Apologies for cross-posting
2nd International Workshop on Face and Gesture Analysis for Health Informatics
Accepted papers will be published at the CVF open access archive.
Submission Deadline Extended: May 1st, 2019.
The camera-ready deadline: May 15th, 2019.
The 2d International Workshop on Face and Gesture Analysis for Health Informatics (FGAHI
2019) will be held in conjunction with IEEE CVPR 2019 on June 16th - June 21st, Long Beach, CA.
For details concerning the workshop program, paper submission, and
guidelines please visit our workshop website at:
Best regards,
Zakia Hammal
Zakia Hammal, PhD
The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Dear All,
I would appreciate it if you`d propagate the following opportunity.
The Institute of Psychology at the University of Pecs, Hungary, has started
a PhD program for international students. During the program, among other
possibilities, students can join research that aims to extend our knowledge
about the cognitive and neural background of face perception. We`re
particularly interested in how semantic knowledge about a person interacts
with affective processes. The students will have access to the following
equipment in our lab:
- device for accurate reaction time measurement (cedrus)
- eye-tracker (Toobi XT300)
- physiological measurements (BIOPAC modules: EDA, heart rate, respiration
rate, EMG etc)
Please note that there is a tuition fee (3500 euros per semester in the
first and second year, and 2500 euros per semester in the third and fourth
year). However, students from selected countries (mainly from Asia, Africa,
and South America) may apply for a *scholarship* by the *Stipendium
Hungaricum* which covers both tuition fee and costs of living. The list of
eligible countries can be found here:
There is still three weeks until the application deadline for the
scholarship (15.01.2022.) The deadline for the program without Stipendium
Hungaricum scholarship is 31.01.2022.
Details about the program:
PhD in Psychology
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences At the University Pécs you may
study psychology at doctoral level. This can help you start a career at
academic institutions, private or state-own research companies, or
for-profit businesses, where you can transfer your broad knowledge into an
applied field.
Informal enquiries can be sent to kocsor.ferenc(a)pte.hu. Students with a
background in psychology, biology, or other related fields, are welcome to
best regards
*Ferenc Kocsor, PhD*
Institute of Psychology
Faculty of Humanites and Social Sciences
University of Pécs