BERGers – Scottish Primate Research Group (SPRG) meeting – please respond directly to Lara. The meeting is ALWAYS fantastic!
It's that time when we start chasing you for booking confirmations and asking for deposits for the 2020 Burn meet.
For those of you who are new to SPRG, the meeting is a chance for all members to get together in the beautiful surroundings of The Burn, to discuss research that is going on within our group, and of course to walk, chat, play games, eat, drink, and be merry. You can find more details about the venue on their website (
This year’s meeting takes place from the 24th-26th April 2020. We can arrive from 4:00pm on Friday 24th and leave after lunch on Sunday 26th April, though we will still need to clear our rooms in the morning.
This year Manon, Emma and I will be organising the meeting. There will be a series of talks given throughout the weekend so please also let us know now if you would like a talk slot. These do not need to be particularly formal talks - the Burn is a great place to discuss project plans or analyses in the works. This year we will be joined by Dr Rachel Kendal<> who will be giving an extended talk. Rachel is an Associate Professor at the University of Durham, and she has undertaken extensive research looking at social learning in a large number of primate species. Rachel is the current president of the Cultural Evolution Society<> and SPRG Alumni.
The costs of staying at The Burn are heavily subsidised by the Charitable Trust, and so remain very reasonable. The price of attending, which includes room, meals, etc., will be £190 for staff (those in full time employment) who wish to have a single occupancy room. Because single occupancy rooms are limited in number, we will offer these on a first-come first-serve basis. For students, unwaged members, and/or those who share rooms, the price will be £150.
To confirm your place at the Burn, please send a deposit of £75 to me by the second week of February (14/02/19) - see details below. On the bank reference could you please include your name and "Burn" as this will help me keep track of those who have paid. In a change to previous meetings and in line with the Burn's new policy the full balance will be due on Friday 17th April by bank transfer. This will avoid the need for people to bring excessive amounts of cash (although some will still be required for liquid refreshment). Any cancellations after this period will be non-refundable if we are unable to fill your place.
Account number: 41035106
Sort code: 07-01-16
Bank reference: "Burn *your name*"
To help us keep things organised, after paying the deposit, please send me an email at lara.wood(a)<> and include the following details:
Use the subject header: The SPRG Burn meeting 2019
Give your name:
If you prefer a single room (noting additional cost and no promises):
Affiliation and career stage (e.g., St Andrews, PhD student)
Dietary requirements: (if any)
If you are interested in giving a talk: (yes/no)
Topic of your talk: (title can be decided later but please indicate your/the general topic):
Places are limited, so don't miss your chance. In the first instance, bookings are restricted to members and SPRG associates. However, should places be left unclaimed by the middle of February, invitations will be opened to colleagues from further afield. Reply early to avoid disappointment- last year booked up very quickly.
Please pass this email onto any news members of labs etc. that should be part of SPRG but may not yet be on the mailing list. If you have a non-SPRG colleague whom you know would like to come and give a talk please drop us an email to discuss options.
All the best,
Lara, Emma and Manon
Dr Lara Wood, PhD, PGCert, MA, BA | Lecturer
Psychology Division
Abertay University | Bell Street | DUNDEE | DD1 1HG
Abertay University is a charity registered in Scotland No. SCO16040.
I do not work Thursdays.
Recently published work with children and capuchins here<…>
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E: lara.wood(a)<>
T: 01382 308583
Abertay University is a charity registered in Scotland, No. SC016040
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The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2018
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Dear BERGers,
It has been brought to the BERG organisers' attentions that the link to the Spring 2020 schedule was only viewable by the owners/creators of the document. A classic kerfuffle, indeed. This has been fixed!
Special thanks to the people who reached out about this issue: Elizabeth Renner, Jade Hooper, Kirsten Blakey, Tzu-Yun Lin, and any others we might have missed!
The new link is:
Please do take the time to sign up for talks this semester, by viewing the available dates and e-mailing organisers Gema Martin-Ordas and Sarah Kraemer with your chosen slot and the title of your talk.
Urge a colleague with relevant research interests to sign-up! We welcome suggestions for speakers as well.
(Special thanks to David Pritchard for some fantastic suggestions for speakers who are traveling through Scotland!)
We also welcome anyone with interesting news, ideas, or opportunities outside of BERG meetings to forward those along! A great example was Zsuzsa Lugosi making plans for a social BERG movie night soon. That is the spirit!
This e-mail is also a reminder that today's BERG meeting is dedicated to the plight of the Koalas and humans affected by the recent/current bushfires in Australia. BERG members are welcome to read the article(s) attached in the previous update e-mail and discuss them over snacks at 5:30pm today in the Psychology common room.
While we are on the topic,
The department's own Sarah Vick took the theme of this week's discussion to heart, and reached out to Kris Descovich – an Australian former post doc in Animal Welfare at Stirling, and currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Queensland – to see if she could suggest what BERG folk could do to help support those dealing with the wildfires.
