Face-research-list May 2012

  • 5 participants
  • 8 discussions

REMINDER Call For Papers: Workshop on Context Based Affect Recognition CBAR12
by zakia hammal
12 years, 9 months

FW: Asian face set with different intenisties of expression
by Peter Hancock
12 years, 9 months

FRL submission - UNSW Vice Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
by David White
12 years, 9 months

MSc Face Perception
by Peter Hancock
12 years, 9 months

Post-doctoral position at Newcastle University in imaging and electrophysiology
by Quoc Vuong
12 years, 9 months

FW: "What's in a Face?" Workshop at ECCV
by Peter Hancock
12 years, 9 months

post-doctoral position at Newcastle/Louvain
by Quoc Vuong
12 years, 9 months

Postdoc and RA positions for project on hormones, behavior, and face perception
by Jones, Professor Benedict C.
12 years, 10 months
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