From: pierre nna-aboo []
Sent: 09 July 2012 18:04
To: sarnissa-african-aquaculture Mailing List
Subject: RE: [Sarnissa] [{SPAM?} score 7.9] {SPAM?} what is the status of the aqua shop in western Kenya
Chers tous, bonjour
je n'ai pas lu toutes les réactions dans ce débat. mais comme j'ai longtemps travaillé dans le secteur des pêches et acquaculture dans mon pays et sans refuser certains de vos affirmations pour justifier l'échec de la pisciculture dans la plus part des pays d'Afrique au sud du sahara. je pense aussi que les bailleurs de fonds ont également une part de responsabilité dans cet échec. je n'arrive pas à comprendre que pour aider le pauvre à sortir de sa pauvreté on s’évertue à lui faire parvenir de l'aide à travers un pauvre, fonctionnaire de son état mal payé. c'est ces derniers qui sont aussi chargés du suivi et évaluation. alors s'ils se sont déjà servi lors du transfert des fonds quels rapport pouvez-vous attendre de ceux-là? Pourquoi ne pas faire comme le projet Lake Harvest en Namibie où une grande structure industrielle de production de tilapia aide les pauvres tout autour de se développer dans cette nouvelle industrie en Afrique? depuis mon départ à la retraite il y a six ans je ne cesse de sensibiliser les populations autour de mon village où j'ai eu la confiance d'être désigné Chef de village, pour la promotion et le développement d'une aquaculture commerciale dans un rayon de 20 km. Près de 650 exploitants agricoles, d'éleveurs et pisciculteur manifestent aujourd'hui leur intérêt sur mes idées. Mais en raison de la difficulté à créer et entretenir des exploitations aquacoles dans notre zone forestière, il nous faut au départ des appuis substantiels que nous recherchons de part et d'autres. nous disposons de sites favorables, nous avons en ma personne de l'expertise confirmée dans mon pays et ailleurs mais le financement n'est pas facile à trouver. les financement disponibles sont tellement faible et réduits par les personnes habilitées à les attribuer qu'il ne reste pas grand chose pour réaliser des projets d'envergure.
vous pouvez consulter ci-attaché un projet que j'ai proposé aux membres de notre union des GICs et où j'ai eu leur adhésion.
bonne journée à tous
Sa Majesté Pierre NNA ABO'O
Ingénieur des Eaux et Forêts et des Chasses
Spécialiste en Aquaculture et Pêches, Retraité
Tel.: (237) 76 89 06 96 / (237) 99 76 21 96
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 10:03:11 -0400
Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] [{SPAM?} score 7.9] {SPAM?} what is the status of the aqua shop in western Kenya
I don't know where the Kenyan experiment with aqua-shops is right now, but Glen's query brings up an important point about the way in which extension operates with the private sector (i.e., farmers). I have noticed a fundamental problem: most of the extension agents don't know how to grow fish and all the farmers know it. The aquaculture success stories in Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Ghana have happened with essentially zero input from extension. I know that the extension services in Africa have very poor budgets, but as one minister once told me: "Why should we finance extension to a sector that doesn't exist? When you come back and ask for money again, bring some fish to prove aquaculture is possible!"
In the meantime, if the extension service wants to help the aquaculture sector, it needs to find a constructive role to play within its means, and the aqua-shops might be an approach that would address at least the problem of lack of supplies and inputs. Once the sector starts to grow, we can ask for more money so that extension agents can be properly trained and deployed.
Randall Brummett
Senior Aquaculture Specialist
World Bank
1818 H Street NW
Washington, DC 20433
Tel: 1 202 473 2853
Mob: 1 202 380 6623Glen Bieber ---06/27/2012 05:34:12 AM---Duncan Sijeh If I understand correctly, the original Aqua shops were funded by DFID, and the project
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Duncan Sijeh
If I understand correctly, the original Aqua shops were funded by DFID, and the project finished in 2011. What is the present status of aqua shops; how is it being funded. How what are its activities; how is it being funded; how do I get more information;?