This is the message she had for all of us:
"That is so kind of you all to be thinking of us and great that the fires are getting coverage internationally. We had a terrible start to our fire season up here but on the whole have been pretty lucky, but down in some of the southern states the damage is really at a level that is hard to comprehend. There are quite a few places that are collecting and organising donations. New South Wales has had a huge influx of donations through celebrity support, so it would be better to direct donations to Victoria I think. The two that I believe would be best are the Country Fire Authority (<>) and Wildlife Victoria (<>). Because these are bushfires and not house fires they are largely being tackled by the rural fire brigades (e.g. the CFA) which are pretty much made up of all volunteers. Similarly, with the wildlife rescue and care as these are also almost entirely volunteer run, and carers are usually spending their own money to buy everything they need like milk, blankets, petrol. I think any support will go a long way.
Thanks again for thinking of us all, and all of the people and wildlife affected!
Please say hi to all of the old BERG’ers for me. ☺
BERG members are able to click on the links if they feel empowered to donate to Dr. Descovich's two suggested organisations.
One final note: This semester we will be in special need of volunteers to introduce weekly speakers, take on the task of setting up the snack table, and clear up everything afterwards. This is due to organiser-Sarah's fluctuating research schedule at Living Links, and organiser-Gema's long commute to/from England. We will create a sign-up document for this duty, and disseminate that shortly.
This week, Kristine Gandia has kindly volunteered!
If anything, the theme of this e-mail was "The Who's Who of Who e-mails BERG coordinators about Who and What!" Do you want to see your name in bold?
E-mail us!
And let's have a high-Koalaty meeting later today, shall we?
Sarah and Gema
Sarah B. Kraemer
PhD Student | Department of Psychology
Behaviour and Evolution Research Group [BERG<…>]
Scottish Primate Research Group [SPRG<>]
University of Stirling, UK
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2018
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Greetings BERGers,
As we are all settling back into our hectic and unpredictable routines, it is only appropriate (and poetic?) that the first BERG meeting reflects that! Our previously-scheduled speaker is unable to present, so this e-mail is to inform you all that the meeting on Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020, will be dedicated to the in-depth discussion of 1 article (with the possibility to bring 2 other articles into the discussion).
As we have all undoubtedly heard on the news, wildfires have been raging in Australia in one of the most severe fire seasons to-date. In the wake of these fires (as with the forest fires in Brazil), it seems appropriate to read-up on the effects they have on human and animal populations.
Article 1 (attached here) discusses the resilience of one of Australia's most charismatic species -Koalas!- against habitat loss. While the article focuses on timber harvesting, it relates its findings back to the threat of wildfires that Koalas face each year.
Articles 2 and 3 (also attached) discuss the impacts wildfires have on human attitudes and behaviours.
I suggest that Article 1 be read in-depth so that BERG members may chat about koala conservation and behaviour, and that articles 2 and 3 be skimmed mainly for their discussion sections/points.
*DO NOT DISMAY at the topic for this meeting. These three articles highlight that there is still hope for human attitudes to change, and koalas to adapt, even in the face of depression and destruction. And not just hope, either -- FACTORS are involved.
Gema Martin-Ordas has agreed to lead this meeting as I will have to be at Edinburgh Zoo that day. If any BERG member would like to volunteer to set up the snacks table and put snacks away after the meeting, please send Gema and me a separate e-mail.
As always, we rely on volunteers from our tight-knit research group to keep the meeting docket full! Please refer to the meetings schedule at this link -->
--> And e-mail Gema and I if you would like to set a date!
( s.b.kraemer(a); gema.martin-ordas(a) )
If you have new students who might wish to be on the BERG mailing list, please send them this e-mail. To sign up to the BERG mailing list new folk must complete the form available here:
You can also use this link to unsubscribe.
Everyone here is highly Koalafied to present for BERG.
Whether Eucaly-ike it or not.
Kind regards,
Sarah B. Kraemer
PhD Student | Department of Psychology
Behaviour and Evolution Research Group [BERG<…>]
Scottish Primate Research Group [SPRG<>]
University of Stirling, UK
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2018
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Dear BERGers,
We hope your winter holiday has been cozy and relaxing!
We are pleased to say that the Behaviour and Evolution Research Group (BERG) seminars are starting again soon. These seminars are held on Wednesdays at 5:30pm in 3A94.
Sarah Kraemer (PhD student in Psychology - me!) and Gema Martin-Ordas (lecturer in Psychology) will be taking over the responsibilities of organising BERG from Jade Hooper and Hannah Buchanan-Smith. Let's hear a virtual round of applause for those two for a successful fall semester of speakers! Thank you Hannah and Jade for that kind e-mail passing the baton to us.
Meetings will start on Wednesday 15th January, so please add these Wednesday dates to your diaries. There will be no meeting on the 19th of February for mid-semester break, and the last meeting will be on the 1st of April.
The first BERG returning meeting is on Wednesday 15th January at 5:30pm in 3A94 (Psychology common room). One of our fall semester speakers had been tentatively re-scheduled for this date, and if this plan changes we will use this first meeting as a catching-up from the holidays, complete with snacks and bubbly to bolster our moods and strengthen our resolves for 2020!
