Dear BERGers,
We are ever so jolly to announce that BERG will be having a Virtual Christmas Party next week!
It will be hosted by myself (Sarah Kraemer) and our incoming BERG meetings co-ordinator, Pawel Fedurek.
Wednesday, Dec 16
6pm - Who knows, 7:30?
on Microsoft Teams.
Look out for another e-mail headed your way this week with additional information!
Ho - Ho - Hope to see you there,
-Sarah and Pawel
E-mail for Pawel [Lecturer in Psychology at Stirling; meetings coordinator of BERG]: pawel.fedurek(a)
E-mail for Sarah [PhD Student at Stirling; occasional coordinator of BERG]: s.b.kraemer(a)
The link to add people to the mailing list or unsubscribe to these e-mails is here:<…>
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2020
UK Sports University of the Year 2020 (Times Higher Good University Guide)
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Dear BERGers
I have organised a research seminar for our Evolutionary Psychology MSc students, to which you are all also invited if interested. She will talk for about an hour and then be available for questions and discussion for a further 30min.
Monday 30th November, 10 - 11.30am
Does personality smell?
Dr Agnieszka Sorokowska, Institute of Psychology, University of Wroclaw, Poland.
Agnieszka Sorokowska works at the Institute of Psychology (University of Wroclaw, Poland), where she is a head of the Smell and Taste Research Lab. Her previous affiliations include Technische Universitaet Dresden (Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Department of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine) and Gösta Ekman Laboratory at the Stockholm University. During her career, Agnieszka Sorokowska was a principal investigator in six research grants funded by Polish and international organizations. She is an author or coauthor of 78 publications in international scientific journals (including Nature, Cognition, Hormones and Behavior or Science of the Total Environment). Her multidisciplinary research program relates mostly to evolutionary, cross-cultural and cognitive psychology, although many of her studies combine also other disciplines, like medicine, anthropology or neuroscience. Her scientific interests led her also to many isolated and remote places, like West Papua, Bolivian Amazon or Pacific Islands, where she conducted field research. She received several national and international scientific awards (including the International Society for Human Ethology's Linda Mealey Award).
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Microsoft Teams meeting
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The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2020
UK Sports University of the Year 2020 (Times Higher Good University Guide)
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Dear BERGers
As most of you know, the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) support BERG activities, and I am their LINK representative to share information and news.
Please see updates below including links to recorded conferences and meetings, funding opportunities, and award nominations.
Best, Hannah
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Stephen Wickens <wickens(a)<>>
Date: 24 November 2020 at 14:11:36 GMT
To: <h.m.buchanan-smith(a)<>>
Subject: UFAW LINK: Reminders and updates
Reply-To: <wickens(a)<>>
CAUTION: This email originated from outside University of Stirling. Do not follow links or open attachments if you doubt the authenticity of the sender or the content.
Dear Hannah,
Just to remind you that, if you missed any, recordings of all the sessions of our 'Recent advances in animal welfare science VII' conference are available to watch on demand by using this link:<…>. These sessions will be available to view until at least April 2021.
Since this conference, we have hosted a few other meetings, that you may also be interested in viewing. Recordings of the RSPCA/UFAW rodent welfare meeting can be viewed here:<…>. And recordings of our most recent – the FVSO/UFAW/HSA symposium on ‘Humanely ending the life of animals’ - here:<…>
We have also just issued a call for abstracts for our June 2021 meeting ‘Recent advances…VIII’ which will once again be a free online event. Abstract submissions are welcome in any area of animal welfare science and the deadline for their submission is 18 January 2021. Further details on the conference and on how to submit an abstract can be found here:<…>
And don’t forget that we are now seeking applications for:
· the UFAW Animal Welfare Student Scholarships<…> (stipend £2400, including funds to cover departmental expenses upto a maximum of £800). Closing date for applications: 28 February 2021
· the UFAW Medal for Outstanding Contributions to Animal Welfare Science<…>. Closing date for applications 4 December 2020.
· the UFAW Early Career Animal Welfare Researcher of the Year Award<…> Closing date for applications 4 December 2020.
· the HSA Student/Trainee Scholarships<…> (stipend up to a maximum of £2000). Closing date for applications: 28 February 2021
· the HSA Humane Slaughter Award<…> for significant advances in humane slaughter, marketing or transport of farmed livestock. Closing date for applications: 4 December 2020.
If you have any questions about the LINK scheme and how to ask us to support an activity then please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you and stay safe.
