I think the latter may be the mailing list for the ms teams?

Dr Hector Gutierrez Rufrancos
Senior Lecturer in Economics
University of Stirling School of Management

PhD Convenor, Economics Division, University of Stirling School of Management

Director UG Programme in Economics, University of Stirling School of Management

Global Labor Organization Research Fellow

Summer School Director, Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics


From: PhD-BehSci <phd-behsci-bounces@lists.stir.ac.uk> on behalf of Till Stowasser <till.stowasser@stir.ac.uk>
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 7:05:09 PM
To: phd-behsci Mailing List <phd-behsci@lists.stir.ac.uk>; BehSci PhD lab <BehSciPhDlab@stir.ac.uk>
Subject: [Phd-behsci] Reminder: Tomorrow's PhD Lab
Dear PhD lab,

This is a reminder that we have our next PhD lab tomorrow from 11:00–12:30 in room 2B76 (Cottrell).
Among other things, we can talk about Leo’s upcoming conference in Dundee, as well as funding for conferences in more general. 

And we will continue with our book club: Kevin will present Chapter 3 of “Doing Economics" and we will discuss its contents afterwards, so please make sure to have read the chapter in advance.

P.S: I just noticed a second e-mail address popping up as a suggested recipient, namely behsciphdlab@groups.stir.ac.uk, which is different from the phd-behsci@lists.stir.ac.uk we have been using. Does anyone know who cerated this and who is on it?


Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159

Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159