(Apologies for multiple postings)
13th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces (eNTERFACE'17) July 03-28, 2017, Porto, Portugal.
Call for Participation Extended Submission Deadline: May 07, 2017(Firm)
The Digital Creativity Centre (CCD), Universidade Catolica Portuguesa - School of Arts (Porto, Portugal) invites researchers from all over the world to join eNTERFACE'17, the 13th one-month Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces. During this workshop, senior project leaders, researchers, and students gather in one single place to work in teams on pre-specified challenges for 4 weeks long. Each team has a project defined and will address specific challenges.
Senior researchers, PhD students, or undergraduate students interested in participating to the Workshop should send their application by emailing before 7th of May 2017(extended) to enterface17(a)porto.ucp.pt (Guidelines for researchers applying to a project<http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/authors-kit/Guidelines.for.researchers.appl…>).
Participants must procure their own travel and accommodation expenses. Information about the venue location and stay are provided on the eNTERFACE'17 website. Note that although no scholarships are available for PhD students, there are no application fees. The list of projects that participants can choose from is the following.
How to Catch A Werewolf, Exploring Multi-Party Game-Situated Human-Robot Interaction
Lead-Organizers: Catharine Oertel, KTH (PI), Samuel Mascarenhas, INESC-ID, Zofia Malisz, KTH, José Lopes, KTH, Joakim Gustafson, KTH
In this project we will focus on the implementation of the roles of the "villager" and the "werewolves" using the IrisTK dialogue framework and the robot head Furhat. To be more precise, the aim of this project is to use multi-modal cues in order to inform the theory of mind model to drive the robot's decision making process. Theory of mind is a concept that is related to empathy and it refers to the cognitive ability of modeling and understanding that others have different beliefs and intentions than our own. In lay terms, it can be described as "to put oneself into another's shoes" and it is a crucial skill to properly play a deception game like "Werewolf".
Full Project Description<http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/proposals/02.Final%20Proposal_Catharine.Oer…>
KING'S SPEECH Foreign language: pronounce with style!
Principal investigators: Georgios Athanasopoulos*, Céline Lucas* and Benoit Macq* (ICTEAM-ELEN - Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
The principal investigators are developing the GRAAL1 project which is concerned with developing a set of tools to facilitate self-training on foreign language pronunciation, with the first target being learning French. The goal of KING'S SPEECH is to develop new interaction modalities and evaluate them in combination with existing functionality aiming to better personalize GRAAL to the taste and specificities of each learner. This personalization will rely on a machine learning approach and an experimental set-up to be developed during eNTERFACE'17. The eNTERFACE'17 developments could be based on a karaoke scenario where the song is replaced by some authentic sentences (extracts of news, films, publicities, etc.). Applications like SingStar (Sony) or JustSing (Ubisoft) could also serve as a source of inspiration, e.g., using a smartphone as a microphone while interacting with avatars.
Full Project Description<http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/proposals/02.Final%20Project_King's%20speech.pdf>
The RAPID-MIX API: a toolkit for fostering innovation in the creative industries with Multimodal, Interactive and eXpressive (MIX) technology
Principal Investigators Francisco Bernardo, Michael Zbyszynski, Rebecca Fiebrink, Mick Grierson (EAVI - Embodied AudioVisual Interaction group, Goldsmiths University of London, Computing), Team Candidates Sebastian Mealla , Panos Papiotis (MTG/UPF - Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Carles Julia, Frederic Bevilacqua , Joseph Larralde (IRCAM - Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique)
Members of the RAPID-MIX project are building a toolkit that includes a software API for interactive machine learning (IML),digital signal processing (DSP), sensor hardware, and cloud-based repositories for storing and visualizing audio, visual, and multimodal data. This API provides a comprehensive set of software components for rapid prototyping and integration of new sensor technologies into products, prototypes and performances.
We aim to investigate how developers employ and appropriate this toolkit so we can improve it based on their feedback. We intend to kickstart the online community around this toolkit with eNTERFACE participants as power users and core members, and to integrate their projects as demonstrators for the toolkit. Participants will explore and use the RAPID-MIX toolkit for their creative projects and learn workflows for using embodied interaction with sensors
Full Project Description<http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/proposals/02.Final%20Project_RAPID-MIX.pdf>
Principal investigator: Ivan Franco (IDMIL / McGill University)
Prynth is a technical framework for building self-contained programmable synthesizers, developed by Ivan Franco at the Input Devices and Music Interaction Lab (IDMIL) of McGill University. The goal of this new framework is to support the rapid development of a new breed of digital synthesizers and their respective interaction models.
