Care-giving is puzzling.
Providing care to others when they are sick and contagious is dangerous; the carer risks contracting the disease. Under these circumstances, care-giving should not evolve. This project examines how the psychological changes that occurred in the human lineage
after we diverged from other apes may have facilitated care-giving in our species.
Have you ever wondered why we take care of others when they are sick? Want to help figure out why? We are recruiting groups of 2 - 10 friends to participate in this project investigating how people respond to images of friends and strangers
when they look healthy and unhealthy. You would first have your pictures taken (Part 1) and then participate in eye-tracking and pupillometry experiments with video recording (Part 2).
Participants will be reimbursed with 2 tokens and a £20 Amazon voucher.
After completing Part 1, participants will be invited to sign up for Part 2.
For any queries, please send an email to rachel.cassar@stir.ac.uk.