Apologies for cross-posting
2nd International Workshop on Face and Gesture Analysis for Health Informatics
Accepted papers will be published at the CVF open access archive.
Submission Deadline Extended: May 1st, 2019.
The camera-ready deadline: May 15th, 2019.
The 2d International Workshop on Face and Gesture Analysis for Health Informatics (FGAHI
2019) will be held in conjunction with IEEE CVPR 2019 on June 16th - June 21st, Long Beach, CA.
For details concerning the workshop program, paper submission, and
guidelines please visit our workshop website at:
Best regards,
Zakia Hammal
Zakia Hammal, PhD
The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
I was wondering whether anyone is aware of a paper that reports
view-specific responses to faces in the hippocampus of primates, human or
non-human? I am aware of the reports on view-invariant responses to faces
in the hippocampus.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Caspar M. Schwiedrzik
ICLD-EpiRob 2020 Journal Track - Call for Journal Articles for Oral or
Poster Presentation
The program committee of the 10th IEEE International Conference on
Development and Learning (ICDL) invites published journal articles to be
presented in the Journal Track of ICDL.
28th-30th October 2020, Valparaiso, Chile
==== COVID-19 Update ====
We have been monitoring the situation evolving around COVID-19 closely and
after considering multiple options, together with our partners, we have
the following changes:
- The conference will be rescheduled to the 28th to 30th of October of
This will be almost two months later than initially planned.
- Additionally, ICDL 2020 will be a hybrid event with on-site and online
participants. Online/Virtual attendees will have a reduced registration fee.
- Moreover, we have extended all our deadlines. Already submitted articles
can be modified.
- Finally, we will record and make as many of the talks available to the
We hope that with these changes, we can still make exiting state-of-the-art
research on cognitive and developmental systems to as many of you as
Stay safe and we hope to welcome you in Valparaiso.
==== Important Dates ====
Submission deadline: 29th June 2020
Author notification: 20th of July 2020
Conference: 28th-30th October 2020
==== Overview ====
The Journal Track is designed to provide a forum to discuss important
results related to cognitive and developmental systems recently published
as journal articles, but have not been previously presented as conference
papers. Thus, the journal track offers an opportunity to present
outstanding results that might otherwise not be submitted to a conference
due to their length and complexity.
All accepted journal presentations will be selected for either oral or
poster presentation during the conference based on the reviews - at least
one author is expected to register to ICDL 2020 and to present the paper in
==== Submissions ====
Candidate papers must be original research articles published in a journal
relevant to the research area during 2019 or 2020. Papers that are in press
may be submitted as long as the final camera-ready version is available
online. Extensions of papers that have been previously presented as
conference papers may NOT be submitted to this track.
All submissions must be made by email to Francisco Cruz, including (in a
single PDF):
- Title of the original journal paper.
- Abstract of the paper.
- A complete reference to the original paper in APA format.
- URL where the paper can be downloaded from the publisher if available, or
proof of the final acceptance.
- A copy of the paper with its final camera-ready contents.
Submissions will go through an expedited selection process led by the
conference chairs. Selection criteria include the significance of the
results and relevance to the ICDL community.
==== Scope and Topics ====
The primary list of topics of interest includes, but not limited to:
- principles and theories of development and learning;
- development of skills in biological systems and robots;
- nature vs nurture, developmental stages;
- models on the contributions of interaction to learning;
- verbal, non-verbal and multi-modal interaction;
- models on active learning;
- architectures for lifelong learning;
- emergence of body and affordance perception;
- analysis and modeling of human motion and state;
- models for prediction, planning and problem solving;
- models of human-human and human-robot interaction;
- emergence of verbal and non-verbal communication;
- epistemological foundations and philosophical issues;
- robot prototyping of human and animal skills;
- ethics and trust in computational intelligence and robotics;
- social learning in humans, animals, and robots.
==== Organizing committee ====
General Chairs: Giulio Sandini, and Javier Ruiz-del-Solar
Program and Finance Chairs: Nicolás Navarro-Guerrero, and María-José Escobar
Bridge Chairs: Minoru Asada, Frédéric Alexandre, and Linda Smith
Publicity Chairs: Carmelo Bastos, Maya Cakmak, Angelo Cangelosi, Yukie
Nagai, and Emre Ugur
Publication Chairs: Pablo Barros, and Haian Wu
Journal Track Chair: Francisco Cruz
Tutorials and Workshops Chair: Miguel Solis
Travel and Registration Awards Chair: Francisco Cruz
Local chairs: Mauricio Araya
Webpage Chairs: Cristóbal Nettle, and Patricio Castillo
Graphics: Camila Angel Alfaro
Best regards from the organizing committee,
Francisco Cruz
Research Fellow in Reinforcement Learning
School of Information Technology
Deakin University
Locked Bag 20000, Geelong, VIC 3220
Call for Submissions (COVID-19 Update)
ACM 20th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
New Venue and Date: Online Conference, October 19th-23rd 2020
SUBMISSION DATES (Full Papers, Extended Abstracts)
First Submission deadline: Monday, June 15, 2020 (23:59 UTC-12) (Already open but extended)
Second Submission deadline: Monday, August 3rd, 2020 (23:59 UTC-12)
Submission page: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iva20
2020 Intelligent Virtual Agents
Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) Annual Conference is the premier international event for interdisciplinary research on the design, application, and evaluation of Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVAs) with a specific focus on the ability to socially interact.