Full Project Description<http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/proposals/02.Final%20Proposal_prynth.pdf>
End-to-End Listening Agent for Audio-Visual Emotional and Naturalistic Interactions
Principal Investigators: Kevin El Haddad (TCTS Lab - numediart institute - University of Mons, Belgium), Yelin Kim (Inspire Lab - University at Albany, State University of New York, USA), Hüseyin Çakmak (TCTS Lab - numediart institute - University of Mons, Belgium)
In this project, we aim at building a listening agent that would react with a naturalistic and human-like behavior and using nonverbal expressions to a user. The agent's behavior will be modeled by and built on three main components: recognizing and synthesizing emotional and nonverbal expressions, and predicting the next expression to synthesize based on the currently recognized expressions. Its behavior will be rendered on a previously developed avatar which will also be improved during this workshop. At the end we should obtain functioning and efficient modules which ideally should work in real-time.
Full Project Description<http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/proposals/02.Final%20Proposal_listening%20a…>
Cloud-based Toolbox for Computer Vision
Principal investigator: Dr. Sidi Ahmed MAHMOUDI from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Mons. Belgium. Candidates: Dr. Fabian LECRON, PhD, Faculty of Engineering at the University of Mons. Belgium, Mohammed Amin BELARBI, PhD Student, Faculty of Exact sciences and Mathematics, University of Mostaganem, Algeria, Mohammed EL ADOUI, PhD Student, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mons, Belgium, Abdelhamid DERRAR, Student in Master University of Lyon, France, Pr. Mohammed BENJELLOUN, PhD, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mons, Belgium, Pr. Said MAHMOUDI, PhD, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mons, Belgium.
Nowadays, images and videos have been present everywhere, they can come directly from camera, mobile devices or from other peoples that share their images and videos. The latter are used to present and illustrate different objects in a large number of situations (public areas, airports, hospitals, football games, etc.). This makes from image and video processing algorithms a very important tool used for various domains related to computer vision such as video surveillance, human behavior understanding, medical imaging and database (images and videos) indexation methods. The goal of this project is develop an extension of our cloud platform (MOVACP) developed in the previous edition of eNTERFACE'16 workshop. The latter integrated several image and video processing applications. The users of this platform can use these methods without having to download, install and configure the corresponding software. Each user can select the required application, load its data and retrieve results, with an environment similar to desktop. Within eNTERFAC'17 workshop, we would like to improve and develop four main tools for our platform: 1. Integration of the major image and video processing algorithms that could be used by guests to perform their own applications. 2. Integration of machine learning methods (used for images and videos indexation) that exploit the uploaded data of users (is they accept of course) in order to improve the results precision. 3. Fast treatment of data acquired from IOT systems. 4. Development of an online 3D viewer that could be used for the visualization of 3D reconstructed medical images. 4. Fast treatment of data acquired from distant IoT systems.
Keywords cloud computing, image and video processing, video surveillance, medical imaging.
Full Project Description<http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/proposals/02.Final%20Project_CMP.pdf>
Across the virtual bridge
Project Coordinators: Thierry RAVET (software design, motion signal processing, machine learning), Fabien GRISARD (software design, human-computer interface), Ambroise MOREAU (computer vision, software design), Pierre-Henri DE DEKEN (software design, game engine) - Numediart Institute, University of Mons, Belgium.
The goal of the project is to explore different ways of creating interactions between people evolving in the real world (local players) and people evolving in a virtual representation of the same world (remote players). This latter one will be explored thanks to a virtual reality headset while local players will be geo-located through an app on a mobile device. Actions executed by remote players will be perceived by local players in the form of a sound or visual content and actions performed by local players will impact the virtual world as well. Local players and remote players will be able to exchange information with each other.
Keywords: Virtual world, mixed reality, computer-mediated communication .