Glen Bieber
Responsible Aquaculture Foundation, African Rep
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Sije Dancan <>
To: edwin muga <>; "" <>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Sarnissa-african-aquaculture Digest, Vol 49, Issue 40
Dear all,
I am glad that credit is given to where it deserves, I have been folllowing this dicussion very closely, I almost contributed on the impact of the same debate by providing a solution through the Aqua shop concept. I instead refrained to see if someone else would appreciate the Aqua shop concept; since am the one who is directly involved in the implementation of the concept, I wouldn't praise myself. Thank you Edwin for identifying Aqua shop concept to bridge this disturbing gap.
Duncan Sijeh
Aqua shop Project Officer,
FARM Africa,
Western Kenya Office,
From: edwin muga <>
To: John Okechi <>; "" <>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 8:19 AM
Subject: [Sarnissa] Sarnissa-african-aquaculture Digest, Vol 49, Issue 40
Dear All,
I agree with John, a holistic approach with all stakeholders playing their role as they should would be the way to go.
They've been instances where despite constant follow ups, mentoring, backstopping, you name it the recipients still lament of inadequate ES provision from which ever quarter.
So, even as we strengthen Public service ES, coming up the Public,private partnerships (PPP) that is well regulated would be the step in the right direction.
A good example are the Aqua shops concept sponsored by FARM Africa that have come up in Western Kenya region with trained operators who can impart basic technical advice (As an embedded service) to farmers sourcing for inputs in these one stop shops.
Kind regards
E Muga
Dear readers,
The way I see it: Extension agents (whether public or private) cannot be a panacea to all the maladies (if any) ailing the aquaculture industry in Kenya and elsewhere. Before condemning and fragmenting blame to these groups (ES) I think the basic question to ask is –what is ailing the aquaculture extension service (public or private) in our respective environs?. If we find the cause, this is what to start treating rather than the symptoms.
It is also simplistic to conclude that if fish farmers are making losses (though not defined at what level/stage) then the buck rests with the extension service delivery!
In any case it takes two to tango. Fish farming is not a dance to be executed by the ES team only. There many dancers/stakeholders in this industry (read, researchers/extension service/investors/policy makers/etc, etc). All should learn the aquaculture song together, practice together and join hands to dance in unison to the common tune of making aquaculture a success in our respective environs. It is only then we can say who is dancing out of step!
Otherwise blame games will take aquaculture nowhere!
Okechi John
Aquaculture Scientist
KMFRI, Kisumu Kenya.
From: Mary Opiyo <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2012, 20:47
Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Sarnissa-african-aquaculture Digest, Vol 49, Issue 40
Dear all
the same issue was raised by Farmers in Kiambu in today in luch time Citizen news who are complaining of poor service delivery by the fisheries officers in their region and i quote " we have made alot of losses after serious investments, the officers are either corrupt or incompetent" this ones gives the picture of the extension service at the farmers level. Its like the farmers have lost faith in some of the extension service officers .
The extension service need repackaging.
From: James Miller <>
Cc: peter limbu <>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Sarnissa-african-aquaculture Digest, Vol 49, Issue 40
Dear All,
This debate is about a common problem across Africa, where in many
countries fisheries or aquaculture extension is provided by "fisheries
inspectors" who are trained and mandated in enforcement, not
In this context, provision of extension support to fishermen or
fish farmers is thus not effectively provided. Several reports I have
seen refer to this approach as the "command and control" method.
Empowerment of fishermen and fish farmers cannot be achieved with such
"inspectors", who as recently as a year ago, went to the field armed
with guns in some countries. This problem is common in both
anglophone and francophone countries.
The solution to this is "Co-management", where a win-win situation is
created between Government (which lacks money, logistical support and
adequate staff) and Fisherfolk or Fish Farmers, who need to be
empowered to play a key role in resource management. This requires a
transformation of thinking by government and fishers and farmers, to
becoming partners in managing resources. Through co-management
training fishers can be brought to play a key role in enforcement as
they understand the need to achieve sustainability of the fisheries,
which is "their resource", the durability of which determines their
By helping fishermen and fish farmers organize themselves into groups
or associations, it is possible for extension services to be carried
out through payment of services provided. In fish farming this is
already being done through services being provided by private sector
fish hatcheries and fish feed providers.
