Interesting-looking job that may be of interest to some!
Type: Permanent / Full time
Salary: £37,877 - £41,631 per annum (under review)
Location: SRUC King's Buildings, Edinburgh, UK
REF: ACF/AVS/015/22
Closing Date: 12 August 2022
We are seeking a highly motivated individual to join our team in the Animal and Veterinary Sciences department and contribute to the development of an exciting research programme investigating social science applied to perspectives of animal welfare. Specifically, we are seeking someone to develop research ideas to understand more about different perspectives on animal welfare, and to contribute to influencing human behaviour change to improve aspects of animal welfare. Where appropriate the post would also contribute to aspects of our undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programmes, particularly through supervision of research student projects.
Main Responsibilities
1. Undertake appropriate social science research on perceptions of positive animal welfare and best practice to implement positive welfare amongst different sectors of society
2. Assist in developing a programme of research that uses social science to understand human views of animal welfare and the challenges and opportunities to improving welfare in practice
3. Teaching duties in relation to our BSc and Masters programmes on social science aspects of animal welfare
4. Investigate funding opportunities in this area and assist in the preparation of grant applications
In August 2022, all academic roles will be assimilated to a new job families structure. Details are contained within the Job Particulars document.
Closing date: 12 August 2022
Further information
Please read the Job Particulars document<…> before proceeding with your application
To apply for this role, please use the SRUC online application system<…>. CVs will not be accepted without a completed application form
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