Full Project Description<http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/proposals/02.Final%20Project_AcrossTheVirtu…>
ePHoRt project: A telerehabilitation system for reeducation after hip replacement surgery
Principal investigators: Yves Rybarczyk (Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal), Arián Aladro (Universidad de las Américas, Ecuador), Mario Gonzalez (Health and Sport Science from University of Zaragoza - Spain), Santiago Villarreal (Universidad de las Américas - Quito, Ecuador), Jan Kleine Detersa (University of Twente in Human Media Interaction)
This project aims to develop a web-based system for the remote monitoring of rehabilitation exercises in patients after hip replacement surgery. The tool intends to facilitate and enhance the motor recovery, due to the fact that the patients will be able to perform the therapeutic movements at home and at any time. As in any case of rehabilitation program, the time required to recover is significantly diminished when the individual has the opportunity to practice the exercises regularly and frequently. However, the condition of such patients prohibits transportations to and from medical centres and many of them cannot afford a private physiotherapist. Thus, low-cost technologies will be used to develop the platform, with the aim to democratize its access. For instance, the motion capture system will be based on the Kinect camera that provides a good compromise between accuracy and price. The project will be divided into four main stages. First, the architecture of the web-based system will be designed. Three different user interfaces will be necessary: (i) one to record quantitative and qualitative data from the patient, (ii) another for the therapist consulting the patient's performance and adapting the exercises accordingly, and (iii) for the physician having a medical supervision of the recovery process. Second, it will be essential to develop a module that performs an automatic assessment and validation of the rehabilitation activities, in order to provide a real-time feedback to the patient regarding the correctness of the executed movements. Third, we also intend to make use of a serious game and affective computing approaches, with the intention of motivating the user to perform the exercises for a sustainable period of time. Finally, an ergonomic study will be carried out, in order to evaluate the usability of the system.
Full Project Description<http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/proposals/02.Final%20Proposal_Full_proposal…>
Big Brother can you find, classify, detect and track us ?
Principal investigators: Marc Décombas, Jean Benoit Delbrouck (TCTS Lab - University of Mons, Belgium)
In this project, we will build a system that can detect, recognize objects or humans and describe them as much as possible on video. Objects may be moving as well as the people coming in and out of the visual field of the camera(s). Our project will be split into three main tasks : detection and tracking, people re-identification, image/video captioning
The system should work in real time and should be able to detect people and follow them, re-identify them when they come back in the field and give a textual description of what each people is doing.
Full Project Description<http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/proposals/02.Final%20Proposal_BigBrother.pdf>
Networked Creative Coding Environments
Principal investigator: Andrew Blanton, Digital Media Art at San Jose State University
As a part of ongoing research Andrew Blanton will present a workshop using Amazon Web Servers for the creation of networked art. The workshop will demonstrate sending data from Max/MSP to a Unix based Amazon Web Server and receiving data into a p5.js via websockets. The workshop will explore the critical discourse surrounding data as a borderless medium and the ideas and potentials of using a medium that can have global reach .
Full Project Description<http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/proposals/02.FinalProposal_NCCE.pdf>
Principal investigator: Maria Isabel Azevedo ( ID+ Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture, University of Aveiro), Elizabeth Sandford-Richardson ( University of the Arts, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design
Today in interactive art, there are not only representations that speak of the body but actions and behaviours that involve the body. In digital holography, the image appears and disappears from the observer's vision field; because the holographic image is light, we can see multidimensional spaces, shapes and colours existing on the same time, presence and absence of the image on the holographic plate. And the image can be flowing in front of the plate that sometimes people try touching it with his hands.
That means, to the viewer will be interactive events, with no beginning or end that can be perceived in any direction, forward or backward, depending on the relative position and the time the viewer spends in front of the hologram.
In this workshop we are proposing an audiovisual interactive installation composed by four digital holograms and spatial soundscape. When viewers move in front of each hologram, different sources of sound are trigger. The outcome will be presented in the last week of July with an invited performer. We are looking for sound designers and interaction programmers.
Keywords: Digital holographic image, holographic performance, sound spatialization, motion capture
Full Project Description<http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/proposals/02.FinalProposal_holo.pdf>
Study of the reality level of VR simulations
Principal investigators: Andre Perrotta, UCP/CITAR
We propose to develop a VR simulation based on 360o video, spatialized audio and force feedback using fans and motors, of near collision experiences of large vehicles on a first person perspective, to be experienced by users wearing head-mounted stereoscopic VR gear in a MOCAP (motion capture) enabled environment that enables a one-to-one relationship between real and virtual worlds.
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**Please forward to anyone who might be interested**
Apologies for cross-posting
the 13th Intl. Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces
Porto, Italy, July 3th - 28th, 2017
Call for Participation - May 2, 2017
The eNTERFACE 2017 Workshop is being organized this summer in Porto, Portugal, from July 3th to 28th, 2017. The Workshop will be held at Digital Creativity Centre, (http://artes.ucp.pt/ccd ), Universidade Catolica Portuguesa.