Best regards,
Jim Miller
On 6/20/12, Harrison Charo <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Quite interesting the whole topic of ES. I think we must agree that (i)
> provision of ES in whichever form is required by most farmers (ii) some
> farmers have more information than the "professional" ES providers. Why is
> (ii) the case? First, what is the training of some of the providers? Quite
> often, we have had to transform officers trained on capture fisheries into
> aquaculturists. This is not a Kenyan problem but a common problem. Only
> recently, a farmers called to say that the officer who advises him could
> not help with some simple issue he wanted advice on. Obviously, if the
> officer had been properly trained he would have been able to help.
> Secondly, the issue of lacking in passion may not always be true. This may
> be tied to the fact that a Capture Fisheries officer has a completely
> different perspective on how he deals with clients. Capture fisheries
> officers (I hope this term is clear!) are used to deal with illegal nets
> and illegal fishing and may deal with farmers as if they are the police.
> This does not augur well with learning.
> Quite often the wrong advice is given due to ignorance. Even private
> providers have been culprits of this, trying to get the quick buck. So at
> the end of the day, we need to deal with the message that ES providers give
> as well as the way it is presented. The message needs to be accurate and
> concise. Simple manuals carefully edited and demonstrations or hands-on-
> field experience may do. "Servanthood" in ES also needs to be inculcated
> so that officers consider farmers as partners in the sector and not
> antagonists. In a nutshell, change of attitude.
> Limbu talks of the need for regular visits and mentoring. I think this is
> quite necessary and will remain so for quite some time, especially where
> farmers have not yet seen the commercial end of aquaculture.Quite a number
> of farmers in Kenya have invested greatly in aquaculture and these are
> basically more commercially oriented than not. We should however be moving
> towards making farmers pay for the ES when they understand exactly why they
> are keeping fish. This in my opinion can be done only when they are
> convinced that they are getting value for money from the ES provided.
> Best regards,
> Harrison
> On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 6:26 PM, peter limbu <> wrote:
>> Hi Leslie, Rachel, Brynn & Paul,
>> Believe me, what is currently being discussed here is what is mainly
>> impacting to majority of African fish farmers/ pioneers especially
>> community –based organizations/groups. I hold a Master degree in
>> Aquaculture, with good field experience from the Mekong Delta Vietnam (on
>> freshwater and mariculture techniques), Innoflex farm in Hungary (on
>> African catfish farming), Wageningen University (on RAS of Nile Tilapia,
>> African Catfish and European eeI) just to mention a few. To merge all
>> skills, I have been in the field working with farmers (enterprise
>> groups)
>> along Tanzania coast communities (whose education level is still low) on
>> Milkfish farming, mud crab fattening and Pearl Oyster farming for more
>> than
>> 2 years. My initial training technique was to conduct the so called
>> “in-situ” training of all farmers at their villages (covering farming
>> techniques and Business & Entrepreneurship training) which was very
>> successful. We then built a team of Community-Based-Trainers (CBTs) who
>> attended 2 weeks TOT and got mentored by myself and other experienced
>> Fisheries officers (before allowing them to directly attend farmers
>> independently) to make sure that immediate queries from farmers could be
>> attended at their community level. During mentorship of CBTs,
>> significant achievement was seen in proper pond and crab cage
>> construction,
>> increased milkfish fingerling and Juvenile mud crab collection and
>> stocking
>> at right densities which led to each group harvest at least once per year
>> 1. In the following year, costs for extension service (in line with what
>> Leslie highlighted) were already high and so we reduced from a bi-weekly
>> mentoring frequency to a monthly and slowly to bi-monthly. Yes we indeed
>> cut down monitoring costs in Year 2 but we negatively impacted to
>> mariculture production as ONLY half of the enterprise groups managed to
>> successfully harvest!
>> While assessing the project progress we came up with the following
>> observation:
>> Training is NOT everything to fish farmers, rather regular monitoring,
>> mentoring and follow ups (ES) are critical to their success;
>> Low education level negatively affected the theoretical trainings as
>> majority could not take notes for records;
>> Farmers learn better by doing and repeatedly to build hands-on field
>> practice;
>> Successful Aquaculture need patience as farmers spend initial phases to
>> slowly learn and convert the technology into a normal commercial
>> business.
