[BERG] BERG - Some quick (Fun!) Links!

Sarah Kraemer s.b.kraemer at stir.ac.uk
Thu Jan 23 11:30:01 GMT 2020

Happy Thursday, BERGers!

Special thanks to all who came to the "Cane Toads: An Unnatural History" Documentary Day yesterday! We had a great turnout, and an engaging discussion on the ethical issues surrounding the cane toad.

For all who did not attend, do not fret, the documentary can be found on Youtube, Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SBLf1tsoaw&t=1458s

During said discussion portion, Sophia Daoudi and Hannah Buchanan-Smith highly recommended this documentary on 'BBC 2: Natural World', titled "The Octopus in My House." The short description reads:

"A professor invites an octopus into his home to learn about its amazing intelligence.The octopus, called Heidi, unravels puzzles, recognises individual humans and even watches TV with the family. The episode also shows remarkable behaviour from around the world - from the day octopus, which can change colour and texture in a split second, to the coconut octopus, which carries around its own coconut shell to hide in. But most fascinating of all is seeing how Professor David Scheel and his daughter Laurel bond with an animal that has nine brains, three hearts and blue blood running through its veins."

Sophia says you will be amazed!

The Episode can be found Here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0007snt

Using the above link, there are only 5 days remaining to watch!


Natural World - 2019-2020: 5. The Octopus in My House - Audio Described<https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0007snt>
A professor invites an octopus into his home to learn about its amazing intelligence.

Happy Viewing,


Sarah B. Kraemer

PhD Student | Department of Psychology
Behaviour and Evolution Research Group [BERG<https://www.stir.ac.uk/about/faculties/natural-sciences/our-research/research-groups/behaviour-and-evolution-research-group/>]
Scottish Primate Research Group [SPRG<http://living-links.org/about/scottish-primate-research-group/>]
University of Stirling, UK

The University achieved an overall 5 stars in the QS World University Rankings 2018
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
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