Thanks Randy
From: []
Sent: 19 March 2012 15:21
To: William Leschen
Subject: Fw: Post-Doc opportunities in WorldFish Center in Penang
Hi Will,
Did you get these from WorldFish Job opportunities for SARNISSA?
Randall Brummett
Senior Aquaculture Specialist
World Bank
1818 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20433
Tel: 1 202 473 2853
Mob: 1 202 380 6623
----- Forwarded by Randall Brummett/Person/World Bank on 03/19/2012 11:20 AM -----
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Dear Randy -
Pls see the below (Ranjitha contributed to the AIS Sourcebook contributors) - perhaps you can forward/disseminate the information on these opportunities to your contacts?
Kind regards, Andrea.
Andrea Pape-Christiansen
Agriculture and Rural Development Department
room MC5-766
phone 202 473 0668
skype: andrea.pape.christiansen
----- Forwarded by Andrea Pape-Christiansen/Person/World Bank on 03/19/2012 09:29 AM -----
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Dear Andrea,
Greetings from Penang. I am seeking your help in identifying candidates for four new post-doctoral researcher positions in the WorldFish Center in Penang. Working with our newly recruited core group of senior scientists leading gender, innovation and impact, impact assessment and value chains, these will help drive the establishment of the new CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agriculture. The position holders do not necessarily need to know fish.
The research program on Aquatic Agriculture has received plaudits for the emphasis placed in program design upon participatory- and gender-led approaches. To deliver on this commitment we strengthening our staff capacity in these critical areas and are now seeking post doctoral scientists to work with this team (see attached).
For these fully funded positions, we offer two year appointments that will be action packed with numerous opportunities for learning and career development as we start up this highly participatory demand led program of research in development.
We hope that you may know recent graduates who will be attracted to these positions. Should you know potential candidates please pass this information to them or alternatively send me their contact information and we will get in touch directly.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
Ranjitha Puskur, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist - Policy, Economics and Social Science
P.O. Box 500, GPO 10670 Penang, Malaysia
Tel +60 (4) 626-1606 Fax 626-5530
Mob: +60 177 811 606
Skype: ranjitha1850
Reducing poverty and hunger by improving fisheries and aquaculture
(See attached file: PESS_Post Doctoral Fellow (Value Chain Specialist)_190312.docx)(See attached file: PESS_Post Doctoral Fellow (Gender Specialist)_190312.docx)(See attached file: PESS_Post Doctoral Fellow (Innovation & Evaluation Specialist)_190312.docx)(See attached file: PESS_Post Doctoral Fellow (Targeting & Impact Assessment Specialist)_190312.docx)