The eNTERFACE Workshops present an opportunity of collaborative research and software development by gathering, in a single place, a team of senior project leaders in multimodal interfaces, PhD students, and (undergraduate) students, to work on a pre-specified list of challenges, for the duration of four weeks. Participants are organized in teams, assigned to specific projects. The ultimate goal is to make this event a unique opportunity for students and experts all over the world to meet and effectively work together, so as to foster the development of tomorrow's multimodal research community.
Senior researchers, PhD, or undergraduate students interested in participating to the Workshop should send their application by emailing the Organizing Committee at enterface17(a)porto.ucp.pt<mailto:enterface17@porto.ucp.pt> on or before May 2, 2017. The application should contain:
- A short CV
- A list of three preferred projects to work on
- A list of skills to offer for these projects.
Participants must procure their own travel and accommodation expenses. Information about the venue location and stay are provided on the eNTERFACE'09 website (http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17 ). Note that although no scholarships are available for PhD students, there are no application fees.
eNTERFACE'17 will welcome students, researchers, and seniors, working in teams on the following projects
How to Catch A Werewolf, Exploring Multi-Party Game-Situated Human-Robot Interaction
KING'S SPEECH Foreign language: pronounce with style!
The RAPID-MIX API: a toolkit for fostering innovation in the creative industries with Multimodal, Interactive and eXpressive (MIX) technology
End-to-End Listening Agent for Audio-Visual Emotional and Naturalistic Interactions
Cloud-based Toolbox for Computer Vision
Across the virtual bridge
ePHoRt project: A telerehabilitation system for reeducation after hip replacement surgery
Big Brother can you find, classify, detect and track us ?
Networked Creative Coding Environments
Study of the realty level of VR simulations*
Audiovisualy Experience Through Digital Art Holography*
The full detailed description of the projects is available at http://artes.ucp.pt/enterface17/Call.for.participation_eNTERFACE17.html
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Dear all,
The School of Psychology at the University of Plymouth has three fully funded full time PhD studentships (3 years) and two part-time studentships (5 years with teaching duties). Full details of all projects are available here:
For the interest of this list there are two potential projects on offer involving the development of face processing in childhood and face processing in social anxiety. Details of these projects are available via the link above but note that the description is quite embryonic to allow for candidates to discuss their own direction with the supervisors.
If you know of any MSc students that are looking to do a PhD in face processing please do forward on these details to them, or ask them to contact me directly (chris.longmore(a)plymouth.ac.uk<mailto:chris.longmore@plymouth.ac.uk>).
Queries about funding for non-UK applicants for the full time positions should be sent to Prof. Chris Mitchell (christopher.mitchell(a)plymouth.ac.uk<mailto:christopher.mitchell@plymouth.ac.uk>), PG tutor or Dr Jeremy Goslin (jeremy.goslin(a)plymouth.ac.uk<mailto:jeremy.goslin@plymouth.ac.uk>) for the part time positions.
Dr Chris Longmore
Admissions Tutor
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Human Sciences
Plymouth University
Drake Circus
Tel: +44 (0)1752 584890<tel:+44%201752%20584890>
Fax: +44 (0)1752 584808<tel:+44%201752%20584808>
Email : chris.longmore(a)plymouth.ac.uk<mailto:chris.longmore@plymouth.ac.uk>
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Hello all
The Department of Psychology at Bournemouth University are currently advertising permanent Lectureships/Senior Lectureships in face-processing. Please see the advert below:
Many thanks
BU is a Disability Two Ticks Employer and has signed up to the Mindful Employer charter. Information about the accessibility of University buildings can be found on the BU DisabledGo webpages. This email is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential information. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this email, which must not be copied, distributed or disclosed to any other person. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Bournemouth University or its subsidiary companies. Nor can any contract be formed on behalf of the University or its subsidiary companies via email.
Dear colleagues
We are excited to announce a 4-year fully ESRC funded MSc+PhD position on the project Building a Culturally Flexible Generative Model of Face Signalling for Social Robots at the Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology, University of Glasgow, UK in collaboration with Dimensional Imaging (DI4D), Glasgow, UK.
We are looking for someone with multidisciplinary experience and so casting a very wide net. See the findaphd.com<http://findaphd.com> advert here: https://tinyurl.com/maw9fad
I have also attached the advert in PDF and JPEG format. I would be very grateful if you could share this advert in your departments and to any other persons or groups you think might be interested or have good connections.
See also my posts on FB and Twitter (@rachaelejack). I would be very grateful if you could RT and share.
