(See attached file: Brummett Chapter.pdf)
For people interested in desert fish farming, you should consider highly intensive systems.
Randall Brummett
Senior Aquaculture Specialist
World Bank
1818 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20433
Tel: 1 202 473 2853
Mob: 1 202 380 6623
Jérôme Lazard ---01/19/2012 02:43:14 PM---Is it really necessary to develop aquaculture in desert? 40 years ago FAO used to say in SSA "fish c

Jérôme Lazard <jerome.lazard@cirad.fr> |

sarnissa-french-aquaculture@lists.stir.ac.uk |

01/19/2012 02:43 PM |

Re: [Sarnissa] FW: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints (FAP 20) Nouveau pêches de la FAO et de l'Aquaculture Actes: L'aquaculture dans le désert et les terres arides: Développements et contrai |

sarnissa-french-aquaculture-bounces@lists.stir.ac.uk |


Is it really necessary to develop aquaculture in desert?
40 years ago FAO used to say in SSA "fish culture is everyone's business" (we saw the result), now it will claim "fish culture is every Touareg's business"!!
Why not trying to develop fish culture where possible, it is difficult enough .....
Jérôme Lazard
Le 19/01/2012 12:49, William Leschen a écrit :
Voir ci-dessous nouvelle publication de la FAO sur, mais seulement avec un résumé en français et pas plein texte français. Voir les mots de Valerio Crespi de la FAO. Si vous souhaitez obtenir une copie complète de la publication en français alors e-mail à Valerio et la demande d'un. Si suffisamment de membres SARNISSA le faire alors qu'il devrait lui faire pression pour obtenir davantage de fonds pour faire une traduction complète en français
From: Crespi, Valerio (FIRA) [mailto:Valerio.Crespi@fao.org]
Sent: 19 January 2012 10:35
To: William Leschen; Alushe Hitula
Cc: Hishamunda, Nathanael (FIRA)
Subject: RE: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints (FAP 20)
Dear Will,
Thank you for your prompt action. I have just posted a news in the ANAF web site. Unfortunately due to budget constraints in FAO I was only able to add the French and Arabic translations of the abstract of each paper. I do not know in the future, but according to the interest for this publication we can find some funds for translation, maybe from NEPAD or SIDA project.
All the best, Valerio
Cher Will,
Merci pour votre action rapide. Je viens de posté un nouvelles dans le site Web de l'ANAF. Malheureusement, en raison de contraintes budgétaires de la FAO, je n'ai pu ajouter les traductions en français et en arabe le résumé de chaque document. Je ne sais pas à l'avenir, mais en fonction de l'intérêt pour cette publication, nous pouvons trouver des fonds pour la traduction, peut-être du NEPAD ou l'ASDI projet.
Tous les meilleurs, Valerio
From: William Leschen [mailto:william.leschen@stir.ac.uk]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:31 AM
To: Crespi, Valerio (FIRA); Alushe Hitula
Subject: RE: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints (FAP 20)
Dear Valerio(and Alushe)
Thank you for this - Ive now put up on sarnissa network – e forum website and Facebook site - Valerio – just to ask for francophone Africa and are french speaking SARNISSA members esp the likes of Mali Burkina Faso etc W Africa do you have link to French language version .
Best wishes Will
From: Crespi, Valerio (FIRA) [mailto:Valerio.Crespi@fao.org]
Sent: 19 January 2012 09:09
To: Betty Nyandat; mukalazif@yahoo.com; eliaikaritha@yahoo.co.uk; bondjamonique@yahoo.fr; isabelomar@hotmail.com; modmazu@yahoo.com; Diegane Ndong; Emmanuel Aryee; coulibaly seydou; joseph mutale; andrewalio@gmail.com; mwafula@lvfo.org; vmotari@gmail.com; jbalirwa@yahoo.com; Alushe Hitula; Sloans Chimatiro; William Leschen; Panduleni Elago
Cc: Sbabura; Bright Onapito; Moehl, John (FAORAF); Lovatelli, Alessandro (FIRA)
Subject: FW: New FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings: Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints (FAP 20)
Dear All,
We are pleased to inform you that the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Proceedings No. 20 on “Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints” has been published and is now available (see below)
This FAO technical workshop allowed to highlight that aquaculture has great potential for expansion not only in marine offshore areas, but also in desert and arid lands (covering 20 percent of the world land mass) with surface and/or subsurface water resources. Underground water certainly represents an opportunity for poor farming communities living in arid and isolated areas. Applying water-saving strategies, including use of run-off water and integration of aquaculture with agriculture practices, has demonstrated the good performances of fish/vegetable co-culture systems even in very arid and remote areas.
We would certainly appreciate if you could bring this publication to the attention of all interested and relevant people and offices you may be in contact with.
Hard copies are available on demand.
Kindest regards,
Valerio Crespi and Alessandro Lovatelli
Crespi, V.; Lovatelli, A.
Aquaculture in desert and arid lands: Developments and constraints
FAO Technical Workshop. 6-9 July 2010, Hermosillo, Mexico. Proceedings No. 20 Rome, FAO. 2011. 202 pp.
ABSTRACT - Aquaculture in desert and arid lands has been growing steadily over the last decade thanks to the modern technologies and alternative energy sources that have allowed water in these places of extremes to be exploited more effectively and more efficiently, using it for both crop irrigation and production of fish.
This publication presents the evolution of desert and arid land aquaculture in the past few decades in seven countries and regions (Australia, Egypt, Israel, Mexico, Southern Africa, the United States of America, and Central Asia) describing the achievements of a number of farming operations, which demonstrate the significant potential for farming commercial aquatic organisms using geothermal, fresh and brackish waters. The global overview on desert aquaculture development shows, through the use of maps and tables, those countries with vast extensions of arid territories that should be better investigated for potential aquaculture development.
Limiting factors were extensively discussed during the workshop, and several measures were identified and proposed. Desert conditions are characterized by high day temperatures, cold winter nights, solar radiation, scarce precipitation and very low relative humidity. The experts reached consensus on the definition of aquaculture in the desert and arid lands, which was defined as follows: “Aquaculture activities practised in desert and arid lands characterized by low precipitation (< 250 mm/year), high solar radiation, high rate of evaporation, using subsurface and surface water”.
At the end of the workshop, a series of recommendations were elaborated by the experts to assist FAO Member countries wishing to generate a favourable national environment to promote sustainable aquaculture development.
Limited water supply remains the single largest constraint for aquaculture development in arid and semi-arid regions; however, where the resource is available, the development of integrated aqua-agriculture systems may certainly provide economic output opportunities from such resource-limited regions. Such farming systems may also enable the production of highly priced fish, vegetables and fruits all year round.
The publication can be found at the following addresses:
Online PDF file: http://www.fao.org/docrep/015/ba0114e/ba0114e.pdf
Online PDF zipped file: http://www.fao.org/docrep/015/ba0114e/ba0114e.zip
Valerio CRESPI
Aquaculture Officer (Information)
Aquaculture Service of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
V.le delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome-Italy.
Tel : +39-0657052009
Fax : +39-0657053020
E-mail : valerio.crespi@fao.org
Please visit our homepage: www.fao.org/fishery/aquaculture
Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010
Farming the waters for people and food
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.
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