Dear BERGers,
Please see the attached current BERG schedule for the Autumn semester.
The 23rd September and 21st October are still free, if anyone would like give a talk.
Please note, there will be no meeting on 2nd December, as the PSGB meeting will be held on
this date. The ASAB meeting will also take place on 3rd-4th December. Both meetings are of
relevance to BERGers, so do consider registering!
This Wednesday will be our first meeting after the summer, and so shall be a welcome back
session, with informal introductions. It will be held at 5:30pm in Room 3A94 (Psychology
common room), and will have drinks and nibbles available.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Very best,
From: BERG <berg-bounces(a)> on behalf of Hayley Ash
Sent: 04 September 2015 19:04
To: berg Mailing List
Subject: [BERG] Autumn BERG seminars
Dear BERGers,
I hope you've had a good summer!
It's time to start planning our BERG seminars for the Autumn semester. We already have
some great speakers lined up, but there are a few more spaces, so please consider giving a
seminar this semester. You can sign up by following this link to the doodle poll:
For those of you who have signed up, could you please send me your title by next Wednesday
9th Sept latest , so I can circulate the programme in advance
Our BERG meetings are only as good as we make them, so please encourage any students or
colleagues interested in behaviour and evolution to come along to a meeting, or sign up to
the BERG mailing list at
I look forward to seeing you all at BERG this semester!
Very best,