiment, we are able to show that (a) brute force ECG feature sets achieved better discomfort detection than traditional HRV based ECG feature set; (b) cepstral and spectral ux based features appear to be the most promising to capture HRV phenomena.?
Dear BERGers,
Our first meeting of the semester is tomorrow at 5:30pm!
I have attached this semester's BERG seminar schedule. As you can see, there are still available slots so if you would like to give a talk or know of someone who would, please sign up via the doodle poll --> https://doodle.com/poll/ciia3dfkctkgn34b
After you sign up, please send me the title of your talk and a short blurb about it for the BERG emails/posts. It's also helpful to attach a topic/talk-related image that I can include in the posts - images look nice and they are helpful in advertising the talks.
We all look forward to some great speakers (and topics) this semester. It could be you!
Dear BERGers,
BERG meetings will be resuming next week!
On Wednesday (19th) we will be having informal introductions and a catch up in the Psychology Common Room (3A94) from 5:30pm, with drinks and nibbles provided.
I am currently recruiting volunteers to give a short talk or to host a discussion this semester so please do sign up for slot at this doodle poll (and feel free to contact me with any questions):
https://doodle.com/poll/ciia3dfkctkgn34b ?
All are welcome to our BERG meetings, and I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!!
All the best,