Face-research-list July 2012

  • 10 participants
  • 10 discussions

"30 YEARS OF RESEARCH ON FACES" on September 25-26, 2012 in Dijon (France).
by ornella godard
12 years, 5 months

Re: [Face-research-list] Face-research-list Digest, Vol 18, Issue 10
by Gary Cottrell
12 years, 7 months

Re: [Face-research-list] Face-research-list Digest, Vol 18, Issue 9
by Andy Young
12 years, 7 months

query on HSF/LSF face processing and hemispheric asymmetries
by Gary Cottrell
12 years, 7 months

Question about micro-expression datasets
by Wen-Sheng Chu
12 years, 7 months

Request for two-tone face detection stimuli
by Nicola Gregory
12 years, 7 months

Lecturer in the Biological Basis of Behaviour at Australian National University
by Elinor McKone
12 years, 7 months

Does anyone know of a good emotion/expression recognition test that uses dynamic expressions and not static images?
by Garga Chatterjee
12 years, 8 months

RA post (Face perception) at MRC CBU
by Andy Calder
12 years, 8 months

FW: request for stimuli which differ by one feature only
by Peter Hancock
12 years, 8 months
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