As for the rest of the meetings, SIGN-UPS ARE NOW OPEN! The new schedule can be found at:
The success of BERG depends upon you! Please consider signing up for a seminar slot. Presenting at BERG is an excellent way to practice talks, hone your presentation skills, get feedback on grant application ideas, lead a discussion of a controversial/interesting research paper etc. You can also suggest external speakers who we might invite (local speakers only please).
Doodle software is no longer free so please look at the schedule in the Box link – and then email me and Gema and we shall update the schedule. If you can provide a title that also helps! ( s.b.kraemer(a); gema.martin-ordas(a) )
If you have new students who might wish to be on the BERG mailing list, please send them this e-mail. To sign up to the BERG mailing list new folk must complete the form available here:
You can also use this link to unsubscribe.
A Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night!
Many thanks,
Sarah and Gema
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2018
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Dear BERGers
Let us thank Jade Hooper for organising the BERG seminars the past semester.
Welcome to Sarah Kraemer as the new BERG seminar organiser for Spring 2020, overseen by Gema Martin-Ordas. Look out for Sarah's messages!
I shall be away most of Spring 2020 as I am on sabbatical. Craig Roberts will be acting head of BERG whilst I am away.
Thank you all for your contributions and engagement this year.
Enjoy the break!
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group<…>
Stirling Human Animal Interaction Research (SHAIR<…>) Group
Room 3A79, Cottrell
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 467674
Fax: 01786 467641
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)<>
Home page:
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2018
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Hello all,
In case it is of interest, please see the attached flyer for details of a workshop on primate archaeology.
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2018
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Dear BERGers,
Due to the industrial action planned for the 25th November - 4th December we will not be running our usual BERG meetings. Kirsty and Lesley's talks will now take place after the New Year.
However, the Christmas Party on the 11th December is still on!!! Come along for general merriment with drinks and snacks provided.
This will take place on Wednesday 11th December in the Psychology department common room (3A94) at 5:30pm.
The most up to date schedule is available on Box for details of talks and for information on dates where BERG is not running (here:
If you have new students who might wish to be on the BERG mailing list, please send them this e-mail. To sign up to the BERG mailing list please use the following link: (you can also use this link to unsubscribe).
Best wishes,
Jade Hooper | Research Assistant and PhD Candidate - Faculty of Social Science | 3T37, RG Bomont Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA | E-mail: jade.hooper(a)<> | Web:
Reports and summaries for the Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children in Scotland study including an information sheet for children are available here<…>
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2018
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
Apologies for posting to non-University folk and students to whom this does not apply – you may delete this!
The Crucible is a leadership and development programme for members of academic/research staff across the institution.
The Stirling Crucible webpage (…<…>) explains more.
Do contact a member of the new organising committee – Dr Purva Abhyankar, Dr Sandra Engstrom, Dr Jen Dickie and Dr Lewis Macgregor – if interested in applying and you have questions.
Application forms must be received by December 20th 2020.
The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2018
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
This lecture may be of interest to some…..
The Salvesen Lecture: Learning difficulties - whose voice matters?
Tue, 26 November 2019
17:30 – 18:30 GMT
University of Edinburgh Informatics Forum
Crichton Street
EH8 9AB…
About this Event
Salvesen Mindroom Research Centre and Salvesen Mindroom Centre are partners, working together in areas of research and outreach, to improve the lives of children, young people and families living with learning difficulties.
In this lecture Sue Fletcher-Watson, Director of the Research Centre, and Christine Carlin, Chief Executive of the Salvesen Mindroom Centre, will showcase the practices and methods the partners use to make sure their research is carried out with and for, not done to, our participants.
The speakers will explain how strong research will enhance their outreach support for children, young people and families, empowering them in their journeys.
Also, they will explain how this amazing partnership of research and outreach offers positive approaches for professionals in their roles supporting those with learning difficulties.
Accessibility measures at the event will include BSL interpretation and use of autism-enabling elements such as ‘flapplause’. Read our full accessibility report.<…>
The building is wheelchair accessible and includes ground floor, accessible facilities.
This lecture is free to attend and open to all.
Details of the University of Edinburgh full privacy notice can be found here<>.
We want to run a safe and accessible event and provide the best possible experience for you. By providing any information required on the booking form, you are giving the University consent to hold and process this data about you and to advise our suppliers of these details, under data protection regulations, for the purpose of running this event. By providing this information about your guest[s], you are confirming that you have their permission to share this data with the University for the same purposes. Any dietary and accessibility requirements are deleted following completion of the event.
Photography notice
This event will be photographed and recorded for promotional or recruitment materials for the University and University approved third parties. For further information please contact salvesenresearch(a)
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
Professor, Behaviour and Evolution Research Group<…>
Stirling Human Animal Interaction Research (SHAIR<…>) Group
Room 3A79, Cottrell
Psychology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA
Tel: 01786 467674
Fax: 01786 467641
E-mail: h.m.buchanan-smith(a)<>
Home page:…