Dr Stephen Wickens
UFAW, The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead, Herts AL4 8AN, UK
Email: wickens(a) ; Direct Tel: +44(0)1276 500880; Office: +44(0)1582 831818
MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "c:" claiming to be<C:\Users\Stephen%20Wickens\AppData\Local\Temp\~ed_sb_3\>
Hold the date:
* Recent advances in animal welfare science VIII Virtual UFAW Animal Welfare Conference, 29-30th June 2021.
For further information about UFAW awards, scholarships, meetings and other news follow us on: Facebook: Universities Federation for Animal Welfare - UFAW<…> ; Twitter: @UFAW_1926<…>
The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) is an UK charity that works to develop and promote improvements in the welfare of all animals through scientific and educational activity worldwide.
Registered Charity No 207996 (Registered in England) and Company Limited by Guarantee No 579991
Science in the service of animal welfare
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2020
UK Sports University of the Year 2020 (Times Higher Good University Guide)
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Ellie Berry has kindly highlighted this great opportunity to learn about: Rewilding - Connecting Rewilding Science to Practice
It's on 3rd December from 9.30-16.30 (CET) - so this should be UK 8.30-15.30hrs I think!
Excellent line up - and all free but you must register<…>
A one-of-a-kind online rewilding event
Rewilding aims to restore degraded ecosystems by creating room for nature to manage itself. There is huge momentum for large-scale nature recovery using a rewilding approach.
But how does rewilding work exactly, where can it be done and what does it deliver? During this one-of-a-kind online event, highly-regarded rewilding scientists and experts from Rewilding Europe will address these questions by bringing rewilding science and practice together.
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2020
UK Sports University of the Year 2020 (Times Higher Good University Guide)
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Dear BERGers and colleagues
I am thrilled to let you know that Sophia Daoudi has just passed her viva voce for her thesis on mixed species groups of primates, and will soon be Dr Daoudi!
She still uses her Stirling email address if you want to congratulate her personally (please do not "reply to all"!) - s.m.daoudi1(a)
Thank you to Craig Roberts who was the internal examiner, and Eva Rafetseder the independent chair - as well as her two external examiners: Prof Andrew Whiten and Dr Andrew Smith. Sophia said she enjoyed the discussion! Phyllis Lee, Eoin O'Sullivan and I supervised her thesis.
Like many across the globe, I shall be raising a glass to Sophia tonight!
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group (BERG)
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)<>
Home page: <>
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2020
UK Sports University of the Year 2020 (Times Higher Good University Guide)
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Please see attached an advert for a fully funded PhD studentship entitled "Behavioural biology of buzz-pollinating bees and flies" . The funding will be allocated via a highly competitive process including an interview stage for shortlisted candidates across the Doctoral Training Programme.
The website has a more detailed description of the project, funding and selection process.…<…>
Any questions to Mario Vallejo-Marin - mario.vallejo(a)<>
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2020
UK Sports University of the Year 2020 (Times Higher Good University Guide)
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
This is an exciting opportunity for someone to study chimpanzees and the evolution of careging!
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences is offering a part-time, fixed-term Research Assistant position to work with Dr Sharon Kessler on a Carnegie Trust funded project ‘HumansCare: Evolution of Care-Giving for Sick People’.
Please read the further particulars here:…
The project seeks to understand how the cognitive and emotional foundations for providing care to the sick evolved in humans. It is a cross-species study of how humans and chimpanzees respond cognitively and emotionally to sickness cues in members of their own species.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are currently recruiting for someone to conduct the first half of the project in collaboration with the Budongo Research Unit (BRU), a University of St Andrews research facility based at RZSS Edinburgh Zoo. The postholder will conduct experiments in which we will measure the responses of chimpanzees when they view images of healthy and sick individuals. Training on site at Edinburgh Zoo will be provided by staff at the BRU. Depending on COVID-19 restrictions, there is the potential for this post to be extended to allow the postholder to conduct a similar study on humans.
Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Sharon Kessler, email: sharon.kessler(a)<>.
Please read the further particulars here:…
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2020
UK Sports University of the Year 2020 (Times Higher Good University Guide)
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Dear BERGers
Possibly of interest - 2pm Wednesday 11th November, joining link below.
From: Ape Alliance Coordinator <coordinator(a)<>>
Date: 10 November 2020 at 20:13:12 GMT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Webinar Tomorrow: The Value of Nature to Our Economic Well-Being
CAUTION: This email originated from outside University of Stirling. Do not follow links or open attachments if you doubt the authenticity of the sender or the content.
