Today's Topics:
1. Re: PsychoMorph Questions (Peter Hancock)
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Message: 1
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 09:22:57 +0000
From: Peter Hancock <>
To: face-research-list Mailing List
< >
Subject: Re: [Face-research-list] PsychoMorph Questions
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The lines in Psychomorph are also for helping with placement, so far as I know. The end of the file does just tell you which points are joined together. Here’s the start of a ‘standard’ template file line section:
39 # 39 line definitions
0 # move on
2 #first line has two points
0 0 #they are both point 0 ## I don’t know the significance of defining a zero length line, this is the pupil
0 # move on
2 #next line has two points
1 1 #other pupil
9 # a proper line with 9 points!
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 # the line forms a ring, starting and ending at point 2
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10
You can define the lines from within Psychomorph from the delineate menu.
I’ve attached a superbatch file for caricaturing, with some comments
From: Face-research-list [ ] On Behalf Of Rachel Robbins
Sent: 16 January 2018 23:30
To: face-research-list Mailing List < >
Subject: [Face-research-list] PsychoMorph Questions
Hi everyone,
I am trying to learn PsychoMorph having previously used Fantamorph. I have read through Clare Sutherland's basic guide, but I need some help with more detailed qus and I can't find anything Wiki site. If anyone can provide advice on any of these questions I would be very grateful!
In Fantamorph the lines are are purely for visual grouping and don't do anything, morphing is all to do with matched dot placement, and you can check that dots are correctly matched by looking at the triangles. Do the lines in PsychoMorph do anything, or are they just guides?
Part of the reason I need to know is that I am trying to import Fantamorph information into PsychoMorph. I have managed to import my point dot information by taking the lines of paired dot position information from the .fmd files and putting them into a .tem file with the number of dots in the first line corrected. However, I couldn't figure out exactly what the info at the end of the original .tem files generated by PsychoMorph is and whether I need it or something equivalent. It SEEMS to be the information about lines, does anyone know about this?
I would also love to be able to batch importing and/or making caricatures if I can get the .tem files set up properly. It seems like I might be able to do this with SuperBatchTransform, but from this page
I can't figure out exactly what needs to go in my input file. Does anyone have an example they would be willing to share?
You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give.
-Winston Churchill.
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End of Face-research-list Digest, Vol 82, Issue 6