>> In my opinion, our training, intensification and frequency of ES on
>> mentoring and monitoring should be differentiated to low educated
>> communities and highly educated farmers (as mentioned by Leslie) offering
>> the former more attention before being thrown to a stand-alone team of
>> farmers.
>> A typical example is what is being highlighted by Brynn on the training
>> conducted in South Africa to the Abalone farmers. So I remain optimistic
>> that we are not stagnant, we are making some steps forward but our pace
>> could be amplified more if we increased our ES to the needy. I strongly
>> recommend priority to allocation of funding associated with ES if we want
>> to see Aquaculture production after spending massive effort to train fish
>> farmers.
>> Thanks.
>> Limbu
>> *Peter Limbu
>> Aquaculturist,*
>> Mobile 1: +255714988810
>> Mobile 2: +255787988810
>> Mobile 3: +255767988810
>> e-mail:
>> Skype: mkwegi3
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* "" <
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 15:21
>> *Subject:* Sarnissa-african-aquaculture Digest, Vol 49, Issue 40
>> Send Sarnissa-african-aquaculture mailing list submissions to
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of Sarnissa-african-aquaculture digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. Re: Certified Aquaculture Professional (paul orina)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2012 05:20:25 -0700 (PDT)
>> From: paul orina <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Certified Aquaculture Professional
>> Message-ID:
>> <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Hi Leslie,
>> May be i should have said "Professional". How many seed and feed
>> suppliers
>> have laid out plans on assessing their product performance and prefernce.
>> I
>> just recieved a farmer from Isinya-Kenya complaining of poor handling of
>> fish seed on delivery by a well renouned farm. this has caused the farmer
>> a
>> great loss.?Is that professionalism or being money minded. True
>> professionals are few and you can tell the passion and commitment?in them
>> in their various fields. Leslie, come out and reach to the fish farmers
>> and
>> ask them the last time they had a professional attend to them and if they
>> were satissfied with services rendered.
>> May the other members can help on this.
>> Paul Orina
>> --- On Tue, 6/19/12, <>
>> wrote:
>> From: <>
>> Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Certified Aquaculture Professional
>> To:
>> Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2012, 2:27 AM
>> Good morning Paul
>> ?
>> >From my experience the bulk of people who enter the Industry as
>> professionals do so because of a passion relating to fish; either
>> breeding,
>> fishing, spearfishing or the like.? Therefore I cannot agree with your
>> statement that ` This latter character lacks the passion and commitment?.
>> ?
>> Regards,
>> Leslie
>> ?
>> ?
>> From: [mailto:
>>] On Behalf Of paul
>> orina
>> Sent: 18 June 2012 09:45 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Certified Aquaculture Professional
>> ?
>> One thing i have learnt over time even on matters of religion is that
>> there are two groups of religious leaders; 1. As a call 2. As a
>> profession.
>> This two characters exist too in aquaculture. However, the latter seems
>> to
>> carry the day. This latter character lacks the passion and committment.
>> The Kenyan situation for aquaculture is abit tricky if not approached
>> with
>> care. The program was a national one with limited number 1 characters. At
>> some point we have had situations where farmers are more knowledgeable
>> than
>> the service providers. We need to contend with realities when it calls
>> for.
>> I suppose that if dedicated selected farmers would be identified for
>> training as ES, this will work very well. Its easier for them to pass the
>> message at?cluster levels and reduce dependancy on state staff. State
>> staff
>> should probably be used to improve and intensify?on the existing sysytems
>> by ensuring farmers advance to RAS, marketing and networking and quality
>> feed use. ?
>> Paul
>> --- On Mon, 6/18/12, <>
>> wrote:
>> From: <>
>> Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Certified Aquaculture Professional
>> To:
>> Date: Monday, June 18, 2012, 4:58 AM
>> Excellent, if you have a model for running quality ESs without costing
>> too
>> much that is superb, but unusual.? I find that the cost of travel,
>> salaries, equipment, etc all add up very quickly.
>> ?
>> Regards,
>> Leslie
>> ?
>> ?
