Face-research-list March 2019

  • 7 participants
  • 9 discussions

Deadline Extended FGAHI@CVPR 2019, 2nd International Workshop on Face and Gesture Analysis for Health Informatics
by zakia hammal
5 years, 11 months

Postdoc Position in Face Perception Available
by BURNS E. (597993)
5 years, 11 months

Asian & Caucasian face example stimuli
by Catriona.Havard
5 years, 11 months

Postdoctoral position in object and face recognition at NYU Abu Dhabi
by Olivia Cheung
5 years, 11 months

A fully funded PhD: Top-down effects of mental state on face perception
by Daniel.Gill
5 years, 11 months

artifacts in psychomorph
by Rachel Robbins
5 years, 12 months

[CFP] Emotion Recognition in the Wild Challenge
by abhinav dhall
5 years, 12 months

FGAHI@CVPR 2019, 2nd International Workshop on Face and Gesture Analysis for Health Informatics
by zakia hammal
6 years

ICMI 2019: Call for Long and Short Papers
by zakia hammal
6 years
Results per page: