Face-research-list July 2017

  • 5 participants
  • 8 discussions

Individual differences in face perception and person recognition - That's CRPI
by Peter Hancock
7 years, 7 months

Lecturer/SL at Stirling
by Peter Hancock
7 years, 7 months

CBAR@ACII 2017 CFP: 5th International Workshop on Context Based Affect Recognition @ ACII 2017
by zakia hammal
7 years, 7 months

Postdoctoral Position, University of Hong Kong: Understanding eye movements in cognitive tasks
by Janet Hsiao
7 years, 8 months

Position available for PhD student at the FSU Jena, Germany
by Gyula Kovacs
7 years, 8 months

photo comparison
by Peter Hancock
7 years, 8 months

grants from ESRC/BBSRC
by Jodie Davies-Thompson
7 years, 8 months

Models of Human Face Perception PhD at Stirling
by Peter Hancock
7 years, 8 months
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