Dear all,
This is just a gentle reminder that today Akzira Abuova from Leipzig University will
present her work on Collaborative dishonesty. The meeting will be online but you are all
welcome to join me in the Psychology Common Room at 4pm.
Collaborative Dishonesty: Children Cheat More When They Benefit Together
Abstract: Collaboration, where individuals work together to achieve mutual benefits, is a
defining feature of human societies. However, research has shown that adults are
particularly willing to commit transgressions when pursuing collaborative goals. The
developmental origins of this phenomenon, as well as its prevalence in non-Western
populations remain largely unexplored.
I will present a study conducted with the Kazakhstani population, examining how
collaborative motives and socio-cultural influences can undermine honesty from an early
stage of development. Additionally, I will briefly outline planned future studies.
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