*** IVA 2020 will be the 20th Annual Conference. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be held as a series of moderated online panel sessions with selected authors. All accepted Full Papers and Extended Abstracts will be published in ACM proceedings ***
IVAs are interactive characters that exhibit human-like qualities including communicating using natural human modalities such as facial expressions, speech and gesture. IVAs are also capable of real-time perception, cognition, emotion and action that allows them to participate in dynamic social situations.
IVA 2020 aims to showcase cutting-edge research on the design, application, and evaluation of IVAs, as well as the basic research underlying the technology that supports human-agent interaction such as social perception, dialog modeling, and social behavior planning. We also welcome submissions on central theoretical issues, uses of virtual agents in psychological research and showcases of working applications.
IVA 2020 offers two submission tracks: Papers (8 pages, including references) and Extended Abstracts (3 pages, including references). We welcome and encourage the submission of early results and work in progress as Extended Abstracts.
All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed by a group of external expert reviewers. All accepted submissions will be published in the ACM proceedings. Accepted Full Papers, and select Extended Abstracts, will be included in moderated online panel sessions, spread out across the conference week. Papers rejected at the first submission round (deadline 15th of June) may be invited to submit a revision by the second submission round (deadline 3rd of August). The second submission is also open for new submissions.
IVA invites submissions on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:
Agent design and modeling of:
- Cognition
- Emotion (including personality and cultural differences)
- Socially communicative behavior (e.g., of emotions, personality traits)
- Conversational behavior
- Social perception
- Machine learning approaches to agent modeling
- Approaches to realizing adaptive behavior
- Models informed by theoretical and empirical research from psychology
Multimodal interaction:
- Verbal and nonverbal behavior coordination
- Face-to-face communication skills
- Engagement
- Managing co-presence and interpersonal relation
- Multi-party interaction
- Data driven multimodal modeling
Social agent architectures:
- Design criteria and design methodologies
- Engineering of real-time human-agent interaction
- Standards / measures to support interoperability
- Portability and reuse
- Specialized tools, toolkits and tool chains
Evaluation methods and studies:
- Evaluation methodologies and user studies
- Ethical considerations and societal impact
- Applicable lessons across fields (e.g. between robotics and virtual agents)
- Social agents as a means to study and model human behavior
- Applications in education, skills training, health, counseling, games, art, etc.
- Virtual agents in games and simulations
- Social agents as tools in psychology
- Migration between platforms
Exploring Connections between Computer Science, Robotics and Psychology.
Across computer science, robotics, psychology and the commercial world, there has been a rapid growth in the research, development and application of artificial social agents. Computer scientists and roboticists are researching graphics-based and physical social agents. Psychologists and neuroscientists are using these artifacts in laboratory experiments in order to study our interaction with them as well as to use them as confederates in the study of human behavior. Companies are actively developing similar technologies. However, these communities too rarely interact even though there are close synergies between psychology, the study of human behavior, and artificial social agents, the engineering of human behavior. The design of an artificial social agent involves the formalization of theories and data about human behavior, integration of resulting models into an agent and evaluation of its behavior, leveraging techniques derived from psychology. Each of these steps can in return be of fundamental value to psychological research. For example, formalization and integration forces one to concretely specify theoretical constructs and thereby expose hidden assumptions and gaps in theories. IVA 2020's Special Topic provides an invitation to researchers and developers across disciplines to share their work on the challenges and uses of social agent research, in the hope to further trans-disciplinary collaboration.
Paper submissions should be anonymous and prepared in the "ACM Standard" format, more specifically the "SigConf" format.
- The LaTeX template for the "ACM Standard"/"SigConf" format can be found inside the official 2017 ACM Master article template package. Please use the most recent version available at: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template#h-latex-authors
- The "ACM Standard" Microsoft Word template is currently not part of the downloadable package as the ACM is currently revising it to improve accessibility of resulting PDF-documents. Please use the "Interim Word Template" instead as per the instructions in: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template#h-word-authors
IVA 2020 accepts two types of submissions:
- Full Papers: 8 pages (including references)
- Extended Abstracts: 3 pages (including references)
All papers must be submitted in PDF-format.
- Supplementary material: IVA 2020 does not contemplate the upload of supplementary material. If necessary to direct readers to supplemental data, we encourage authors to host such material in a public repository and add a link to it in the paper.
- First Submission Deadline: Monday, June 15, 2020 (23:59 UTC-12)
- First Notification of acceptance: Wednesday, July 15, 2020
- Second Submission Deadline: Monday, August 3rd, 2020 (23:59 UTC-12)
- Second Notification of acceptance: Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020
- Camera-Ready Submission: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 (23:59 UTC-12)
- Online Conference Dates: October 19th-23rd 2020
Conference Chairs:
- Stacy Marsella, University of Glasgow
- Rachael Jack, University of Glasgow
Program Chairs:
- Hannes Vilhjalmsson, Reykjavik University
- Pedro Sequeira, SRI International
- Emily Cross, University of Glasgow
Contact: iva20(a)easychair.org
Workshop/Demonstration Organization Chairs:
- Lucile Callebert, University of Glasgow
- Florian Pecune, University of Glasgow
Contact: workshopsdemos.iva2020(a)gmail.com
Web Site
- Amol Deshmukh, University of Glasgow
Doctoral Consortium
- Jonathan Gratch, ICT/USC
- Catherine Pelachaud, CNRS
Publicity Chair
- Mary Ellen Foster, University of Glasgow
Volunteer Coordinator:
- Carolyn Saund, University of Glasgow