Dear BERGers
I generally do not use this mailing list for fundraising, but Paws for Progress is a very special cause so do support if you feel able.
Thank you, Hannah
Kiltwalk 2019 - fundraiser in aid of Paws for Progress
Rebecca Leonardi and her dog Karma are walking together with team Paws for Progress at the Kiltwalk in Edinburgh on the 15th September. It's a great way of raising much needed funds as 140% of donations raised will be donated to Paws for Progress!
We know first hand the positive difference that Paws for Progress makes to the lives of people and dogs in need. I hope that by doing the Kiltwalk, we will be able to raise more funds so that Paws for Progress can help more people and dogs create brighter futures together. Here's the link to our fundraising page:
Paws for Progress CIC is dedicated to improving the lives of people and animals. Working across a range of settings including schools, prisons and community groups, Paws for Progress develop and deliver educational programmes and tailored animal assisted interventions to help people most in need of support.
Our flagship project is our rescue dog training programme at HMP & YOI Polmont, established in 2011, which continues to develop and expand, benefiting both the young people and rescue dogs involved.
At Paws for Progress the well-being of both the people and the dogs is equally important, and we treat both with kindness, respect and empathy.
“The dogs—they change the way you think and the way you act. They trust you, it’s that mutual bond. You think you’re helping them but they’re helping you too.” Student, Paws for Progress at HMP YOI Polmont.
We would be so grateful for any donation you could give to support us, and if you can share our page with others who could help, that would be really appreciated too. Thank you!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr Rebecca Leonardi
Research Fellow
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Telephone: 07875 678370
Email: rebecca.leonardi(a)<>
Development Manager
Paws for Progress
Facebook and Twitter: @pawsforprogress
Apologies for cross postings! Please do register to come to Phyllis' lecture!
From: Louise Lavery <louise.lavery(a)>
Sent: 02 September 2019 11:51
To: Psychology Staff <PsychologyStaff(a)>; Psychology PhD Students <Psychology-PhD-Students(a)>
Subject: John Damien Lecture - 11 October 2019
Dear all,
You can now register for our annual John Damien Lecture which will be held on Friday 11th October at 6.45pm in Logie Lecture Theatre.
The lecture will be given by pour very own, Emeritus Professor, Phyllis Lee.
The abstract and event registration can be found through this link:
Please forward to any interested parties.
Kind regards,
Louise Lavery
Administration Assistant
Faculty of Natural Sciences
(01786) 467640
Apologies for cross posting but this seminar might be of interest to you – 4pm in the common room.
From: Gema Martin-Ordas <gema.martin-ordas(a)>
Sent: 28 August 2019 16:12
To: Psychology Staff <PsychologyStaff(a)>; Psychology PhD Students <Psychology-PhD-Students(a)>
Subject: First Research Seminar - Thurs 29th August
Dear all,
Just a little reminder about Alex Taylor's talk tomorrow at 4pm in 3A94. He will be talking about "What can birds teach us about the evolution of intelligence."
Over the past decade birds have shown the ability to produce problem-solving performances that rival those of our closest relatives, the great apes. This opens up the exciting possibility that birds have convergent evolved minds that think in similar ways to primates, despite the starting point for this evolutionary trajectory being a brain with a radically different structure from the mammalian brain. I will discuss three recent findings from my lab that provide evidence that birds have minds that i) are intrinsically motivated to produce certain complex behaviours, ii) are capable of mental simulation and iii) support domain-general thought. This research has a number of interesting implications for both the evolution of intelligence and the creation of artificial intelligence.
Just a wee reminder for our BERG talks tomorrow morning.
From: Hannah Buchanan-Smith
Sent: 12 August 2019 13:30
To: berg Mailing List <berg(a)>
Cc: Psychology Staff <PsychologyStaff(a)>; Psychology PhD Students <Psychology-PhD-Students(a)>; Danny Martelli <dam00309(a)>; Sagarika Phalke <sap00091(a)>; Sarah Regan <smr00017(a)>; Georgia Smith <ges00053(a)>; Jemma Clare <jec00099(a)>; Monisha Bhatia <mob00048(a)>; Amy McDonald <amm00084(a)>; Zsuzsa Lugosi <zsl00001(a)>
Subject: BERG presentation morning - 28th April 9.30-12.30
Dear all
Please find attached the schedule for the BERG presentation day on Wednesday 28th August, 9.30-12.30 in the Psychology common room (3A94).
All welcome.
