You need to register by 7th April - looks like some interesting talks - a few of interest to BERGers highlighted....

16th April 16:40 16:50 Simeon Q Smeele et al Brainy lives: do larger brained parrots live longer?

16th April 15:10 15:20 Shany Dror Ádám Miklósi, et al Examining the speed at which dogs can learn new object names

16th April 17:40 17:50 Juan Ramón Peralta & Rincón Pim Edelaar Sensorial virtual realities as a tool to study behavior

15th April 12:40 12:50 Alice Bouchard & Klaus Zuberbühler An intentional vocalisation facilitates group cohesion in chimpanzees

From: ASAB Communications Officer <>
Sent: 06 April 2021 10:02
To: Hannah Buchanan-Smith <>
Subject: Don't forget to register for ASAB Easter Meeting 2021
CAUTION: This email originated from outside University of Stirling. Do not follow links or open attachments if you doubt the authenticity of the sender or the content.

Good morning!

This is your final reminder to register for the ASAB Easter Meeting 2021. We're so excited for all the workshops, talks, and social events that we've got planned! Registration closes tomorrow (April 7th) - click here to register.

This is also your final reminder to submit your science communication video by tomorrow  for our first ever ASAB video contest. There are four cash prizes of £100 to be won, so don't miss out! Click here for more information and to submit your video. Videos will be judged and winners announced at the ASAB Easter meeting.

The ASAB Easter meeting schedule, including titles and abstracts for contributed talks, can be found here. And our Meet the PIs page is also live (you'll need to register before you can access it).

Looking forward to (virtually) meeting many of you there!
Warm wishes,

Kirsty Graham
ASAB Communications Officer
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