>> From: [mailto:
>>] On Behalf Of
>> Sent: 18 June 2012 12:59 PM
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Certified Aquaculture Professional
>> ?
>> ?Leslie
>> ?
>> I would disagree with you about the operational costs of running ES. We
>> are doing it succesfully in horticulture and? have now found 2 groups in
>> Kenya with a similar model focusing on aquaculture.?
>> ?
>> Rachel
>> ?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 1:37am
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Certified Aquaculture Professional
>> Good morning Rachel
>> ?
>> I feel that Extension Support is critical for success.? Unfortunately, ES
>> has developed a poor reputation because it was mainly provided by state
>> employees who were under resourced, short of practical experience
>> themselves and not commercially motivated or orientated.? Such ES should
>> rather come from a commercial player with practical experience in the
>> relevant field (infrastructure type, scale of operation, species, etc).?
>> Where projects are linked under a single umbrella it is easier to justify
>> the cost associated with such ES, thereby giving the Projects a far
>> higher
>> chance of commercial success.? Where I do not immediately see a solution
>> is
>> for farmers who are low in business and aquaculture skills being
>> supported
>> through ES on a stand-alone basis, as the costs are too high for such
>> operators to carry.
>> ?
>> Regards,
>> Leslie
>> ?
>> ?
>> From: [mailto:
>>] On Behalf Of
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> Sent: 17 June 2012 08:25 PM
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Certified Aquaculture Professional
>> ?
>> Leslie
>> ?
>> Fabulous feedback... Even in horticulture, there?isn't a
>> "one-off"?training solution that ensures success.? So in?light of?your
>> feedback, how?do we give more rural farmers?access to the practical
>> knowledge, training and mentorship they need???
>> ?
>> I?think its also important to focus on the business side training.?
>> Farmers need to start understanding the potential gross margin before
>> making the initial investment into their own training or technologies.
>> ?
>> Rachel?
>> ?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2012 1:49pm
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Certified Aquaculture Professional
>> Good evening Rachel & Paul
>> ?
>> ?
>> There is a misconception that training makes fish farmers, this is simply
>> not true, or at least not true if the training is a once off event and
>> the
>> trainees have low skill and education levels.? We offer numerous training
>> options from 2 days to 12 weeks, with the longer Courses including a
>> significant proportion of practical experience.? A commercially
>> orientated
>> person coming from a background of high skills and technical competence
>> can
>> attend such a Course and have all he/she needs to be a successful fish
>> farmer by applying the skills and disciplines they were taught.? However,
>> more and more we find ourselves training people who come from low
>> education
>> levels and it is essential that the training these people receive is
>> followed up with an extensive period (open ended?) of mentorship and
>> support, most especially when they are operating recirculating systems.?
>> It
>> is unrealistic to expect that such people can be exposed to the volume
>> and
>> level of
>> technical information included in thorough training, digest it all and
>> apply it successfully without such support.
>> ?
>> ?
>> Regards,
>> Leslie
>> ?
>> ?
>> ?
>> ?
>> From: [mailto:
>>] On Behalf Of
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> < font size="3" color="#0000FF" face="serif">
>> Sent: 17 June 2012 10:43 AM
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Certified Aquaculture Professional
>> ?
>> ?
>> Paul... Excellent feedback.
>> ?
>> So how do we make expert knowledge available to a wider audience??? We
>> are
>> launching mobile extension in horticulture production but farming is
>> still
>> done in the dirt. I am new to fish farming and?understand your
>> frustration.?The majority of small scale projects have failed due to a
>> lack
>> of access to good quality technical knowledge.? So what can fill the
>> gap:?
>> Mobile extension? Open source design & manuals??Public service camapigns
>> through the Ministry
>> ?
>> Rachel Zedeck
>> Managing?Director
>> Backpack Farm Agriculture Program?
>> ?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: "paul orina" MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from
>> "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 2:53pm
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Certified Aquaculture Professional
>> Hey this is good to know. Good for Sammy and Good for Kenya too. Am
>> however concerned about the numerous trainings our staff have gained with
>> no meaningful change in service delivery styles. If we spend either
>> government or scholarship funds to acquire knowledge, lets make it a
>> culture to impart the same to the society.
