Dear BERGers,

A group of early career researchers and myself recently submitted a new Sci-Comm video to ASAB for their second video competition, and I am thrilled to say we placed second! The winning video is in this ASAB newsletter (below), and you can see ours amongst the other three on the website 🙂. The title is "Paradigmal Activity: Ghost Control Paradigms in Social Learning Research." Hopefully it succeeds in giving you both thrills and chills! ðŸ‘»

Eerily yours,

Sarah B. Kraemer 

PhD Student | Department of Psychology
Behaviour and Evolution Research Group [BERG]
Scottish Primate Research Group [SPRG]
University of Stirling, UK

From: ASAB Communications Officer <>
Sent: Monday, July 5, 2021 9:11 AM
To: Sarah Kraemer <>
Subject: ASAB video workshop competition winners
CAUTION: This email originated from outside University of Stirling. Do not follow links or open attachments if you doubt the authenticity of the sender or the content.

Winner of the ASAB video workshop competition: "Feather Brain: Innovation in children and cockatoos", by Alexander Nunns, Jennifer Colbourne, Katrin Herzhauser and Poppy Lambert
Dear ASAB members,

I hope this finds you well. The organisers of the 2021 Easter meeting at Bristol are delighted to announce the winners of the video entries submitted as part of the film-making workshop. And the winners are (drumroll please)....
Alexander Nunns, Jennifer Colbourne, Katrin Herzhauser and Poppy Lambert
for their film titled... 

Feather Brain: Innovation in children and cockatoos

Congratulations all of you! Your prize money will be winging its way to you soon.

A massive thank you to all of you who entered the competition. The quality of the videos was fantastic. All submissions are available to watch here, on the ASAB website.
Warm regards,

Martin, Bex and Christos
Conference organisers at ASAB Easter 2021

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