Face-research-list March 2018

  • 5 participants
  • 7 discussions

Open Positions: 1 Ph.D. student and 2 Postdocs in the area of Computer Vision and Deep Learning at INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
by Antitza Dantcheva
6 years, 7 months

PhD studentships at Stirling
by Peter Hancock
6 years, 11 months

The OMG-Emotion Recognition Challenge
by Pablo Barros
6 years, 11 months

Stirling/ESRC face database update
by Peter Hancock
6 years, 12 months

Database of faces across lifespan
by Marlene Behrmann
7 years

Re: [Face-research-list] Database of faces across lifespan (Marlene Behrmann)
by %Edwin Burns (Dr)
7 years

Re: [Face-research-list] Database of faces across lifespan (Marlene Behrmann)
by Jodie Davies-Thompson
7 years
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