AMP Friends: As we alerted you this morning, the Institute of Medicine's Committee on the Use of Chimpanzees in Biomedical and Behaviorial Research has released its report. Reaction and media coverage were swift in coming. NIH Director Francis Collins met with the media shortly after the conclusion of the committee's briefing, announcing: I have considered the report carefully and have decided to accept the IOM committee recommendations. NIH is in the process of developing a complete plan for implementation of the IOM's guiding principles and criteria. I will be assembling a working group within the NIH Council of Councils to provide advice on the implementation of the recommendations, and to consider the size and placement of the active and inactive populations of NIH-owned or -supported chimpanzees. We will not issue any new awards for research involving chimpanzees until processes for implementing the recommendations are in place. Several news outlets are already reporting on the committee's report and the NIH's decision, with plenty more commentary certainly to follow in coming days. Here are a few links: New York Times Washington Post Wall Street Journal CNN Associated Press Bloomberg News Service As we suggested this morning, please read the full report, and consider joining in the discussion as you are able via your own writing, comments and outreach. 