Best, Hannah
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group<…>
Stirling Human Animal Interaction Research (SHAIR<…>) Group
Room 3A79, Cottrell
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 467674
Fax: 01786 467641
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)<>
Home page:
Dear BERGers,
Hope your summer has been great.
We are pleased to say that the Behaviour and Evolution Research Group (BERG) seminars are coming back soon. These seminars are held on Wednesdays at 5.30pm in 3A94.
We hope that Jade Hooper (PhD student) will be the local organiser, though given her other commitments we are open to offers of support!
Meetings will start on Wednesday 18th September, so please add these Wednesday dates to your diaries, noting there will be no meeting on Wednesday 23rd October as it is mid semester break, and we shall wind up 11th December (with a Christmas party).
Another date for your diary is the John Damien lecture which will be on Friday 11th October (late afternoon), and presented by our very own Emeritus Professor Phyllis Lee. Details will follow.
There is also the BERG presentation morning on 28th August that I informed you of earlier this week.
The first BERG meeting is on Wednesday 18th September at 5.30pm in 3A94 (Psychology common room). We shall use this meeting for introductions, including I hope for our new students, and updates from the summer…please come prepared to share news of any grants awarded, papers published, exciting conferences attended etc.
The success of BERG depends upon you! Please consider signing up for a seminar slot. Presenting at BERG is an excellent way to practice talks, hone your presentation skills, get feedback on grant application ideas, lead a discussion of a controversial/interesting research paper etc. You can also suggest external speakers who we might invite (local speakers only please).
Doodle software is no longer free so please look at the schedule in the Box link – and then email me and Jade and we shall update the schedule. If you can provide a title that also helps! ( h.m.buchanan-smith(a)<>; jade.hooper(a)<> )
If you have new students who might wish to be on the BERG mailing list, please send them this e-mail. To sign up to the BERG mailing list new folk must complete the form available here:
You can also use this link to unsubscribe.
Many thanks,
Hannah and Jade
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group<…>
Stirling Human Animal Interaction Research (SHAIR<…>) Group
Room 3A79, Cottrell
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 467674
Fax: 01786 467641
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)<>
Home page:
Hello Everyone,
I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to request for a BERG meeting on
the 3rd of July either at 5:00 or 5:30 pm (whatever is most convenient). I
am presenting at the BIAZA conference on the 9th of July and wanted some
feedback on my talk.
Its just a 10 minute talk, but I would really appreciate the critical
feedback since this is my first experience presenting at an academic
conference. The title of the talk is 'Captive Elephant Welfare- A case
study of an Indian Zoo'.
I do hope that some of you will be able to make it. Of course drinks and
snacks will be provided!
Look forward to seeing some of you
Warm regards
Zsuzsa has asked me to send the following message - I presume the usual slot of 5.30pm.....
Dear BERGers,
Hope you are all well!
I was thinking of bringing a few board games around next week (12th of June) so we can have some fun and catch up!
I have games about the mind, forests, clouds or even planets, so what would tickle your fancy?
Please let me know if you are interested and I will arrange nibbles and drinks accordingly!
Kind regards,
Dear BERGers,
I would like to raise your attention to a nice conference in Prague in
September about evolution and human behavior:
Christine Caldwell will be one of the invited plenary lecturers, and Craig
Roberts is the head on the scientific board. The conference is usually
small-scale, with friendly atmosphere and plenty of opportunities for
networking and sharing ideas.
The abstract submission is open until 16 June.
We are looking forward to seeing many new faces on our yearly conference.
Best wishes,
?Dear BERGers
I am giving a keynote presentation at the International Conference on Environmental Enrichment in Japan next month. The talk title is:
Enrichment for primates in laboratories and zoos: Same principles, different constraints
The talk is supposed to be about 25 minutes long.
I am looking for an audience for a practice presentation - to help me with timing, and to get feedback on content, flow etc.
If you are able to come along and give feedback I'd appreciate it. I can supply drinks and nibbles to entice!
Wednesday 22nd May, 5.30pm prompt, Psychology Common room - 3A94. I'll need to be away by 6.30pm.
Hope to see a few folk there!
Best wishes, Hannah
PS I have booked the common room every Wednesday from 5.15-7pm for BERG activities - so please feel free to use this slot as you see fit (academic or otherwise - Rosyl set a good precedent last week!)
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group<…>
Stirling Human Animal Interaction Research (SHAIR<…>) Group
Room 3A79, Cottrell
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 467674
Fax: 01786 467641
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)<>
Home page: