Thanks Irene for this 

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From: <>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2022, 08:19
Subject: [paepard] Application Scholarships is open now! | WCDI Short courses for professionals
To: Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development Phase II (PAEPARD II) <>

Application system is now open! | 11 courses | Register on our website first

Apply before 7 March 2022:

Good news! Registration is possible for the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) and MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP).
We invite you to apply before 7 March 2022 for one of the following courses open for OKP/MSP scholarships:

Apply with the orange apply button on the course page

1. Climate Change and Food Systems Transformation<>
2. Farmer Agency for Inclusive and Sustainable Food System Transformation<>
3. Feeding Cities: Improving Food Systems in Urban Areas<>
4. Lost Harvest and Wasted Food<>
5. Plant Genetic Resources and Resilient Seed Systems for Sustainable Food Security<>
6. Local Economic Development: towards Local Agribusiness Cluster Development<>
7. Facilitating Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Food, Agriculture and Nature<>
8. Youth Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Changing Food Systems<>
9. Engage Young People Towards Climate and Social Resilience (French course)<>
10.Global One Health: towards Human, Animal and Plant Health<>
11.Responsible Aquaculture Development<>

The following online courses are only open for MENA Scholarships (MSP):

12.Resilient Fisheries<>
13.Food Systems for Healthier and Sustainable Diets<>
14.Market Access for Food and Nutrition Security<>
15.Climate Change Adaptation in Food Security and Natural Resource Management<>

Eligibility Criteria Orange Knoweldge Programme

The Orange Knowledge Programme is managed by Nuffic and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Orange Knowledge Programme is a Dutch global development programme.

The Orange Knowledge Programme individual scholarships are open to mid-career professionals, who are nationals of - and living and working in - the following countries:

Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Colombia, Congo (DRC), Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen and Zambia.

Check the eligibility criteria here:

Eligibility Criteria MENA Scholarship Programme

The scholarships are awarded in a competitive selection to highly motivated professionals ‘change makers’ who are in a position to introduce the newly-acquired skills and knowledge into their employing organisation. 50% of all scholarships are allocated to female applicants. The MSP is open to professionals who are nationals of - and living and working in - one of the countries listed below:

Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco,Tunisia, Oman

Check all the eligibility criteria here:
Apply here:

How to apply

1. Check available courses here:
2. Register with the orange button on the course page
3. After registration, you will receive an email with the next steps

More information on scholarship possibilities? 👉
More information on how to apply ? 👉
Kind regards,
Irene Stapensea
Wageningen University & Research<>

[logo Wageningen]<>
Droevendaalsesteeg 4, 6708 PB Wageningen
P.O. Box 9101, 6700 HB Wageningen
The Netherlands


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