Dear Ape Allies,
Below is an invitation to watch a webinar with Ralph Chami, an economist who is working on valuing nature alongside our chairman Ian Redmond. Currently the work is based on whales and elephants, but there is exciting scope to expand this thinking into other species. It will be about 40 minutes, and includes a Q&A.
Suggested Readings/Podcast/Videos for the participants:
Elephant article:<…>
Elephant Podcast:…<…>
Whale article:…<…>
Whale Podcast :<…>
Whale Movie:<…>
Abstract: The sustainability of our economic system and our own well-being are very much dependent on the sustainability of our ecosystems. For the longest time, humans have assumed that they are separate from the natural world and that nature provides infinite commodities. These two assumptions helped fuel the industrial revolution, but at the same time, resulted in the abuse of nature and in the climate crisis. We need a new paradigm, a new way of thinking which recognizes that humans are part of the natural world and that nature is a finite input into our lives and livelihood. This realization—of the value of nature—allows us to develop a framework for natural capital valuation that also directly addresses the fundamental collective action problem in environmental protection. In this webinar, I will highlight how our valuation framework uses the lessons of financial and behavioral economics to create values that individual decision makers find credible and relatable, in addition to stimulating excitement or concern that is essential to prompting action around environmental issues. I will provide examples of ecosystem services valuation which include carbon sequestration services provided by whales, non-cetaceans, and forest elephants of Africa. The values of carbon sequestration flow for individual members of these species are significant: $1.75 million per forest elephant, and an average of $2 million per whale. I will then discuss how to apply this financial framework to create markets for living forest elephants in Gabon, which will attract private sector in partnership with the public one, and help create employment opportunities for local communities. Finally, I will sketch how we can build a new economy that has a living nature at its core, which will ensure a sustainable, inclusive and nature-friendly economic growth.
All the best,
Iona Haines
Ape Alliance Coordinator
Website<…> | Facebook<…> | Instagram<…> | Twitter<…>
The iLab would like to invite you to:
The Value of Nature to Our Economic Well-Being with ICD’s Ralph Chami and Connel Fullenkamp<…>, Professor of the Practice of Economics and Director of Undergraduate Studies, Duke University, Economics Department
Wednesday, November 11 @ 2:00 PM
When it's time, join your Webex meeting here.
Meeting number (access code): 146 922 1003
Meeting password: zPjSEW8dB83
Join meeting<…>
Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
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In this session ICD’s Ralph Chami and Duke’s Professor Connel Fullenkamp will share their work around how valuing and investing in the protection of nature can generate a more sustainable blue-green economy, help mitigate climate change, and realign economies toward inclusive and nature-friendly economic growth.
Read the paper: On Valuing Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change: A Framework with Application to Elephants and Whales<…>.
The iLab’s “Campfire Series,” a new series of events for staff to Gather, Learn and Explore. The events will feature external speakers to share enlightening ideas. Campfires are credited<…> with advancing human culture 40,000 years ago. It was how our ancestors bonded, discussed, and entertained each other. They sang, danced, and told stories around the fire—which we still do to this day.
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The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2020
UK Sports University of the Year 2020 (Times Higher Good University Guide)
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Happy Halloween, BERGers! 🎃👻
(Or should we say, All Hallows Eve-olution?)
We hope you and your pump-kin *selected* a fun disguise, and had a weekend filled with as many treats and as few tricks as possible. If anyone has any animal-related costumes to share with the group, please forward them along! Taxonomically-confused monsters may also apply.
The world spins madly on, and today is particularly scary for all the wrong reasons. But we do have a few beacons of good news to share to light-up your lanterns this week!
Scientists Have Made the First Large Coral Reef Discovery in 120 Years, and it is taller than the tallest skyscraper in New York City!
"Marine scientists have discovered a coral tower in Australia's Great Barrier Reef that stands more than 500 meters (1,640 feet) tall, exceeding the height of the Empire State Building. It’s the first time in 120 years that a reef so large has been found in this famous ocean region, according to scientists at Schmidt Ocean Institute, who spotted and filmed the giant living structure.
And as if this news wasn’t delightful enough, the vehicles used to find and explore the new reef appear to be named after characters from The Neverending Story. Beaman and her colleagues spotted the structure while onboard research vessel Falkor, and the team remotely operated a camera-carrying dive vehicle called SuBastian."