>> Thank you Karen for the initiative and hope that you have a post training
>> strategy of measuring the impact of knowledge imparted to graduants of
>> this
>> programme. Am sure Sammy is upto the task and will help aquaculture scale
>> higher hights in this country.
>> I hope this are kind words to all of us.
>> Paul Orina
>> NARDTC-Sagana
>> --- On Tue, 6/12/12, Suzanne Kuria <MailScanner has detected a possible
>> fraud attempt from "" claiming to be MailScanner
>> has detected a possible fraud attempt from ""
>> claiming to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>>> wrote:
>> From: Suzanne Kuria <MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt
>> from "" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> Subject: Re: [Sarnissa] Certified Aquaculture Professional
>> To:
>> Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 9:24 AM
>> Congratulations Sammy!
>> we pray that many more of us can follow in you footsteps.
>> Thank you Karen for the support you have given to Africa as a whole in
>> Aquaculture!
>> I know CAP is an expensive but a very good and worthwhile program for
>> those in Aquaculture. I hope that there some sponsors out there
>> willing to at least part sponsor those interested so that many more
>> can gain and achieve even greater milestones.
>> Suzanne Njeri,
>> Kamiti fish & Integrated farm
>> On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 9:34 PM, Brynn Simpson <MailScanner has detected
>> a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud
>> attempt from "" claiming to be MailScanner has
>> detected a possible fraud attempt from ""
>> claiming to be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be> wrote:
>> > Well done Sammy and those behind CAP.
>> >
>> > Lack of (or inadequate) skills is one of the issues that we often deal
>> with
>> > in the system supply business. People often forget that once the system
>> is
>> > built, it needs competent and well motivated people operating it.
>> >
>> > It is exciting to see that there is forward movement in this area with
>> more
>> > training options available to aquaculturists and fish farm staff. In
>> South
>> > Africa a lot of work has been done in the abalone industry that is
>> related
>> > to skills training and education and I expect that this is paying off
>> > dividends.
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > Brynn
>> >
>> > Brynn Simpson
>> > Deep Blue Aquatic Systems
>> > South Africa
>> > Tel: +27 21 8562031
>> > Cell: +27 83 9763672
>> > MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to
>> be MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
>>" claiming to be MailScanner has detected a
>> possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
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>> MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "
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>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On 11 Jun 2012, at 16:18, Karen L. Veverica wrote:
>> >
>> > This is to congratulate the first person in Africa to successfully
>> complete
>> > the Certification of Aquaculture Professional program.
>> > He is Sammy Macaria, with the Kenya Fisheries Department.
>> > The AquaFish Collaborative Research Support Program sponsored his
>> > subscription to the series of 136 lectures split into 10 modules, each
>> > followed by an exam. ?Sammy will continue to have access to these
>> > modules
>> > over the next 3 years and he will receive any new modules free of
>> > charge
>> > during the next 3 years. ?The certification comes with online advisory
>> > services from Auburn as well.
>> > The CAP is available in English and in Spanish. We are trying to get
>> > the
>> > funds to do the french translation but need at least 20 paid
>> subscriptions
>> > in French for this to begin.
>> > More information on the CAP can be found at:
>> >
>> > --
>> > Karen L. Veverica
>> > Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures
>> > International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments
>> > Auburn University, Alabama, USA
>> > office: +1-334-844-4667
>> > cell: +1-334-332-1560
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> End of Sarnissa-african-aquaculture Digest, Vol 49, Issue 40
>> ************************************************************
>> --
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>> The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
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>> _______________________________________________
>> Sarnissa-african-aquaculture mailing list
> --
> Dr. Harrison Charo-Karisa,
> National Chairman Aquaculture Development Working Group
> Assistant Director Aquaculture, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research
> Institute,
> Ag. Director,
> National Aquaculture Research, Development & Training Centre,
> P.O. Box 26, Sagana,
> Kenya
> Tel: +254 725555143/ +254 738555143/ +254-750101782
Jim Miller
Fisheries Project Manager-GIZ
GIZ Office behind GOSS MARF in Gudele
Juba, South Sudan
Tel. +249-909-232-536; 0924-675-159
Skype: millerfishafrica
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