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De : [] De la part de Karis McLaughlin
Envoyé : mercredi 19 novembre 2014 14:42
À : Water Issues Announcement List
Objet : Oxford University panel discussion on Africa, Dams and Development | Live webcast on 24 Nov


Africa, Dams and Development

A panel discussion organised by the Oxford Water Network and the Oxford Martin Programme on Resource Stewardship

Monday 24 November @ 4pm GMT

Lecture Theatre, Oxford Martin School, 34 Broad Street (corner of Holywell and Catte Streets), Oxford, OX1 3BD.


This event will be live webcast at:


Africa faces formidable development challenges in the 21st Century, with expanding populations and accelerating urbanisation; rising demand for water, energy and food; greater hydrological variability predicted with climate change; and persistent poverty and inequalities. Dams seem to promise an appealing package of benefits to meet Africa’s development needs - they can reduce floods, store water for irrigation, provide energy for burgeoning populations and facilitate regional integration. Yet, the benefits and costs of dams are not distributed evenly and new large dams are planned that could alter the political, social and water landscape of the region. What is the role for dams in Africa’s development? Can they give African countries the boost they need for growth and poverty alleviation, or will they only serve to exacerbate environmental problems, conflict and existing inequalities?


Moderated by Dr Rob Hope, Oxford University



·         Dr Atif Ansar, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University

·         Professor David Grey, School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford University

·         Michael Norton, Global Water Director, AMEC Environment & Infrastructure

·         Dr Judith Plummer, Cambridge University

·         Jamie Skinner, Team Leader – Water, International Institute for Environment and Development

·         Dr David Turton, African Studies Centre, Oxford University


Event webpage:


*Please register to attend at:*


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