-Excerpt from article…<…>
You can read more about this immense discovery on the Schmidt Ocean Institute's Website dedicated to the exploratory project!!…<…>
Also, for your viewing pleasure, here is a video of some of the scientists collecting specimens of the reef!* (*please note that the sound is cut-out until roughly 2 minutes into the video, and then commentary can be heard):<…>
A Record number of baby Olive Ridley Sea Turtles hatched in one Mexican town and traveled into the Gulf of California! This year 2,250 turtle babes made the journey, compared to the regular 1,000, and this is probably due to lessened human disturbance.
"This year, an Indigenous conservation group in Sonora released a record number of sea turtle hatchlings in its community on the Sea of Cortez. And it’s probably a result of the pandemic.
The group Tortugueros del Desemboque has released more than 2,250 Olive Ridley sea turtle hatchlings on the Mancha Blanca beach in the tiny seaside town El Desemboque. ... In a normal year, the group might release 1,000 hatchlings, if they're lucky, said turtle conservation group coordinator Mayra Estrella Astorga, adding that in the coming weeks even more turtles may still hatch and make their way back to the sea.
'This year has been one of the hardest for our community. The pandemic brought sickness and death to our people and complicated the economic situation here," she said. "And that’s why we are so happy that, in the middle of this tragedy this miracle of nature happened as a result of fewer fishing boats and tourists. But also through the efforts of the community.' "
Excerpt from article:…<…>
You can learn more about the mass-nesting rituals of these turtles from National Geographic, with an informative video clip found here!!:…<…>
After a Super Typhoon, and numerous landslides, one critically endangered primate species got their own rope bridge to Safety!
"Hainan gibbons are the world’s most critically endangered primates. They are endemic to the Hainan island of China and only about 30 of them remain on the planet.
In July 2014, when the Super Typhoon Rammasun hit Hainan Island, landslides created forest gaps up to 30m wide. This fragmented the habitat of the Gibbons forcing them to dangerously leap across the passage.
To avoid accidental injuries or deaths, a team from Hong Kong constructed a canopy rope bridge across the damaged way in 2015."
-Excerpt from article…<…>
The team just published their findings on the effectiveness of the bridge in Nature and noted that they never recorded or observed the bridge being used by the alpha male in the group, only by females and juveniles. The alpha male preferred to rely on his long-jump skills!
Click on the link ^^above^^ to enjoy a video and explanation of the Bridge project, and click the following link for the peer-reviewed article:<…>
That's all for now, BERGoblins, BERGhouls, and BERGuisers.
Good fright, and Good luck this week!
-Sarah and Hannah
E-mail for Hannah [Professor of Psychology at Stirling; Organiser of BERG]: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)
E-mail for Sarah [PhD Student at Stirling; occasional coordinator of BERG]: s.b.kraemer(a)
The link to add people to the mailing list or unsubscribe to these e-mails is here:<…>
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2020
UK Sports University of the Year 2020 (Times Higher Good University Guide)
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Professor Christian Rutz is giving a presentation on Studying wildlife responses to reduced human activity during COVID-19 lockdown.
Tuesday 3rd November 5pm - please see teams link below.
We are delighted to welcome you to our next Saints Talk lecture by Professor Christian Rutz, taking place live on Tuesday 3 November at 5pm GMT via Microsoft Teams<…>* Studying wildlife responses to reduced human activity during COVID-19 lockdown.
Earlier this year, many countries around the world were forced to go into lockdown to control the spread of COVID-19. Brought about by the most tragic circumstances, this period of unusually reduced human mobility — which Professor Rutz’s team recently coined “anthropause” — provides an unprecedented opportunity to study human–wildlife interactions. How do animals behave when there are fewer humans out and about? Do they “reclaim” habitats they would normally avoid? Do terrestrial and marine animals respond in the same manner?
In this talk, Professor Rutz will explain how the International Bio-Logging Society, which he is serving as Founding President, recently launched a global research initiative to investigate wildlife behaviour before, during and after COVID-19 lockdown. Specifically, the team is using data collected by so-called “bio-loggers” — miniature animal-attached tracking devices that record detailed information about an animal’s movements and activity patterns. The scientific insights gained during this devastating crisis will allow us to develop innovative strategies for sharing space on this increasingly crowded planet, with benefits for both wildlife and humans.
We hope that to see you on Tuesday at the online event.
With best wishes
Robert Fleming
Director of Development
*Please note you can join a Teams event, whether or not you have a Teams account.
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2020
UK Sports University of the Year 2020 (Times Higher Good University Guide)
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.