[Phd-behsci] PhD Lab admin bits and bobs

Till Stowasser till.stowasser at stir.ac.uk
Sat Sep 28 17:41:21 BST 2024

Dear PhD lab,

As promised here are some admin/procedural things for the Autumn term.

Points (1) and (2) are related to our lab. Points (3) and (4) are about general University resources. I highlighted required actions on your behalf in yellow.

(1) Lab agenda for the Autumn term

  *   I have created an online Excel spreadsheet with our lab agenda for the rest of the term that you should bookmark
     *   https://stir-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/personal/ts31_stir_ac_uk/Documents/3%20Stirling%20Folders/_PhD%20Lab/PhD%20Lab%20Agenda%20Autumn%202024.xlsx?d=w76c5501467c846eca61cf286214dc420&csf=1&web=1&e=q6OITC
  *   You should have access to this and be able to edit (let me know if you cannot)
  *   The expectation is that each PhD student gets at least one session per term that focusses on them (to discuss a research idea or design, to present early results, to give a mock talk, or whatever else you would like the lab’s feedback on)
     *   If you already have a slot in mind for yourself, please add your name into the document
     *   For all others, these decisions will be made among yourselves and the supervisory team as we move along
  *   Two of the slots will be used for our two final book club sessions (see point (2) below)
     *   We need two volunteers to present the following two chapters
        *   Chapter 6: Doing Service
        *   Chapter 7: Advising Students
     *   Any takers?
  *   I have also created a second column with other events you should attend in a given week, such as
     *   Our Economics seminar series (every Thursday)
     *   The RES Doctoral Programme Session (on some Wednesdays)
     *   The SMS PhD meeting (every 3rd Wednesday each month)
     *   PhD induction, School Assembly, etc.
  *   Let’s also continue our tradition of finishing the term with a Christmas dinner
     *   Happy to stick to Meadowpark but also open to other suggestions
     *   We’ll talk about a suitable date closer to December but the last term week (16.-20.12.) would be a candidate

(2) Essential reading for the Lab: Doing Economics (Hidden Curriculum)

  *   The following information is mainly for our new members
  *   As already mentioned, we are reading and discussing a book about the so-called hidden curriculum of doing a PhD
  *   Please get a copy of this book and read it (I would label this essential reading)
     *   Marc Bellemare (2022) Doing Economics: What You Should Have Learned in Grad School ― But Didn’t
     *   The paperback costs under £20 on Amazon
     *   But there is also a pdf version flying around somewhere (ask your WhatsApp group)
  *   The format of the book club sessions is as follows
     *   We all prepare by reading the chapter we are going to discuss
     *   One volunteer student gives a short summary/discussion of that chapter from their viewpoint (10-15 minutes) as a discussion starter
     *   The the lab discusses (with input and guidance from supervisors). Sort of a fireside chat
  *   We already had four such sessions on
     *   Chapter 2: Writing Papers
     *   Chapter 3: Giving Talks
     *   Chapter 4: Navigating Peer Review
     *   Chapter 5: Finding Funding
  *   The new members should read these chapters in their own time and watch the recordings of these sessions to catch up
     *   This will also give you a good idea of the format
     *   You can find these recordings here: https://stir-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/ts31_stir_ac_uk/EhyO2nLScTNJsyIGJmMwknoBAeM_M81VeDslocblvkCx4A?e=kErY5U
     *   I have also added a recording of Liz Barnes on Analytic Plans that will be helpful to you

(3) IAS

  *   Stirling’s Institute for Advanced Studies will be an important institution during your PhD and you should familiarise yourselves with their services.
  *   As a first step, you should enroll in the IAS Postgraduate Researcher Canvas module
     *   https://canvas.stir.ac.uk/courses/5104
     *   Make you sure you have notifications turned on, so you will get updates on sessions and services throughout the term
  *   Once you enrolled, you have access to the following page, which provides the best overview
     *   https://canvas.stir.ac.uk/courses/5104/modules
  *   In my mind, the following are the most important items on that page
     *   PhD Induction
        *   https://canvas.stir.ac.uk/courses/5104/pages/ias-induction?module_item_id=411826
        *   This year’s induction takes place on 09.10.2024 in the morning. Hopefully no clash with our lab that day
     *   Researcher Development Programme
        *   https://canvas.stir.ac.uk/courses/5104/pages/researcher-development-programme-postgraduate-researchers?module_item_id=249417
        *   This is a series of training sessions throughout the term, some of which you may want to attend
           *   Preview is announced here: https://canvas.stir.ac.uk/courses/5104/discussion_topics/315470
     *   Research Compass
        *   https://canvas.stir.ac.uk/courses/5104/pages/research-compass?module_item_id=449761
        *   This is the tool the University uses to document and monitor your progress
        *   One key element is that you should log all meetings with your supervisors (this includes lab sessions and 1:1 sessions) via Research Campus
  *   Paperwork
     *   There are also three pieces of paperwork we have to fill in with each of you (not only our newbies)
        *   PGR Student Data Sheet
        *   Student Supervisor Concordat
        *   Training Needs Assessment
     *   It seems that these forms have not yet been published for 2024/25
     *   I will let you know once they are available

(4) Staff Room: Free coffee and hangout

  *   I am not really sure if this is common knowledge but there is an SMS staff room with a kitchen, free(!) coffee, tables, couches, etc.
  *   It’s a nice option for your breaks and eating your lunch
  *   Note: This is not the Economics staff room with the sink and microwave across the hall (near Leo’s and my office)
  *   The SMS Staff Room is quite a bit nicer and can be found in Room 3Y3. It is open between 9am and 4:30pm

Best wishes,

Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159
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