Jim sent this on – as he thought this position might interest some graduating students, BERG members etc.
Assistant Teamleader Primate Department
Hiring Organization:
Stichting AAP
Position Description:
At Foundation AAP we give shape to our ideal in a professional manner: to improve the welfare of abused or neglected exotic apes and small to medium-sized mammals from all over Europe. For one thing we do this by providing shelter for animals from the illegal trade, circuses, animal testing laboratories or simply private owners. For most animals we find suitable new homes in reserves, zoos or in our own permanent shelter in the south of Spain.
AAP also works to prevent welfare issues by actively exercising influence through both Dutch and European policy-makers and decision-makers in this area, and working work with domestic and foreign professional parties on an active and strategic level. Furthermore, AAP is an internationally authoritative knowledge centre.
There are about 70 people on our pay roll and we have an equal number of volunteers, established on a spacious and modern location in the middle of the green area near Almere. Nowhere else would you be able to see the result of your efforts so directly: each animal taken to our grounds and into our care, recuperates. You will be part of a tight, professional group of colleagues: from caretaker to fundraiser, all with the same ideal purpose.
Your role
In this remarkably versatile and fascinating position you coordinate and execute the animal care process in the Primate Department. You conduct this work under the leadership and responsibility of the team leader of this department. Practically your activities will consist of facilitating your team, in order to optimize daily affairs in the department. Now and then you will be cooperative / executive (tending to, cleaning, feeding, observing and help forming primate groups). The team exist of 10 (partially english speaking) experienced animal care takers, trainees and volunteers. Additionally you will have some administrative tasks.
Our offer
We offer a job with much individual responsibility in an open international, professional organisation in a natural environment where animals and humans are what it’s all about. Your initial salary varies between € 1.403 and € 1.552 (gross based on 32 hours), and anual growth is possible.
Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Free lunch
Term of Appointment:
Carrying out a practical assignment is part of the application procedure.
Application Deadline:
7 november 2011
You can call Huub Vlemmix, team leader primates, for more info: (036)5238755. Send your application letter and CV before November 7th 2011 mentioning number 2011-18-ORATLPR, preferably by e-mail to working.at@aap.nl or by mail to Stichting AAP, Kemphaanpad 1, P.O. Box 50313, 1305 AH Almere, The Netherlands, attn. Elly Koppers, Coordinator Personnel Department.
Contact Information:
Elly Koppers
Kemphaanpad 1
Almere 1305 AH
Telephone Number:
0031 36 5238787
E-mail Address:
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