Dear All,

This is just a quick reminder that there is no BERG meeting this week. Looking forward to seeing you all next week (3 March)!

Have a great week everyone.

Best wishes,

BERG seminars this semester:


03-Mar-21, 16:00 

Laetitia Marechal (University of Lincoln) 

“All about that face: facial features as potential drivers for human-primate interactions” 


10-Mar-21, 16:00 

Adrian Soldati (University of Neuchatel) 

“Audience effects of chimpanzee pant hooting” 


17-Mar-21, 16:00 

Jo Setchell (Durham University) 

“Decolonising Primatology” 


24-Mar-21, 16:00 

Drew Enigk (University of New Mexico) 

Social relationship formation and competition among adolescent and adult wild chimpanzees(tentative) 


31-Mar-21, 16:00 

Maël Leroux (University of Zurich) 

Chimpanzee call combinations(tentative) 


07-Apr-21, 16:00 

Maureen McCarthy (University of Southern California) 

PanAf project” (tentative) 


14-Apr-21, 16:00 

Cátia Caeiro (Kyoto University) 



21-Apr-21, 16:00 

Guillaume Dezecache (Université Clermont Auvergne) 

Social cognition in extremis 


28-Apr-21, 16:00 

Erin Wessling (Harvard University) 

“Ecology and behaviour of the 'savannah' chimpanzees (Fongoli, Senegal)” (tentative) 

5-May-21, 16:00

Giacomo Melis (University of Stirling)



  Best wishes, 


Pawel and Sarah 

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