Randall Brummett
Senior Aquaculture Specialist
World Bank
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"Vivian Claassen" <Vivian.Claassen@nwu.ac.za> |

"rbrummett@worldbank.org" <rbrummett@worldbank.org> |

03/01/2012 09:41 AM |

ExtruAfrica 2012 Training Seminar and Conference Week, South Africa |


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Dear all
The Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing (CoE) at the North-West University (NWU) in South Africa, is organising their 2nd Annual ExtruAfrica event from the 31st of July - 3rd of August 2012.
Name of the event
The ExtruAfrica 2012 Training Seminar and Conference Week on Food & Feed Extrusion.
This event will take place at the Protea Hotel Kruger Gate near the Kruger National Park in the Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.
The ExtruAfrica 2012 week comprises of:
- A two-day practical training seminar on food, feed and pet food extrusion. The main presenter is Dr Mian Riaz from the Food Protein R & D Centre at the Texas A & M University in the United States of America (USA) and co-presenters are Prof LJ Grobler, head of the CoE at the NWU and Mr Danie Vorster, technical manager at the NWU's CoE in South Africa.
- A two-day international conference on food and feed extrusion.
Conference speakers
Keynote speakers will be:
- Mr Norman Mokoena, member of the Executive Council responsible for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, Mpumalanga Provincial Government, South Africa;
- Dr Mian Riaz from the Texas A & M University in the USA; and
- Prof Herman van Schalkwyk, well-known agricultural economist and rector at the North-West University's Potchefstroom Campus in South Africa.
Other speakers will include experts and academics in different fields relating to extrusion plant businesses, such as engineering, agricultural engineering and economics, food technology, financing and marketing, and includes:
- Dr Reza Poureslami, director of nutrition, Insta-Pro International, Iowa, USA;
- Dr E Lack from Natex in Austria;
- Mr John Lewis from the Extruder Shop Limited in the United Kingdom;
- Dr Ralph Thomann and Frank Kage (co-authors), IGV Institut fur Getreideverarbeitung, Germany;
- Prof LJ Grobler from the CoE at the NWU, South Africa;
- Prof Victoria Jideani, associate professor at the department of food technology at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa;
- Mr Johan de Wet, consultant, Food Product Design, South Africa;
- Mr Louis Lagrange, chief executive officer at LL Square Growth, South Africa;
- Mr Andrew Murray, engineering consultant, Andrew Murray Consulting, South Africa; and
- Mr Danie Vorster of the CoE at the NWU in South Africa.
(The list of speakers is subject to change)
Reasons to attend
Conference delegates will have the opportunity to:
- learn about worldwide developments in extrusion;
- become informed on policies, strategies and initiatives concerning agro-processing and tertiary beneficiation;
- hear about agro-business development and processing;
- discover the potential of extrusion for text rising vegetable proteins;
- hear about the latest technology on extrusion processing and its support systems for effective operation;
- learn about product development and product registration;
- discover the principles of food safety;
- hear about the design of a processing operation;
- discover how to manage energy in an extrusion plant; and
- hear from the experts how to run a smooth running extrusion operation.
Please visit our website at MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.mailfire.co.za" claiming to be www.extruafrica.org.za for online-registration, a preliminary programme, costs and more information.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Kind regards and thank you
Vrywaringsklousule / Disclaimer: MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.mailfire.co.za" claiming to be http://www.nwu.ac.za/it/gov-man/disclaimer.html