Many thanks!
Rachael E. Jack, Ph.D., RSE YAS
Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology
School of Psychology
Member of the RSE Young Academy of Scotland
The FOX research group (http://cristal.univ-lille1.fr/FOX <http://cristal.univ-lille1.fr/FOX>) of CRSItAL laboratory (http://www.cristal.univ-lille.fr <http://www.cristal.univ-lille.fr/>) (UMR CNRS 9189), France, is looking for a promising candidate to work on the field of Human Behavior Analysis from video under unconstrained settings.
The recognition and prediction of people behaviour from videos are major concerns in the field of computer vision. A specific class of behavior analysis concerning facial expression recognition attracts lot of attention from researchers and industry in various fields.
State of the art solutions work fine in controlled environments were expressions are exaggerated and the head of the subject stay still, but as soon as the subject moves freely and expressions are natural, the performances of existing systems drop in an important manner. This observation is confirmed by performance evaluation conducted on new datasets (such as RECOLA, GEMEP) where the acquisitions conditions are similar to natural interaction settings.
We look for a PHD candidate in order to study and propose algorithms that analyze human behavior from video in unconstrained environments.
http://sujets-these.lille.inria.fr/details.html?id=a1382de1c76647509ef9e25c… <http://sujets-these.lille.inria.fr/details.html?id=a1382de1c76647509ef9e25c…>
== Required expertise
Strong preference will be given to candidates with experience in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition and a good knowledge of written and oral English. Background in motion analysis field would be appreciated.
Applicants are expected to have a strong background in Computer Science. Strong programming skills (C or C++) are a plus. French language skills are not required, English is mandatory.
The thesis shall start October 1st in Lille.
Applications must be sent by email to Prof. Ch. Djeraba (chabane.djeraba(a)univ-lille1.fr <mailto:chabane.djeraba@univ-lille1.fr>) and IM Bilasco (marius.bilasco(a)univ-lille1.fr <mailto:marius.bilasco@univ-lille1.fr> <mailto:marius.bilasco@univ-lille1.fr <mailto:marius.bilasco@univ-lille1.fr>>), Subject: [Phd Position].
They must contain a statement of interest, a CV, a list of publications, if any, and the names of two references.
Please contact the Prof. Ch. Djeraba <chabane.djeraba(a)univ-lille1.fr <mailto:chabane.djeraba@univ-lille1.fr>> and IM Bilasco (marius.bilasco(a)univ-lille1.fr <mailto:marius.bilasco@univ-lille1.fr> <mailto:marius.bilasco@univ-lille1.fr <mailto:marius.bilasco@univ-lille1.fr>>) for more informations.
Ioan Marius BILASCO
MCF Univ Lille 1
Centre de Recherche en Image, Signal et Automatique (CRIStAL)
Équipe FOX - Groupe IMAGE
Bureau 336, Bât M3 Ext
Cité Scientifique
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex - France
mailto:2emePrenom.Nom@univ-lille1.fr <mailto:2emePrenom.Nom@lifl.fr>
http://www.cristal.univ-lille.fr/~bilasco <http://www.lifl.fr/~bilasco>
phone: (+33) (0)3 3 20 43 41 88 / 3 62 53 15 84
fax: (+33) (0)3 28 77 85 37
Trust in CNRS's certificates: http://igc.services.cnrs.fr/Doc/General/trust.html <http://igc.services.cnrs.fr/Doc/General/trust.html>
Apologies for cross-postings
Call for challenge participation
Fifth Emotion Recognition in the Wild (EmotiW) Challenge 2017
@ ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2017, Glasgow
The Fifth Emotion Recognition in the Wild 2017 Challenge consists of
multimodal classification challenges, which mimics real-world conditions.
Traditionally, emotion recognition has been performed on laboratory
controlled data. While undoubtedly worthwhile at the time, such lab
controlled data poorly represents the environment and conditions faced in
real-world situations. With the increase in the number of video clips
online, it is worthwhile to explore the performance of emotion recognition
methods that work ‘in the wild’. There are two sub-challenges: audio-video
based emotion recognition in videos and group-level emotion recognition in
the images (new).
