Dear Behaviour & Evolution Research Group (BERG) & Stirling Human-Animal Interaction Research Group (SHAIR),
We look forward to seeing you all for lots more interesting talks and activities this year.
Owing to the UCU industrial action (strike) which is currently taking place 11-29 September, there are to be no talks during September.
Please find the
forthcoming schedule here and
below. We will circulate abstracts ahead of each session.
Weds 4 Oct 4-5pm Welcome & Social Event
Join us to welcome new members, chat and play animal-themed boardgames.
Weds 11 Oct 4-5pm Talk: Devon Docherty & Carol Jasper, University of Stirling*
The ‘Cheese Paradox’: The Psychology of Egg and Dairy Consumption in Vegetarians
Weds 18 Oct 4-5pm Talk: Toryn Whitehead, King’s College London*
Planning for large carnivore coexistence in Scotland: A shifting baseline syndrome perspective
*All are welcome to join us for dinner along with the speaker afterwards! Please email ( if you would like to come along. Dinner will be off-campus and at the expense of individuals attending.
BERG meetings will take place in the Psychology Common Room (Cottrell, C3A94), Wednesdays 4-5pm. We will circulate a link for hybrid in advance, when available.
Please send your suggestions for future speakers for the Spring semester (to PGRs especially, please don’t miss out on this as a networking and learning opportunity, and a contribution to ‘research culture’ in our division.
Reminder: ASAB winter meeting - it is still possible to register for this free Animal Behaviour conference, 13-14 December (online attendance only now).
We will look forward to seeing everyone soon, including PGR and PGT students and new members.
Best wishes,
Clare, Sharon & Gema
BERG/SHAIR Seminar Organising Team 2023
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