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"Face-research-list Digest, Vol 23, Issue 4" envoyé le 12/23/2012 13:00:02.
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Dear all,
I am looking for video or 3D animation of facial expressions that can
be manipulated to subtly alter the gender and identity of each face.
The idea is that we wish to run an expression discrimination task and
a gender discrimination task using the same or similar video stimuli.
Alternatively, does anyone know of a video database that was designed
for this sort of comparison? e.g..: expression sequences with faces
morphed to produce 100% male, 25% male, etc.
This may be a long shot, but if anyone has any suggestions I would be
extremely grateful.
Thank you in advance,
Hayley Darke
MPsych/PhD candidate
Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences
University of Melbourne
Victoria, AUSTRALIA, 3010
Email: h.darke(a)
Dear all,
Does anyone know/have black face database?
We plan to do a gender judgment task, so both male and female
faces are needed.
Thanks for any help!
Jing Chen
Psychology Department,
The University of Hong Kong
Would it be possible to post this advert for a Postdoc at Birkbeck on an
ESRC-funded project on face perception on the face research list?
Thank you very much,
Martin Eimer
Martin Eimer
Professor of Psychology
Birkbeck College, University of London
Phone: 020 7631 6358
Lab Website:
Dear All
I am looking for colour images East Asian Faces, so ideally Chinese or Japanese (although they need to be all the same ethnicity). I need two different images of each face, with all the hair visible. Does anyone know of a face image set of this type.
Thanks in advance.
Dr Catriona Havard
Lecturer in Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall,
Milton Keynes
Tel: 01908 654554
To access a selection of my papers please see:
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