Begin forwarded message:
From: Laura Scullion Hall <>
Subject: [Stir3Rs] September seminar - 'Our local AWERB - what's in it for me?'
Date: 13 September 2017 at 13:13:08 BST
To: stir3rs Mailing List <>
Reply-To: Stir3Rs Group <>
_______________________________________________Dear all,
I’m delighted to say that our first Stir3Rs seminar of the autumn semester will take place on Wednesday 27th September at 1.30pm in Cottrell 2A54. We have Dr Penny Hawkins, head of the RSPCA’s lab animals science group, talking to us about 'Our local AWERB - what's in it for me?’. The talk will focus on the benefits of ethical review for researchers and scientific quality, and will be relevant to all of those whose research involves animals (including non-regulated research). Please forward this announcement to staff or postgraduates not on the list who may be interested in attending.
Kind regards
Dr Laura Scullion Hall
Research Fellow
Behaviour and Evolution Research Group
Psychology, School of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling FK9 4LA
Tel.:+44 (0)1786 466849
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