Challenge Website Up: early March 2017
Train and validate data available: April 2017
Test data available: 8 July 2017
Last date for uploading the results: 23 July 2017
Paper submission deadline: 10 August 2017
Notification: 1 September 2017
Camera-ready papers: 21 September 2017
Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke, Jyoti Joshi, Jesse Hoey and Tom Gedeon
Abhinav Dhall, PhD (ANU)
Assistant Professor,
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar
I asked about the relevance of the Image and Vision Computing (IVC) Special Issue on Biometrics in the Wild to Psychologists. This was Vito's response:
It may be important to provide some context first. The special issue builds on a workshop that we are organizing as part of the 2017 edition of the IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (http://luks.fe.uni-lj.si/bwild17/), but is open to everyone interested in contributing. While we issued a call for biometrics in general, we expect most submitted papers to be face and (maybe gesture) related - due to our connection to AFGR.
I feel that papers on the psychology of face recognition would fit nicely into the scope of the planned special issue. Work on perceptual and cognitive aspects of face recognition and connections to recent machine learning models would certainly be interesting as well. I see a lot of work in this area that would make sense for the special issue.
Peter Hancock
Deputy Head of Psychology,
Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
phone 01786 467675
fax 01786 467641
Psychology at Stirling: 100% 4* Impact, REF2014
Come and study Face Perception at the University of Stirling! Our unique MSc in the Psychology of Faces is open for applications. For more information see http://www.stir.ac.uk/postgraduate/programme-information/prospectus/psychol…
** Apologies for cross-posting **
Image and Vision Computing (IVC) Special Issue on:
Biometrics in the Wild
Submission deadline: 30 June, 2017
Target publication date: April, 2018
IVC SI: Biometrics in the Wild
** Motivation **
Biometric recognition from data captured in unconstrained settings,
commonly referred to as biometric recognition in the wild, represents a
challenging and highly active area of research. The interest in this
area is fueled by the numerous application domains that deal with
unconstrained data acquisition conditions such as forensics,
surveillance, social media, consumer electronics or border control.
While the existing biometric technology has matured to a point, where
excellent performance can be achieved for various tasks in ideal
laboratory-like settings, many problems related to in-the-wild scenarios
still require further research and novel ideas. The goal of this special
issue is to present the most advanced work related to biometric
recognition in unconstrained settings and introduce novel solutions to
open biometrics-related problems. Submitted papers should make a
significant contribution in terms of theoretical findings or empirical
observations, demonstrate improvements over the existing
state-of-the-art and use the most challenging datasets available.
** Topics of Interest **
We invite high-quality papers on topics related to biometric recognition
in the wild, including, but not limited to:
• Region of interest detection (alignment, landmarking) in the wild,
• Soft biometrics in the wild,
• Context-aware techniques for biometric detection and recognition,
• Novel normalization techniques,
• Multi-modal biometrics in the wild,
• Biometric recognition in the wild,
• Biometrics from facial behavior (e.g., eye movement, facial
expressions, micro-expressions),
• Biometrics based on facial dynamics,
• Novel databases and performance benchmarks,
• Ethical issues, privacy protection and de-identification,
• Spoofing and countermeasures,
• Deep learning approaches for unconstrained biometric recognition,
• Related applications, especially mobile.
** Important Dates **
Submission deadline: 30 June, 2017
Notifications to authors: 31 January, 2018
Target publication date: April, 2018
** Guest Editors **
Bir Bhanu, University of California, Riverside, United States
Abdenour Hadid, University of Oulu, Finland
Qiang Ji, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States
Mark Nixon, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Vitomir Struc, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
** Advisory Editors **
Rama Chellappa, University of Maryland, United States
Josef Kittler, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
For more information visit:
ass.prof. Vitomir Struc, PhD
Laboratory of Artificial Perception, Systems and Cybernetics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
University of Ljubljana
Tel: +386 1 4768 839
Fax: +386 1 4768 316
URL: luks.fe.uni-lj.si/nluks/people/vitomir-struc/
Co-organizer: Workshop on Biometric in the Wild 2017
Program Co-chair: International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis 2017
Competition Co-chair: International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2017
Dear colleagues
I wonder if you are able to help me please. I am a third year Psychology student with the Open University and I am just about to embark on my final year experimental project.
My area of interest for this project is the interaction between simultaneous vs sequential presentation and neutral vs leading phrasing in accuracy rates of rejection in target absent line-ups. I have been searching high and low for short videos of nonviolent crimes (I'm aiming for 4).
Do you have any advice about where I could go about locating anything like that?
I really appreciate you talking the time to read my email.
Thank you
Kind regards
Bonnie Parker
Research Administrator
Department of Physics
King's College London
Strand Building S3.07 | Strand | London | WC2R 2LS
+44 (0) 20 7848 2155